THURLESTONE BAY BIRDS ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 The end of a decade and the start of a new one. This year the total species recorded was 203 (C/f 2019 - 205, 2017 - 204) so once again we past the
magical 200 total. There were 4 outstanding birds recorded - On 15th May a Male KENTISH PLOVER photographed on the beach by Richie Moore. On 30th August a Juv BARRED WARBLER in a garden near
Thurlestone Church. On 19th September Eric Wootton found a LESSER YELLOWLEGS on South Efford Marsh (second patch record - last one at the same site in 1981 and finally On 8th November a male SURF
SCOTER flew NW through the Bay. Looking back over the year there were some notable absences - EGYPTIAN GOOSE, VELVET SCOTER, SCAUP, GREAT SHEARWATER, BITTERN, GLOSSY IBIS, SLAVONIAN GREBE, SPOTTED
REDSHANK, ICELAND GULL, ROSEATE TERN, TURTLE DOVE, COCKOO, BEARDED TIT, RING OUZEL, CROSSBILL - can always hope some of these will be seen in 2020. Outstanding records for each month were:- JANUARY -
116 Species recorded:- LONG TAILED DUCK - A female is amongst a flock of COMMON SCOTER from 10th - 25th - only 3 recorded in the last 10 years. PINTAIL - Surprisingly only record was a female on the
sea on 30th. GOLDENEYE - A female in the Bay on 9th. RED BREASTED MERGANSER - 2 flew NW on 8th. CATTLE EGRET - After high totals in precious year, including a UK national record of 51 in August 2018
(did not last long - later in the month a total of 100+ on the Somerset Levels) only recorded in four months with a max of 3 on South Efford Marsh on 3rd. MARSH HARRIER - One in off the sea at Hope
Cove on 23rd. LITTLE OWL - 1 calling in Aveton Gifford on 14th ( also on 1st February). BLACK REDSTART - A female in a Thurlestone garden on 8th and single bird by the flats on 4th and 9th. BRAMBLING
- Only record for the year was a female in a Thurlestone garden on 20th and 28th. BUNTINGS - A mixed flock feeding on Winter Barley in a field near South Milton Ley contained 25 YELLOWHAMMER, 20 CIRL
BUNTING and t10 REED BUNTING. FEBRUARY - 109 species recorded - years total 127. SPOONBILL - 1 on South Efford Marsh on 12th was the only record this year. GOLDEN PLOVER - Cold weather brought 6 to
South Huish Marsh on 2nd. GREENSHANK - 14 on South Efford Marsh on 26th was the highest Winter total for some years. LITTLE GULL - 1 flew over South Huish Marsh on 8th. CASPIAN GULL - 1 on South
Huish Marsh on 8th. GLAUCOUS GULL - Only record for the year a 1W found by Alan Doidge on South Huish Marsh on 28th. SHORT EARED OWL - 1 reported by a visiting birder in the Bantham area on 16th and
17th. MARSH TIT - 1 in Aveton Gifford on 1st. MARCH - 114 species recorded - years total 139. LITTLE RINGED PLOVER - 1 on South Huish Marsh on 30th with 2 on 31st. PURPLE SANDPIPER - 2 on the
rocks on 6th - only record for the year. RUFF - 4 flew into South Huish Marsh on 29th. SANDWICH TERN - a single on 31st the first migrant. SAND MARTIN - 5 at South Efford Marsh on 1st in probably the
earliest spring record. SWALLOW - First arrival was 1 at South Huish marsh on 13th. HOUSE MARTIN - first arrival 1 at South Huish Marsh on 23rd WILLOW WARBLER - 1 ringed at South Milton Ley on 27th.
WHEATEAR - First were 3 at South Huish Marsh on 23rd. APRIL - 129 species recorded, years total - 160 GARGANEY - Only record for the year a pair on the sea on 13th with 6 GADWALL. COMMON SCOTER -
Highest spring passage was 250 on 9th. BLACK NECKED GREBE - 1 on the sea on 16th was only the second record in the last 15 years. MANX SHEARWATER - A single on 1st with a max of 255 on 23rd.
BLACK THROATED DIVER - A record day count of 12 on 8th. RED KITE - 3 drifted over South Huish Marsh on 3rd. OSPREY - 1 in off the sea over Hope Cove on 8th. HOBBY - first was a single over South
Milton Ley on 14th. AVOCET - 1 on South Huish Marsh on 1st. BAR TAILED GODWIT - passage from 14th with a max of 137 on 22nd. WHIMBREL - recorded from 5th max of 150+ on South Huish Marsh on 17th.
ARCTIC SKUA - 2 on 6th and 1 on 19th. GREAT SKUA - a total of 13 logged on 7 days - max 4 on 8th. SANDWICH TERNS - largest passage 64 on15th with 43 on both5th and 18th. COMMON TERN - Scarce
this spring only 2 records - 4 on 7th and 1 on 16th. ARCTIC TERN - Only recorded on 3 days. - singles 10th and 13th and 2 on 25th. LITTLE TERN - 1 in the Bay on 23rd. SWIFT - first was 1 on18th over
South Huish Marsh. WILLOW WARBLER - 19 ringed at South Milton Ley on 9th. WHITE THROAT - first a single near South Huish Marsh on 9th. GROPPA - single at South Huish Marsh 19th, 3 at South Milton Ley
on 20th SEDGE WARBLER - first at South Milton Ley on 17th. REED WARBLER - first at South Milton Ley on 19th. YELLOW WAGTAIL - first a female at South Huish Marsh on 23rd. WATER PIPIT - 3 at South
Huish Marsh on 1st were already in Summer plumage. MAY - 125 species recorded, years total 168. BALEARIC SHEARWATER - 2 flew SE on 8th. HONEY BUZZARD - Eric had 1 flying over Aveton Gifford on
14th ( only 2 previous records in the last 10 years. RED KITE - Only other record for the year was 1 over South Milton on 15th. AVOCET - 1 on South Huish Marsh on 13th. KENTISH PLOVER - A superb male
photographed by Richie Moore on the beach in the evening of 15th - only the 4th patch record since 1970. SANDERLING - poor passage this year - a max of 57 on 15th. POMARINE SKUA - 3 flew SE on 8th -
1 with spoons. GREAT SKUA -5 flew SE on 8th. ARCTIC SKUA - 1 flew SE on 8th. LESSER WHITETHROAT - singles at 4 sites with at least 1 male singing (not known to breed on the patch). BLUE HEADED
WAGTAIL - only record 1at South Huish Marsh on 10th. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER - Reported from 4 sites. JUNE - 104 species recorded, years total remained at 168. MARSH HARRIER- A Male in off the sea at 7.30
on 23rd. OSPREY - singles reported on 4th and 5th. LITTLE RINGED PLOVER - An adult on South Huish Marsh on 30th. SWIFT - 78 flew SE on 27th - highest count of the year. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER - A pair
feeding young at the end of the month. JULY - 113 species recorded - years total - 172. SOOTY SHEARWATER - 1 flew SE on 30th. STORM PETREL - singles in the Bay on 14th and 18th. WOOD SANDPIPER - 1 on
South Huish Marsh on 26th. PECTORAL SANDPIPER - 1 reported at South Huish Marsh briefly on 14th. STONECHAT - At least 10 juveniles around the patch. BARN OWL - reported from 2 sites. AUGUST - 130
species recorded - years total 181. CORYS SHEARWATER - 1 flew SE on 17th - only record this year. SOOTY SHEARWATER - A total of 8 logged with 3 on 14th and 29th. MANX SHEARWATER - Max of 355 (in 20
mins) on 28th BALEARIC SHEARWATER -Logged on 5 days - a max of 11 on 9th. OSPREY - 1 on the River Avon on 19th and 20th. KNOT - 9 over South Huish Marsh on 27th. LITTLE STINT - 1 on South Huish Marsh
on 28th, 29th and 30th, only record this year. WOOD SANDPIPER - Recorded on 6 days with a max of 2 on 5 dates. GREENSHANK - Max on South Efford Marsh of 12 on 20th. SABINES GULL - A Juv flew SE close
inshore on 14th. WRYNECK - One on the Golf Course on 26th with another next day in a garden near the footbridge - first records for 7 years. BARRED WARBLER - A Juv in a garden near the Church on 30th
(first record for many years). PIED FLYCATCHER - A Juv in a local garden on 25th when also 1 at South Milton Ley another ringed there on 29th. WHINCHAT - first of the year, 1 at South Efford Marsh on
26th when 1 also on the Golf Course. STONECHAT - Max of 18 around the Golf Course 26th - many were juveniles. WHEATEAR - Years max of 14 around the Golf Course on 26th. YELLOW WAGTAIL - Max at South
Huish Marsh 14 on 29th. TREE PIPIT - 6 at South Milton Ley on 12th. SEPTEMBER - 137 species recorded (highest month of the year), years total - 190. MANX SHEARWATER - highest total of the year 430 on
18th. BALEARIC SHEARWATER - 24 on 27th is highest day total. BLACK GUILLEMOT - A 1W sat on the sea on 18th. MARSH HARRIER - A male in off the sea on 20th. LESSER YELLOWLEGS - found by Eric on
South Efford Marsh 18th was present until 20th - gave very good close views. CURLEW SANDPIPER - 1 on South Huish Marsh on 22nd was the only record for the year. GREY PHALAROPE - 1 on South Huish
Marsh 2nd to 6th - only record this year ARCTIC SKUA - recorded on 5 days, a max of 14 on 29th. GREAT SKUA - only 2 on 3 days and a single on 29th. POMARINE SKUA - 1 1W close inshore on 24th. SABINES
GULL - A 1W flew SE on 24th. LITTLE TERN - 5 off Hope Cover on 24th and 1 on 29th. KITTIWAKE - Highest total for the year 540 on 29th. SWIFT - 2 records this month, 1 on 3rd and 2on 19th. SWALLOW - A
roost of 1000+ at Thurlestone Marsh was highest count for the year. HOUSE MARTIN - Large numbers on 3 days with a max of over 3500 moving NW along the coast in 2 hours on 18th. REDSTART - 1 caught
and ringed at South Milton Ley on 14th. YELLOW WAGTAIL - Max of 16 on 1st and last 1 on 22nd at South Huish Marsh. REDPOLL - 1 flew calling over South Huish Marsh. on 3rd. BLACKCAP - A total of 91
ringed at South Milton Ley this month. OCTOBER - 131 species recorded - years total - 196 POCHARD - A male flew SE across the Bay on 7th - only record this year. STORM PETREL - A rare Autumn record
of a single in the Bay on 23rd. GREAT WHITE EGRET - A single flew NW across the Bay on 20th (only record this year). MERLIN - Singles at South Huish Marsh on 7th, 8th and 16th. OSPREY - 1in off the
sea and up South Huish Valley on 26th. JACK SNIPE -1 in flight at South Efford Marsh on 21st. POMARINE SKUA - Singles off Hope Cover on 1st and 16th. ARCTIC SKUA - Impressive day total of 27 on
1st, also 7 on 16th. LITTLE GULL - An adult on South Efford Marsh on 15th. MEDITERRANEAN GULL - A max of 19 on 1st. BLACK TERN - 1 on South Huish Marsh briefly on 1st. WOODLARK - 1 flew north
over the Golf Course on 21st. FIRECREST - Singles at South Milton Ley on 15th and South Efford Marsh on 31st. BLACK REDSTART - a male at Aveton Gifford on 24th and 29th. WHINCHAT - Singles at South
Huish Marsh 3rd and 14th SPOTTED FLYCATCHER - Last of the year 1 in the Hotel Gardens on 3rd. YELLOW BROWED WARBLER - Only record for the year was 1 in a Thurlestone Garden on 15th and 16th. YELLOW
WAGTAIL - Last of the year a female at South Huish Marsh on 16th. NOVEMBER - 123 species recorded - years total - 200. BRENT GOOSE - PALE BELLIED - Unusually 2 on South Huish Marsh from 18th to 30th.
EIDER - 2 flew SE on 10th - only record this year. SURF SCOTER - A male flew NW with a male COMMON SCOTER on 8th - A patch first. CATTLE EGRET - 1 at South Efford Marsh on 9th. MARSH HARRIER - A 2 cy
female at South Huish Marsh on 1st, 3rd and 4th. HEN HARRIER - A ringtail over North Marsh at Aveton Gifford on 5th. SHORT EARED OWL - 1 over South Huish Marsh early on 4th. JACK SNIPE - 1 on South
Huish Marsh on 1st, 4 flushed at South Milton Ley on 20th. CASPIAN GULL - A 1W at South Huish Marsh on 20th. SANDWICH TERN - 1 in the Bay on 30th - Latest ever patch record. FIRECREST - Singles at
Aveton Gifford on 3 days, a total of 12 ringed at South Milton Ley with a patch day record of 9 on 19th. SWALLOW - 2 records this month at South Huish Marsh 5 on 3rd and a single on 24th. YELLOW
BROWED WARBLER - A single bird in bushes by the Golf Club on 2nd. BLACK REDSTART - Single female in a Thurlestone Garden on 4/5th and 21st. DECEMBER - 110 species recorded this month with the years
total increasing to 203. TUFTED DUCK - A male flew SE across the Bay on 4th, surprisingly the only record of the year. RED BREASTED MERGANSER - A pair landed in the Bay during storms on 10th and
spent an hour feeding. KNOT - 2 on South Huish Marsh on 10th were an unusual Winter patch record. RINGED PLOVER - 12 on South Huish Marsh all month. JACK SNIPE - 1 on South Efford Marsh on 7th.
WOODCOCK - 1 in flight near South Milton Village on 1st. LITTLE AUK - 1 flew across the Bay on 5th in the company of a RAZORBILL - size comparison very evident. FIRECREST - Best ever Winter Records -
Another 5 ringed at South Milton Ley, 4 at Aveton Gifford on 25th, with 2 there on 29th when also 3 at South Milton Ley. CHIFFCHAFF - Max at south Milton Ley 28on 17th. BLACK REDSTART - A female by
the flats on 2nd with a male and female at Aveton Gifford on 18th and 27th. Another very enjoyable year concluded once again. In excess of 200 species recorded.