In terms of the range species recorded one of the best Augusts for some years.
Only one day of rain (14th) with less than 5 days with showers, strongest winds were S f 5/6 on 4th, plenty of days of warm sunshine particularly the last two weeks.
The total number of species recorded was 124 (c/f 2012 – 124) however this included 11 new species for the year taking the total to 177 (c/f 2012 – 182) – of these 4 were classified as Devon rarities - CORY SHEARWATER, LITTLE STINT, CURLEW SANDPIPER, WOOD SANDPIPER, SABINES GULL, BLACK TERN, ROSEATE TERN, KINGFISHER, MARSH WARBLER, REDSTART AND PIED FLYCATCHER.
One noteworthy disappointment, the passage of small waders did not occur – numbers very low in comparison with previous years. How much of this is down to the very settled weather or late breeding will become evident during September.
GEESE – A flock of 8 flying high across the Bay towards Bolt Tail were identified as GREYLAG. A most unusual sighting on 27th.
WIGEON – 2 on Thurlestone Marsh on 27th were the first returning birds.
TEAL – Present on both marshes throughout increasing from 6 to 7th to a max of 17 on 27th.
SHOVELER – One flew in off the sea on 22nd.
COMMON SCOTER – Only recorded on 5 days with a max of 11 on 20th.
MANX – Although only recorded on less than 10 days significant totals were 104 on 13th and an impressive 710 – east in 1 hour on 20th – years highest daily total.
BALEARIC – Identified on 4 days with a max of 5 on 4th.
CORYS – At 09.15 on 6th Graham Daw picked up a large SHEARWATER sat on the flat sea some 750 yds offshore. The bird was watched for 30 mins when it flew off to the east. Good scope views meant even the heavy yellow bill could be seen, also inflight views of the wing shape.
GANNET – Regular throughout the month highest totals were 135 on 3rd and 825 on 4th.
LITTLE GREBE – Singles on Thurlestone Marsh and South Milton Ley on 20th and 25th.
SPOONBILL – late evening of the 1st one flew across Thurlestone Marsh towards Aveton Gifford.
SPARROWHAWK – At least 3 birds seen regularly.
KESTREL – Adults plus 1 young seen.
HOBBY – Caused mayhem in the SWALLOW roost on 20th and 25th.
PEREGRIN – Swept through the SWALLOW roost on 20th.
WATER RAIL – Recorded on the 3 wetlands from 10th a max of 4 heard.
OYSTERCATCHER – max 53 at high tide on 23rd.
RINGED PLOVER – Very small numbers with only 2 days in excess of 10 – 14 on 28th and a max of 35 on 14th – latter flew in off the sea and straight up the valley.
SANDERLING – Recorded on only 5 days with a max of 15 on 13th.
LITTLE STINT – A juv on South Huish Marsh on 25th and 26th.
CURLEW SANDPIPER – One on Thurlestone Marsh on 29th followed by 1 on South Huish Marsh on 30th.
DUNLIN – Again very low numbers with a max of only 19 on 27th.
SNIPE – First were 2 on South Huish Marsh on 12th with 3 on Thurlestone Marsh on 14th.
BLACK TAILED GODWIT – Only 2 records – 3 flew over Thurlestone Marsh on 20th and 6 across the Bay on 28th.
WHIMBREL – 2 on 17th, singles 19th and 23rd and then Rod Bone had a flock of 20 over the beach on 31st.
CURLEW – Singles on 3 days with 2 on 26th.
COMMON SANDPIPER – Singles on 2nd and 7th, 2 on 20th and 21st and years max of 5 on 6th.
GREEN SANDPIPER – With 6 on Thurlestone Marsh on 7th and 5 on South Huish Marsh patch total could have been 11. Singles on the Marshes on 12th,13th and 18th with 2 on 23rd.
GREENSHANK – 4 flew into Thurlestone Marsh on 25th at 13.15, singles over the Bay early on 25th, 12th and 31st.
WOOD SANDPIPER – One on South Huish Marsh on 7th and 8th, with 2 there briefly at 11.30 on 29th.
REDSHANK – Usually only passage birds, so sightings on 6 days is probably a monthly record – singles 3rd, 8th, 19th, 21st and 23rd with 2 on 20th.
TURNSTONE – only 2 records – 4 on 1st and a single on 19th.
ARCTIC SKUA – One flew east on 20th.
SABINES GULL – An adult was found sat on a flat calm sea at 09.00 on 18th, at times no more than 30 feet offshore. Still in full adult plumage, even the yellow tip to the black bill could easily be seen. Still present at 13.30 meant a number of visiting birders who dashed over from Plymouth/Tavistock were successful.
This is the first adult for some years – previous records in the last 10 years have all been juv/first summer flying east in strong winds.
MEDITERRANEAN GULL – Recorded on 6 days but never more than 2
BLACK TERN – 1 flew east with a COMMON TERN on 27TH.
SANDWICH TERN – Small numbers only with a max of 4 on 19th.
COMMON TERN – 2 west on 5th (plus the above).
ROSEATE TERN – 2 in the Bay most of the morning of 1st. They spent some time resting on the rocks which enabled metal rings to be seen on both legs this is the trademark of Coquet Island (Northumberland) Only the 3rd patch record in the last 10 years and the first time more than a single bird.
BARN OWL – Bob B had 1 hunting early morning of 11th.
SWIFT – max 25 on 7th, last recording 2 over Thurlestone Marsh on 20th.
KINGFISHER – One found on South Huish Marsh on 27th later seen sitting on the rocks.
Has become a scarce bird here (only a single record on 2012)
GREEN WOODPECKER – Confirmation of breeding an adult with 2 juvs seen on several occasions.
SAND MARTIN – August passage poor – never more than 25.
HOUSE MARTIN – Max 100+ on 21st.
SWALLOW – Roost at Thurlestone Marsh built up to a max of 7.000 on 19th.
MARSH WARBLERS – Probably the bird of the year (so far) first in Devon since 1997. At 08.15 on 7th Bob Burridge trapped and ringed it – his first at South Milton Ley in over 40 years of ringing (some years ago a bird heard singing in May but eluded his mist nets).
Photos and measurements taken – in particular using the G.Walinder calculations from Svensson (ringers Bible).
LESSER WHITETHROAT – One in the Copse on 6th.
GRASSHOPPER WARBLER – Singles on 13th and 30th.
WHITETHROAT – max on the patch 7 on 25th.
SEDGE and REED WARBLER – See the ringing report for details of the impressive totals ringed this month.
GARDEN WARBLER – 1 on 10th.
PIED FLYCATCHER – one in the Copse on 26th followed by 2 in the gardens on 27th to 29th.
REDSTART – A total of 4 (2 ringed) on 25th, 3 at South Milton Ley and a juv in the Copse.
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – Max 3 on 11th at South Milton Ley, 1 in the Copse on 26th.
WHEATEAR –Passage almost non-existent with records on only 5 day, and a max of only 2.
WHINCHAT – Singles on 11th, 25th and 26th.
YELLOW WAGTAIL – Passage from 12th through to months end, max 12 on 24th with 10 on 26th.
GREY WAGTAIL – Started moving through from 5th with max of 2 on 19th.
TREEPIPIT – passage from 20th, thereafter almost daily – max 4 on 25th, 27th and 30th.
CIRL BUNTING – A male still on the patch until 20th.
With the calm warm and conditions continuing during the first few days of September, no big sea passage will occur until the “Autumn” Gales arrive.
In terms of the range species recorded one of the best Augusts for some years.
Only one day of rain (14th) with less than 5 days with showers, strongest winds were S f 5/6 on 4th, plenty of days of warm sunshine particularly the last two weeks.
The total number of species recorded was 124 (c/f 2012 – 124) however this included 11 new species for the year taking the total to 177 (c/f 2012 – 182) – of these 4 were classified as Devon rarities - CORY SHEARWATER, LITTLE STINT, CURLEW SANDPIPER, WOOD SANDPIPER, SABINES GULL, BLACK TERN, ROSEATE TERN, KINGFISHER, MARSH WARBLER, REDSTART AND PIED FLYCATCHER.
One noteworthy disappointment, the passage of small waders did not occur – numbers very low in comparison with previous years. How much of this is down to the very settled weather or late breeding will become evident during September.
GEESE – A flock of 8 flying high across the Bay towards Bolt Tail were identified as GREYLAG. A most unusual sighting on 27th.
WIGEON – 2 on Thurlestone Marsh on 27th were the first returning birds.
TEAL – Present on both marshes throughout increasing from 6 to 7th to a max of 17 on 27th.
SHOVELER – One flew in off the sea on 22nd.
COMMON SCOTER – Only recorded on 5 days with a max of 11 on 20th.
MANX – Although only recorded on less than 10 days significant totals were 104 on 13th and an impressive 710 – east in 1 hour on 20th – years highest daily total.
BALEARIC – Identified on 4 days with a max of 5 on 4th.
CORYS – At 09.15 on 6th Graham Daw picked up a large SHEARWATER sat on the flat sea some 750 yds offshore. The bird was watched for 30 mins when it flew off to the east. Good scope views meant even the heavy yellow bill could be seen, also inflight views of the wing shape.
GANNET – Regular throughout the month highest totals were 135 on 3rd and 825 on 4th.
LITTLE GREBE – Singles on Thurlestone Marsh and South Milton Ley on 20th and 25th.
SPOONBILL – late evening of the 1st one flew across Thurlestone Marsh towards Aveton Gifford.
SPARROWHAWK – At least 3 birds seen regularly.
KESTREL – Adults plus 1 young seen.
HOBBY – Caused mayhem in the SWALLOW roost on 20th and 25th.
PEREGRIN – Swept through the SWALLOW roost on 20th.
WATER RAIL – Recorded on the 3 wetlands from 10th a max of 4 heard.
OYSTERCATCHER – max 53 at high tide on 23rd.
RINGED PLOVER – Very small numbers with only 2 days in excess of 10 – 14 on 28th and a max of 35 on 14th – latter flew in off the sea and straight up the valley.
SANDERLING – Recorded on only 5 days with a max of 15 on 13th.
LITTLE STINT – A juv on South Huish Marsh on 25th and 26th.
CURLEW SANDPIPER – One on Thurlestone Marsh on 29th followed by 1 on South Huish Marsh on 30th.
DUNLIN – Again very low numbers with a max of only 19 on 27th.
SNIPE – First were 2 on South Huish Marsh on 12th with 3 on Thurlestone Marsh on 14th.
BLACK TAILED GODWIT – Only 2 records – 3 flew over Thurlestone Marsh on 20th and 6 across the Bay on 28th.
WHIMBREL – 2 on 17th, singles 19th and 23rd and then Rod Bone had a flock of 20 over the beach on 31st.
CURLEW – Singles on 3 days with 2 on 26th.
COMMON SANDPIPER – Singles on 2nd and 7th, 2 on 20th and 21st and years max of 5 on 6th.
GREEN SANDPIPER – With 6 on Thurlestone Marsh on 7th and 5 on South Huish Marsh patch total could have been 11. Singles on the Marshes on 12th,13th and 18th with 2 on 23rd.
GREENSHANK – 4 flew into Thurlestone Marsh on 25th at 13.15, singles over the Bay early on 25th, 12th and 31st.
WOOD SANDPIPER – One on South Huish Marsh on 7th and 8th, with 2 there briefly at 11.30 on 29th.
REDSHANK – Usually only passage birds, so sightings on 6 days is probably a monthly record – singles 3rd, 8th, 19th, 21st and 23rd with 2 on 20th.
TURNSTONE – only 2 records – 4 on 1st and a single on 19th.
ARCTIC SKUA – One flew east on 20th.
SABINES GULL – An adult was found sat on a flat calm sea at 09.00 on 18th, at times no more than 30 feet offshore. Still in full adult plumage, even the yellow tip to the black bill could easily be seen. Still present at 13.30 meant a number of visiting birders who dashed over from Plymouth/Tavistock were successful.
This is the first adult for some years – previous records in the last 10 years have all been juv/first summer flying east in strong winds.
MEDITERRANEAN GULL – Recorded on 6 days but never more than 2
BLACK TERN – 1 flew east with a COMMON TERN on 27TH.
SANDWICH TERN – Small numbers only with a max of 4 on 19th.
COMMON TERN – 2 west on 5th (plus the above).
ROSEATE TERN – 2 in the Bay most of the morning of 1st. They spent some time resting on the rocks which enabled metal rings to be seen on both legs this is the trademark of Coquet Island (Northumberland) Only the 3rd patch record in the last 10 years and the first time more than a single bird.
BARN OWL – Bob B had 1 hunting early morning of 11th.
SWIFT – max 25 on 7th, last recording 2 over Thurlestone Marsh on 20th.
KINGFISHER – One found on South Huish Marsh on 27th later seen sitting on the rocks.
Has become a scarce bird here (only a single record on 2012)
GREEN WOODPECKER – Confirmation of breeding an adult with 2 juvs seen on several occasions.
SAND MARTIN – August passage poor – never more than 25.
HOUSE MARTIN – Max 100+ on 21st.
SWALLOW – Roost at Thurlestone Marsh built up to a max of 7.000 on 19th.
MARSH WARBLERS – Probably the bird of the year (so far) first in Devon since 1997. At 08.15 on 7th Bob Burridge trapped and ringed it – his first at South Milton Ley in over 40 years of ringing (some years ago a bird heard singing in May but eluded his mist nets).
Photos and measurements taken – in particular using the G.Walinder calculations from Svensson (ringers Bible).
LESSER WHITETHROAT – One in the Copse on 6th.
GRASSHOPPER WARBLER – Singles on 13th and 30th.
WHITETHROAT – max on the patch 7 on 25th.
SEDGE and REED WARBLER – See the ringing report for details of the impressive totals ringed this month.
GARDEN WARBLER – 1 on 10th.
PIED FLYCATCHER – one in the Copse on 26th followed by 2 in the gardens on 27th to 29th.
REDSTART – A total of 4 (2 ringed) on 25th, 3 at South Milton Ley and a juv in the Copse.
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – Max 3 on 11th at South Milton Ley, 1 in the Copse on 26th.
WHEATEAR –Passage almost non-existent with records on only 5 day, and a max of only 2.
WHINCHAT – Singles on 11th, 25th and 26th.
YELLOW WAGTAIL – Passage from 12th through to months end, max 12 on 24th with 10 on 26th.
GREY WAGTAIL – Started moving through from 5th with max of 2 on 19th.
TREEPIPIT – passage from 20th, thereafter almost daily – max 4 on 25th, 27th and 30th.
CIRL BUNTING – A male still on the patch until 20th.
With the calm warm and conditions continuing during the first few days of September, no big sea passage will occur until the “Autumn” Gales arrive.
In terms of the range species recorded one of the best Augusts for some years.
Only one day of rain (14th) with less than 5 days with showers, strongest winds were S f 5/6 on 4th, plenty of days of warm sunshine particularly the last two weeks.
The total number of species recorded was 124 (c/f 2012 – 124) however this included 11 new species for the year taking the total to 177 (c/f 2012 – 182) – of these 4 were classified as Devon rarities - CORY SHEARWATER, LITTLE STINT, CURLEW SANDPIPER, WOOD SANDPIPER, SABINES GULL, BLACK TERN, ROSEATE TERN, KINGFISHER, MARSH WARBLER, REDSTART AND PIED FLYCATCHER.
One noteworthy disappointment, the passage of small waders did not occur – numbers very low in comparison with previous years. How much of this is down to the very settled weather or late breeding will become evident during September.
GEESE – A flock of 8 flying high across the Bay towards Bolt Tail were identified as GREYLAG. A most unusual sighting on 27th.
WIGEON – 2 on Thurlestone Marsh on 27th were the first returning birds.
TEAL – Present on both marshes throughout increasing from 6 to 7th to a max of 17 on 27th.
SHOVELER – One flew in off the sea on 22nd.
COMMON SCOTER – Only recorded on 5 days with a max of 11 on 20th.
MANX – Although only recorded on less than 10 days significant totals were 104 on 13th and an impressive 710 – east in 1 hour on 20th – years highest daily total.
BALEARIC – Identified on 4 days with a max of 5 on 4th.
CORYS – At 09.15 on 6th Graham Daw picked up a large SHEARWATER sat on the flat sea some 750 yds offshore. The bird was watched for 30 mins when it flew off to the east. Good scope views meant even the heavy yellow bill could be seen, also inflight views of the wing shape.
GANNET – Regular throughout the month highest totals were 135 on 3rd and 825 on 4th.
LITTLE GREBE – Singles on Thurlestone Marsh and South Milton Ley on 20th and 25th.
SPOONBILL – late evening of the 1st one flew across Thurlestone Marsh towards Aveton Gifford.
SPARROWHAWK – At least 3 birds seen regularly.
KESTREL – Adults plus 1 young seen.
HOBBY – Caused mayhem in the SWALLOW roost on 20th and 25th.
PEREGRIN – Swept through the SWALLOW roost on 20th.
WATER RAIL – Recorded on the 3 wetlands from 10th a max of 4 heard.
OYSTERCATCHER – max 53 at high tide on 23rd.
RINGED PLOVER – Very small numbers with only 2 days in excess of 10 – 14 on 28th and a max of 35 on 14th – latter flew in off the sea and straight up the valley.
SANDERLING – Recorded on only 5 days with a max of 15 on 13th.
LITTLE STINT – A juv on South Huish Marsh on 25th and 26th.
CURLEW SANDPIPER – One on Thurlestone Marsh on 29th followed by 1 on South Huish Marsh on 30th.
DUNLIN – Again very low numbers with a max of only 19 on 27th.
SNIPE – First were 2 on South Huish Marsh on 12th with 3 on Thurlestone Marsh on 14th.
BLACK TAILED GODWIT – Only 2 records – 3 flew over Thurlestone Marsh on 20th and 6 across the Bay on 28th.
WHIMBREL – 2 on 17th, singles 19th and 23rd and then Rod Bone had a flock of 20 over the beach on 31st.
CURLEW – Singles on 3 days with 2 on 26th.
COMMON SANDPIPER – Singles on 2nd and 7th, 2 on 20th and 21st and years max of 5 on 6th.
GREEN SANDPIPER – With 6 on Thurlestone Marsh on 7th and 5 on South Huish Marsh patch total could have been 11. Singles on the Marshes on 12th,13th and 18th with 2 on 23rd.
GREENSHANK – 4 flew into Thurlestone Marsh on 25th at 13.15, singles over the Bay early on 25th, 12th and 31st.
WOOD SANDPIPER – One on South Huish Marsh on 7th and 8th, with 2 there briefly at 11.30 on 29th.
REDSHANK – Usually only passage birds, so sightings on 6 days is probably a monthly record – singles 3rd, 8th, 19th, 21st and 23rd with 2 on 20th.
TURNSTONE – only 2 records – 4 on 1st and a single on 19th.
ARCTIC SKUA – One flew east on 20th.
SABINES GULL – An adult was found sat on a flat calm sea at 09.00 on 18th, at times no more than 30 feet offshore. Still in full adult plumage, even the yellow tip to the black bill could easily be seen. Still present at 13.30 meant a number of visiting birders who dashed over from Plymouth/Tavistock were successful.
This is the first adult for some years – previous records in the last 10 years have all been juv/first summer flying east in strong winds.
MEDITERRANEAN GULL – Recorded on 6 days but never more than 2
BLACK TERN – 1 flew east with a COMMON TERN on 27TH.
SANDWICH TERN – Small numbers only with a max of 4 on 19th.
COMMON TERN – 2 west on 5th (plus the above).
ROSEATE TERN – 2 in the Bay most of the morning of 1st. They spent some time resting on the rocks which enabled metal rings to be seen on both legs this is the trademark of Coquet Island (Northumberland) Only the 3rd patch record in the last 10 years and the first time more than a single bird.
BARN OWL – Bob B had 1 hunting early morning of 11th.
SWIFT – max 25 on 7th, last recording 2 over Thurlestone Marsh on 20th.
KINGFISHER – One found on South Huish Marsh on 27th later seen sitting on the rocks.
Has become a scarce bird here (only a single record on 2012)
GREEN WOODPECKER – Confirmation of breeding an adult with 2 juvs seen on several occasions.
SAND MARTIN – August passage poor – never more than 25.
HOUSE MARTIN – Max 100+ on 21st.
SWALLOW – Roost at Thurlestone Marsh built up to a max of 7.000 on 19th.
MARSH WARBLERS – Probably the bird of the year (so far) first in Devon since 1997. At 08.15 on 7th Bob Burridge trapped and ringed it – his first at South Milton Ley in over 40 years of ringing (some years ago a bird heard singing in May but eluded his mist nets).
Photos and measurements taken – in particular using the G.Walinder calculations from Svensson (ringers Bible).
LESSER WHITETHROAT – One in the Copse on 6th.
GRASSHOPPER WARBLER – Singles on 13th and 30th.
WHITETHROAT – max on the patch 7 on 25th.
SEDGE and REED WARBLER – See the ringing report for details of the impressive totals ringed this month.
GARDEN WARBLER – 1 on 10th.
PIED FLYCATCHER – one in the Copse on 26th followed by 2 in the gardens on 27th to 29th.
REDSTART – A total of 4 (2 ringed) on 25th, 3 at South Milton Ley and a juv in the Copse.
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – Max 3 on 11th at South Milton Ley, 1 in the Copse on 26th.
WHEATEAR –Passage almost non-existent with records on only 5 day, and a max of only 2.
WHINCHAT – Singles on 11th, 25th and 26th.
YELLOW WAGTAIL – Passage from 12th through to months end, max 12 on 24th with 10 on 26th.
GREY WAGTAIL – Started moving through from 5th with max of 2 on 19th.
TREEPIPIT – passage from 20th, thereafter almost daily – max 4 on 25th, 27th and 30th.
CIRL BUNTING – A male still on the patch until 20th.
With the calm warm and conditions continuing during the first few days of September, no big sea passage will occur until the “Autumn” Gales arrive.