A very mild month, particularly warm in the first week. Another relatively dry month only heavy rain on 17th which was also the only date with gale force winds. From 22nd winds from East until the end of the month.
The excellent year so far just keeps continuing – a total of 125 (c/f 2012 – 122) species recorded with 8 new additions for the year taking the years total to 185 (c/f 2012 - 188 and 2011 – 180), these included BLACK GUILLEMOT (a site first), HONEY BUZZARD, OSPREY, GREY PHALAROPE, GLOSSY IBIS, KNOT, SPOTTED REDSHANK and AQUATIC WARBLER.
Comment must be made on the low numbers of small waders passing through particularly SANDERLING, DUNLIN and TURNSTONE.
Highlights for the month are:-
BRENT GOOSE – Single dark bellied bird flew east on 28th and 30th (an early autumn record).
WIGEON – passage birds moving through from 27th – 20, 28th – 25, 29th – 15.
GADWALL – A female on 2nd was the only record.
TEAL – Small numbers on the marshes up to 19th – then passage birds arriving, 63 on 20th, 55 on 25th, 65 on 27th, 75 on 28th and 50 on 29th/30th.
PINTAIL – Exceptional numbers compared with previous years – 6 on 27th, 9 on 28th and 1 on 29th all moving east usually with WIGEON (another 8 on 2nd October!)
SHOVELER – A female on the marsh from 19th, 2 on 27th and a pair on 29th were new arrivals.
COMMON SCOTER – Only recorded on 3 days – max 20 east on 22nd.
FULMAR – Only small numbers recorded.
MANX SHEARWATER – Only 2 records 10 on 9th and 2 on 23rd all east.
BALEARIC SHEARWATER – 5 on 9th and 4 on 15th.
SOOTY SHEARWATER – 2 flew east on 23rd.
GANNET – max 120+ on 18th.
LITTLE GREBE 1 ad and 1 juv on Thurlestone Marsh all month (don’t think they bred here).
GLOSSY IBIS – late evening on 22nd a visiting birder watched 8 fly onto South Huish Marsh to roost (4 had earlier reported at Torpoint in Cornwall) On morning of 21st at 9.30a.m. only 1 remained. This was seen to fly off at 11.30. At 13.00 10 birds flew into the Marsh with 7 staying until dusk – no sign of them the following day. This is the fourth site record with all the previous ones being singles. Considered to be 1 adult and 9 juvs.
HONEY BUZZARD – AFD had one flying over his garden on the evening of 4th (which he managed to photo) and one over Thurlestone Marsh on 9th (not photographed)
OSPREY – A single record on 8th watched gaining height and heading south out to sea.
HOBBY – One on 5th and one at South Huish Marsh from 22nd to 30th providing superb views of catching dragonflies, reported to be 2 on 24th.
MERLIN – first Autumn bird flying over hedges at Huxton Cross on 25th.
SPARROWHAWK – Up to 3 around the sites.
OYSTERCATCHER – max 41 on 9th.
LITTLE RINGED PLOVER – AFD photographed one on South Huish Marsh on 9th.
RINGED PLOVER – 25 on 8th, 47 on 11th, 19 on 12th, 10 on 23rd and 4 on 27th. (much lower numbers than previous years).
GOLDEN PLOVER – Bob B had 3 on 29th and 2 over Thurlestone on 30th.
GREY PLOVER – 2 on the beach early on 24th and 1 on 28th.
KNOT – first for the year were 2 on 27th with 1 on South Huish Marsh briefly on 29th.
SANDERLING – Only records were singles on 6th and 8th, 2 on 9th, 3 on 11th, 2 on 16th and 2 on 27th.
LITTLE STINT – 2 on Thurlestone Marsh on 13th/14th and 1 on South Huish Marsh on 27th/28th.
CURLEW SANDPIPER – 1 flew through with DUNLIN on 28th.
DUNLIN – Only low numbers recorded until 14 on 23rd and 22 on 27th.
SNIPE – 1 on 20th, 4 on 23rd and 5 on 24th – up to 3 on South Huish Marsh from 20th.
BLACK TAILED GODWIT – recorded on 8 days, max 8 on 8th, 4 from 9th-11th otherwise singles.
BAR TAILED GODWIT – 1 flew west on 9th. 4 in off sea and up the valley on 28th.
COMMON SANDPIPER – 1 on the rocks on 6th.
GREEN SANDPIPER – 1 flew over South Huish Marsh on 20th.
SPOTTED REDSHANK – not an annual bird here so 1 flying over South Huish Marsh late afternoon of 28th was a welcome addition to the year list.
TURNSTONE – Only record 3 on 13th – where have they gone?
GREY PHALAROPE – After a day of westerly gales on 17th Bob B found one sheltering Leasfoot Beach at 17.00 unfortunately did not stay overnight.
MEDITERRANEAN GULL – recorded on 5 days – 3 on 18th and a max of 6 on 30th (4 adult, 1 2nd W, 1 1st W).
LITTLE TERN – a first Autumn record for some years, one feeding close inshore at 17.00 on 19th.
SANDWICH TERN - sparse records – 4 on3rd, 1 on 13th, 2 on 23rd, 7 on 27th and 4 on 30th.
COMMON TERN – 7 flew west on 13th.
ARCTIC TERN – A juv feeding in the Bay on 17th (Bob B and AFD)
Very few seen flying through this month.
BLACK GUILLEMOT – On morning of 19th a 1st Winter picked up flying east just outside the Thurlestone Rock, it did a sweep around before continuing east. A first site record (A few days later an adult going into Winter plumage recorded off the sea wall at Dawlish Warren).
CETTIS WARBLER – A juv at Thurlestone marsh on 22nd was the first at this site since early spring.
AQUATIC WARBLER – Bob B found one at the edge of the reed bed by the footbridge. Very elusive it was seen 3 times over a span of over 3 ½ hours. Maintains the almost annual records for this site for what is becoming a very scarce bird this was the first UK record for 2013.
SEDGE and REED WARBLERS – towards the end of the month small numbers (up to 6 of each) moving through daily.
WILLOW WARBLER and CHIFFCHAFF – Small numbers only – although 21 CHIFFY on 30th was a good count.
SAND MARTIN – Only moved through in small numbers – last were 2 on 24th.
SWALLOW – No roosts this Autumn at Thurlestone Marsh. 2000+ roosted at South Milton Ley on 5th. Daily movements of note were 385 on 18th, 300 on 25th and 305 on 30th.
HOUSE MARTIN – Only significant movement was 500+ on 18th.
KINGFISHER – One by the footbridge on 20th.
RAVEN – In 2 hours during morning of 30th at least 21 flew north.
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – At South Milton ley 1 on 4th and 2 on 14th.
BLACK REDSTART – AJL watched a juv at Warren Point on 30th.
WATER RAIL – Present on all 3 sites but no more than 2 or 4 at each.
WHINCHAT – must have had a very successful breeding season on the moors more this year than recent ones – 2 on 2nd, 3 on 8th, 8 on 9th, singles 10th, 12th and 24th. 2 on 14th and 3 on 30th.
STONECHAT – Evidence of passage movement with 9 on 9th, 16 on 11th and 7 on 30th.
WHEATEAR – Smaller numbers than previous years, max were 5 on 25th, 8 on 29th and 9 on 30th.
TREE PIPIT – recorded most days by Bob B at South Milton Ley with a max of 3 or 4.
MEADOW PIPIT – passage from 10th when 140, on 18th - 235 and on 30th – 250+.
SKYLARK – first passage birds were 9 on 22nd with a max of 15 on 30th when there were also 40+ at Huxton Cross.
SISKIN – First passage birds on 22nd with up to 4 later in the week.
GOLDFINCH – 35 flew over on 12th. On 30th – 25 over the Marsh with 30 in with a flock of 75+ LINNET at Huxton Cross (stubble field)
YELLOW WAGTAIL – present throughout the month, 10 on 9th, 8 on 23rd and 7 on 30th, otherwise always less than 5.
GREY WAGTAIL – Up to 3 regularly at South Milton Ley. Coastal passage evident but only 3-4 on several dates.
ALBA WAGTAIL – no big roosts reported – up to 50 passing through South Huish Marsh with small numbers of WHITE.
Looking forward to the final 3 months of the year – will we get any serious gales which might bring in some PETRELS?
Need another 15 species to reach the magical 200 club – now that is going to require some very fortunate days birding.
A very mild month, particularly warm in the first week. Another relatively dry month only heavy rain on 17th which was also the only date with gale force winds. From 22nd winds from East until the end of the month.
The excellent year so far just keeps continuing – a total of 125 (c/f 2012 – 122) species recorded with 8 new additions for the year taking the years total to 185 (c/f 2012 - 188 and 2011 – 180), these included BLACK GUILLEMOT (a site first), HONEY BUZZARD, OSPREY, GREY PHALAROPE, GLOSSY IBIS, KNOT, SPOTTED REDSHANK and AQUATIC WARBLER.
Comment must be made on the low numbers of small waders passing through particularly SANDERLING, DUNLIN and TURNSTONE.
Highlights for the month are:-
BRENT GOOSE – Single dark bellied bird flew east on 28th and 30th (an early autumn record).
WIGEON – passage birds moving through from 27th – 20, 28th – 25, 29th – 15.
GADWALL – A female on 2nd was the only record.
TEAL – Small numbers on the marshes up to 19th – then passage birds arriving, 63 on 20th, 55 on 25th, 65 on 27th, 75 on 28th and 50 on 29th/30th.
PINTAIL – Exceptional numbers compared with previous years – 6 on 27th, 9 on 28th and 1 on 29th all moving east usually with WIGEON (another 8 on 2nd October!)
SHOVELER – A female on the marsh from 19th, 2 on 27th and a pair on 29th were new arrivals.
COMMON SCOTER – Only recorded on 3 days – max 20 east on 22nd.
FULMAR – Only small numbers recorded.
MANX SHEARWATER – Only 2 records 10 on 9th and 2 on 23rd all east.
BALEARIC SHEARWATER – 5 on 9th and 4 on 15th.
SOOTY SHEARWATER – 2 flew east on 23rd.
GANNET – max 120+ on 18th.
LITTLE GREBE 1 ad and 1 juv on Thurlestone Marsh all month (don’t think they bred here).
GLOSSY IBIS – late evening on 22nd a visiting birder watched 8 fly onto South Huish Marsh to roost (4 had earlier reported at Torpoint in Cornwall) On morning of 21st at 9.30a.m. only 1 remained. This was seen to fly off at 11.30. At 13.00 10 birds flew into the Marsh with 7 staying until dusk – no sign of them the following day. This is the fourth site record with all the previous ones being singles. Considered to be 1 adult and 9 juvs.
HONEY BUZZARD – AFD had one flying over his garden on the evening of 4th (which he managed to photo) and one over Thurlestone Marsh on 9th (not photographed)
OSPREY – A single record on 8th watched gaining height and heading south out to sea.
HOBBY – One on 5th and one at South Huish Marsh from 22nd to 30th providing superb views of catching dragonflies, reported to be 2 on 24th.
MERLIN – first Autumn bird flying over hedges at Huxton Cross on 25th.
SPARROWHAWK – Up to 3 around the sites.
OYSTERCATCHER – max 41 on 9th.
LITTLE RINGED PLOVER – AFD photographed one on South Huish Marsh on 9th.
RINGED PLOVER – 25 on 8th, 47 on 11th, 19 on 12th, 10 on 23rd and 4 on 27th. (much lower numbers than previous years).
GOLDEN PLOVER – Bob B had 3 on 29th and 2 over Thurlestone on 30th.
GREY PLOVER – 2 on the beach early on 24th and 1 on 28th.
KNOT – first for the year were 2 on 27th with 1 on South Huish Marsh briefly on 29th.
SANDERLING – Only records were singles on 6th and 8th, 2 on 9th, 3 on 11th, 2 on 16th and 2 on 27th.
LITTLE STINT – 2 on Thurlestone Marsh on 13th/14th and 1 on South Huish Marsh on 27th/28th.
CURLEW SANDPIPER – 1 flew through with DUNLIN on 28th.
DUNLIN – Only low numbers recorded until 14 on 23rd and 22 on 27th.
SNIPE – 1 on 20th, 4 on 23rd and 5 on 24th – up to 3 on South Huish Marsh from 20th.
BLACK TAILED GODWIT – recorded on 8 days, max 8 on 8th, 4 from 9th-11th otherwise singles.
BAR TAILED GODWIT – 1 flew west on 9th. 4 in off sea and up the valley on 28th.
COMMON SANDPIPER – 1 on the rocks on 6th.
GREEN SANDPIPER – 1 flew over South Huish Marsh on 20th.
SPOTTED REDSHANK – not an annual bird here so 1 flying over South Huish Marsh late afternoon of 28th was a welcome addition to the year list.
TURNSTONE – Only record 3 on 13th – where have they gone?
GREY PHALAROPE – After a day of westerly gales on 17th Bob B found one sheltering Leasfoot Beach at 17.00 unfortunately did not stay overnight.
MEDITERRANEAN GULL – recorded on 5 days – 3 on 18th and a max of 6 on 30th (4 adult, 1 2nd W, 1 1st W).
LITTLE TERN – a first Autumn record for some years, one feeding close inshore at 17.00 on 19th.
SANDWICH TERN - sparse records – 4 on3rd, 1 on 13th, 2 on 23rd, 7 on 27th and 4 on 30th.
COMMON TERN – 7 flew west on 13th.
ARCTIC TERN – A juv feeding in the Bay on 17th (Bob B and AFD)
Very few seen flying through this month.
BLACK GUILLEMOT – On morning of 19th a 1st Winter picked up flying east just outside the Thurlestone Rock, it did a sweep around before continuing east. A first site record (A few days later an adult going into Winter plumage recorded off the sea wall at Dawlish Warren).
CETTIS WARBLER – A juv at Thurlestone marsh on 22nd was the first at this site since early spring.
AQUATIC WARBLER – Bob B found one at the edge of the reed bed by the footbridge. Very elusive it was seen 3 times over a span of over 3 ½ hours. Maintains the almost annual records for this site for what is becoming a very scarce bird this was the first UK record for 2013.
SEDGE and REED WARBLERS – towards the end of the month small numbers (up to 6 of each) moving through daily.
WILLOW WARBLER and CHIFFCHAFF – Small numbers only – although 21 CHIFFY on 30th was a good count.
SAND MARTIN – Only moved through in small numbers – last were 2 on 24th.
SWALLOW – No roosts this Autumn at Thurlestone Marsh. 2000+ roosted at South Milton Ley on 5th. Daily movements of note were 385 on 18th, 300 on 25th and 305 on 30th.
HOUSE MARTIN – Only significant movement was 500+ on 18th.
KINGFISHER – One by the footbridge on 20th.
RAVEN – In 2 hours during morning of 30th at least 21 flew north.
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – At South Milton ley 1 on 4th and 2 on 14th.
BLACK REDSTART – AJL watched a juv at Warren Point on 30th.
WATER RAIL – Present on all 3 sites but no more than 2 or 4 at each.
WHINCHAT – must have had a very successful breeding season on the moors more this year than recent ones – 2 on 2nd, 3 on 8th, 8 on 9th, singles 10th, 12th and 24th. 2 on 14th and 3 on 30th.
STONECHAT – Evidence of passage movement with 9 on 9th, 16 on 11th and 7 on 30th.
WHEATEAR – Smaller numbers than previous years, max were 5 on 25th, 8 on 29th and 9 on 30th.
TREE PIPIT – recorded most days by Bob B at South Milton Ley with a max of 3 or 4.
MEADOW PIPIT – passage from 10th when 140, on 18th - 235 and on 30th – 250+.
SKYLARK – first passage birds were 9 on 22nd with a max of 15 on 30th when there were also 40+ at Huxton Cross.
SISKIN – First passage birds on 22nd with up to 4 later in the week.
GOLDFINCH – 35 flew over on 12th. On 30th – 25 over the Marsh with 30 in with a flock of 75+ LINNET at Huxton Cross (stubble field)
YELLOW WAGTAIL – present throughout the month, 10 on 9th, 8 on 23rd and 7 on 30th, otherwise always less than 5.
GREY WAGTAIL – Up to 3 regularly at South Milton Ley. Coastal passage evident but only 3-4 on several dates.
ALBA WAGTAIL – no big roosts reported – up to 50 passing through South Huish Marsh with small numbers of WHITE.
Looking forward to the final 3 months of the year – will we get any serious gales which might bring in some PETRELS?
Need another 15 species to reach the magical 200 club – now that is going to require some very fortunate days birding.