SAT 1 JUNE - 30 June
Marbled Coronet- 30/6
Rosy Footman- 30/6
Elephant Hawkmoth & Sandy Carpet
Shark - 30/6
Four Spotted Footman- 306
<Broad Bordered White
<Satin Wave -29/6
Dot Moth-29/6
Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing -29/6
<Bordered Beauty-29/6
Pretty Calk Carpet-29/6
Marbled Green-29/6
7 Privet Hawkmoth
<Garden Tiger Moth- 28/6
Garden Tiger & Privet , Elephant Hawkmoths-28/6
Plain Golden Y-28/6
<Yellow Shell - record shot - 28/6
Magpie moth - 28/6
Elephant Hawkmoths-27/6
Early Thorn-27/6
Scalloped Oak-27/6
Ingrailed Clay-27/6
Small Angle Shades-27/6
Crescent Plume - 26/6
2 Grey Dagger-agg- 26/6
Elephant ,Small Elephant & Popkar Hawkmoths-26/6
Burnished Brass & Beautiful Hook Tip- 26/6
Burnished Brass with blue wing markings - 25/6
Obscure Wainscot-25/6
Shore Wainscot-25/6
V Pug -25/6
Grey Dagger -agg 25/6
- Hawkmoths- Lime, Elephant & 2 Small Elephant - 24/6
Lime Hawkmoth- 24/6
Broad Bordered White - 24/6
Rosy Footman-24/6
Angle Shades- 24/6
L-album Wainscot- 24/6
Rosy Tabby- 23/6
Common Swift - 23/6
Crescent Plume - 23/6
Swallow-tailed Moth - 23/6
Freyers Pug - 23/6
Wormwood Pug-23/6
Eudonia lineola-236
<Agriphilla tristella - 23/6
Beautiful Hook Tip - 22/6
Shore Wainscot- 22/6
Elephant & Small Elephant Hawkmoths- 22/6
<< New image with text >>Beautiful Golden Y- 22/6
Dingy Footman- 22/6
Small Fan- Foot - 22/6
Beautiful Golden Y- 22/6
Common Emerald- 22/6
Four Spotted Footman-22/6
Miller - 20/6
White Plume - 20/6-20/6
Cream -bordered Green Pea- 20/6
Royal Mantle -19/6
Barred Yellow - 19/6
Eyed & Small Elephant Hawkmoths
Riband Wave - 19/6
Scalloped Oak-19/6
Marbled Coronet- 19/6
<Lobster Moth - 19/6
Oegoconia caradjai-17/6
Phycitodes saxicola -17/6
Dwarf CreammWave - 17/6
L-album & Common Wainscot- 17/6
Lobster Moth & Sycamore-16/6
Delicate - 16/6
Palpita Vitrealis-16/6
Cream Spot Tiger -m12/6
Underside view of Cream Spot Tiger- 12/6
Mecyna asinalis-12/6
Heart & Club -12/6
<Small Blood-vein 12/6
Small Blood-vein & L- album Wainscot-12/6
Eyed Hawkmoth-10/6
2 Privet Hawkmoth-10/6
Iron Prominent-10/6
Shears - 11/6
Cream-bordered Green Pea -11/6
<Satin Wave - 11/6
Lead Belle-3/6
Cypress Carpet- 3/6
Small Yellow Wave- 3/6
<< Ruddy Carpet -3/6
Silver- ground Carpet
2 Eyed Hawkmoth - 2/6
Common Lutestring- 2/6
<L- album Wainscot- 1/6
Sallow Kitten - 1/6
Lobster Moth -1/6
Small Elephant Hawkmoth-1/6
<Lime Hawkmoth-1/6
Since 2003 my patch list totals 270
14 APRIL 2024
Reset 10th September 2013 (previously 55000+)
Alderney Bird Observatory
Avon Birds
Devon Birds
Early Worm Ringing
Axe Birding
Birding Exmouth
Christchurch Harbour
Teesmouth Bird Club
Birding the Selsey Peninsula
Cornwall Birding
Belvide Birding
Jersey Bird News
Thurlestone Weather
The Birds of South Gloucestershire
MBS Trophies ( part sponsor with time )