An abbreviated report this month as I was in Cyprus from 2nd to 25th.
Many thanks to the band of local birders for keeping me informed on what I was missing!
A odd start to the month, a spell of unusually warm weather from 16th - 27th which broke into showers and F6/7 winds on 28th.
12 new species for the year - unexpected were LITTLE GULL, CASPIAN GULL, SPOONBILL, SHORT EARED OWL, FIRECREST, MARSH TIT, taking the total to 128 (c/f 2018 -122, 2017 - 127)
109 species recorded in the month (c/f 2018 - 108, 2017 - 115).
BLACK SWAN - Last Reported On South Huish Marsh At the beginning of the month.
BARNACLE GOOSE - 2 with the CANADA flock on South Huish Marsh 26th to 28th.
SHELDUCK - 20+ on South Efford Marsh on 26th.
WIGEON - Max on South Huish Marsh - 67 on 17th, on South Efford Marsh 60 on 26th.
TEAL - Max on South Huish Marsh - 30 on 26th - Up to 50 on South Efford Marsh.
SHOVELER - A pair flew onto South Huish Marsh on 26th.
GOOSANDER - Near Hatch Bridge 1 m 5 f on 26th.
RED THROATED DIVER - 2 on the sea on 3rd.
BLACK THROATED DIVER - 1 on the sea on 28th.
FULMAR - 8 flew SE on 28th.
SPOONBILL - 1 on South Efford Marsh on 12th.
COOT - first returning bird on South Huish Marsh on 15th.
WATER RAIL - Up to 7 on South Milton Ley.
WADERS - 13 species recorded.
OYSTERCATCHER - Max of 20 on 26th.
RINGED PLOVER - Max of 10 on South Huish Marsh on 12th.
GOLDEN PLOVER -Cold weather brought 6 to South Huish Marsh on 2nd.
LAPWING - Max of 40 over South Efford Marsh on 24th.
DUNLI N - 1 on South Efford Marsh on 3rd.
SNIPE - Max of 5 on South Huish Marsh on 17th.
BLACK TAILED GODWIT - 30 on South Efford Marsh all month.
CURLEW - Up to 22 on South Efford Marsh all month.
COMMON SANDPIPER - 1 on River Avon on 6th.
GREEN SANDPIPER - 1 on South Efford Marsh on 10th.
GREENSHANK - 14 on 26th on River Avon/ South Efford Marsh is highest winter total for some years.
REDSHANK - 9 on South Efford Marsh on 26th.
TURNSTONE - Max of 10 on the rocks on 27th and 28th.
LITTLE GULL -1 flew over South Huish Marsh , then SE on 8th.
MED GULL - Max of 14 on 28th with 7 on South Huish Marsh and 7 single birds flying SE across the Bay - Only 1 W otherwise a mix of Adults and 2 W.
CASPIAN GULL - 1 photographed by Alan on South Huish Marsh on 8th
GLAUCOUS GULL - Alan found a 1W on South Huish Marsh on 28th.
BARN OWL - recorded at Aveton Gifford.
TAWNY OWL - 2 at South Milton Ley on 25th - Also calling at 3 other sites.
LITTLE OWL - Eric Reported 1 callings at Aveton Gifford on 1st.
SHORT EARED OWL - 1 Reported by a visiting birder in the Bantham and Buckland Valley area on 16th and 17th.
FIRECREST - 1 Reported in the woods at Hope Cove on 11th.
MARSH TIT -Eric had one behind his flat on 1st.
CETTIS WARBLER - 3 Singing at South Milton Ley on 25th.
CHIFFY - Alan had a total of 28 caught on 25th at South Milton Ley.
BLACKCAP - Reported from Gardens At Aveton Gifford.
FIELDFARE - 10 flew over a Thurlestone Garden early on 1st.
REDWING -9 over a Thurlestone Garden on 1st.
MISTLE THRUSH - 1 near South Milton on 28th.
DIPPER - A pair by Hatch Bridge.
WATER PIPIT - A max of 3 on South Huish Marsh on 11th.
YELLOW HAMMER, CIRL BUNTING, REED BUNTING - still up to 30 birds in total in the flock near South Milton Ley.
The warm weather with southerly winds brought some very early Spring migrants throughout the UK - ours were 5 SAND MARTIN reported by Eric over South Efford Marsh on 1st March.