SAT 1 JUNE - 30 June 


Marbled Coronet- 30/6

Rosy Footman- 30/6

Elephant Hawkmoth & Sandy Carpet 

Shark - 30/6

Four Spotted Footman- 306

<Broad Bordered White

<Satin Wave -29/6

Dot Moth-29/6

Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing -29/6

<Bordered Beauty-29/6

Pretty Calk Carpet-29/6

Marbled Green-29/6

7 Privet Hawkmoth 

<Garden Tiger Moth- 28/6

Garden Tiger & Privet , Elephant Hawkmoths-28/6

Plain Golden Y-28/6

<Yellow Shell - record shot - 28/6

Magpie moth - 28/6

Elephant Hawkmoths-27/6

Early Thorn-27/6

Scalloped Oak-27/6

Ingrailed Clay-27/6

Small Angle Shades-27/6

Crescent Plume - 26/6


2 Grey Dagger-agg- 26/6

Elephant ,Small Elephant & Popkar Hawkmoths-26/6

Burnished Brass & Beautiful Hook Tip- 26/6

Burnished Brass with blue wing markings - 25/6

Obscure Wainscot-25/6

Shore Wainscot-25/6

V Pug -25/6

Grey Dagger -agg 25/6

- Hawkmoths- Lime, Elephant & 2 Small Elephant - 24/6

Lime Hawkmoth- 24/6 

Broad Bordered White - 24/6

Rosy Footman-24/6

Angle Shades- 24/6

L-album Wainscot- 24/6

Rosy Tabby- 23/6

Common Swift - 23/6

Crescent Plume - 23/6

Swallow-tailed Moth - 23/6

Freyers Pug - 23/6

Wormwood Pug-23/6

Eudonia lineola-236

<Agriphilla tristella - 23/6

Beautiful Hook Tip - 22/6

Shore Wainscot- 22/6

Elephant & Small Elephant Hawkmoths- 22/6

<< New image with text >>Beautiful Golden Y- 22/6

Dingy Footman- 22/6

Small Fan- Foot - 22/6

Beautiful Golden Y- 22/6

Common Emerald- 22/6

Four Spotted Footman-22/6

Miller - 20/6

White Plume - 20/6-20/6

Cream -bordered Green Pea- 20/6

Royal Mantle -19/6

Barred Yellow - 19/6

Eyed & Small Elephant Hawkmoths 

Riband Wave - 19/6

Scalloped Oak-19/6

Marbled Coronet- 19/6

<Lobster Moth - 19/6

Oegoconia caradjai-17/6

Phycitodes saxicola -17/6

Dwarf CreammWave - 17/6

L-album & Common Wainscot- 17/6

Lobster Moth & Sycamore-16/6

Delicate - 16/6

Palpita Vitrealis-16/6

Cream Spot Tiger -m12/6

Underside view of Cream Spot Tiger- 12/6

Mecyna asinalis-12/6

Heart & Club -12/6 

<Small Blood-vein 12/6

Small Blood-vein & L- album Wainscot-12/6

Eyed Hawkmoth-10/6 

2 Privet Hawkmoth-10/6

Iron Prominent-10/6

Shears - 11/6

Cream-bordered Green Pea -11/6

<Satin Wave - 11/6

Lead Belle-3/6

Cypress Carpet- 3/6

Small Yellow Wave- 3/6

<< Ruddy Carpet -3/6

Silver- ground Carpet 

2 Eyed Hawkmoth - 2/6

Common Lutestring- 2/6

<L- album Wainscot- 1/6

Sallow Kitten - 1/6

Lobster Moth -1/6

Small Elephant Hawkmoth-1/6

<Lime Hawkmoth-1/6