MAY 2018
An abbreviated report this month as I spent almost 3 weeks away on holiday. Thanks to James K, Eric, Alan D, Alan P, John D and Nick for keeping me updated.
A warm and mainly sunny month with some high temperatures around both Bank Holidays. Only rain on 2 days.
6 new species for the year - PECTORAL SANDPIPER, YELLOW WAGTAIL, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER, GREENLAND WHEATEAR, ACREDULA WARBLER and GREY PARTRIDGE, taking; the total; to 175 (c/f 2017 - 180, 2016 - 167)
Total species recorded in the month were 119 (c/f 2017 - 126, 2016 - 121).
Main Highlights
TEAL - 3 on 1st at South Huish Marsh last record.
GARGANEY - 2 flew E with some SCOTER on the 6th.
COMMON SCOTER - Recorded on 4 days max 9 on 6th.
SHELDUCK - 6 on South Huish Marsh on 1st.
RED THROATED DIVER - 1 on the sea on 8th.
BLACK THROATED DIVER - Singles on the 3rd and 4th probably same bird.
GANNET - Max of 112 on 2nd.
MANX SHEARWATER - 50+ flew east on both 1st and 2nd.
SPOONBILL - Same bird spent most of the month on South Efford Marsh
LITTLE EGRET - Max of 8 along road to Aveton Gifford.
RED KITE -1 over Thurlestone early evening of 15th, 7 seen flying high by Eric from hide at South Efford Marsh, patch record count.
HOBBY - 2 at South Efford Marsh on 27th.
WADERS - 13 species recorded, no large passage reported.
LITTLE RINGED PLOVER -1 on South Huish Marsh on 6th.
RINGED PLOVER - Max of only 2 on 15th.
SANDERLING -Max of 3 on 4th.
CURLEW SANDPIPER - Bird from April recorded on 1st.
DUNLIN - Max of 6 at South Huish Marsh.
RUFF - On South Huish Marsh, a pair on 11th and a female on 13th.
BLACK TAILED GODWIT - Only record 1 on South Huish on 1st.
BAR TAILED GODWIT - A max of 6 on 1st.
WHIMBREL - Max of 36 on 3rd.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER - 1 found on South Huish Marsh on 1st present until 5th. Only the 5th Devon Spring record - 2 of them at South Huish Marsh.
POMARINE SKUA - 1 flew E on 2nd.
ARTIC SKUA - 4 flew on 1st with singles recorded on 2nd, 6th and 8th.
GREAT SKUA - Singles on 2nd, 11th and 27th.
MEDITERRANEAN GULL - 1 2cy on South Huish Marsh on 1st.
SANDWICH TERN - Max 5 on 1st.
COMMON TERN - 1 on 2nd.
PUFFIN - 1 flew E on 2nd.
SWIFT - Only small numbers recorded - 6 on 4th max.
SAND MARTIN - 25 over South Huish Marsh on 4th.
SWALLOW - Max again on 4th when 155 + logged.
HOUSE MARTIN - 8 on 5th, breeding site in Buckland Valley held 9 on 15th.
CHIFFY - Present at 5 sites, 4 ringed at South Milton Ley on 13th
WILLOW WARBLER - 1 singing in a Thurlestone garden on 1st.
ACREDULA WARBLER - One watched in a Thurlestone garden on 5th - this is the Northern European version of WILLOW WARBLER.
BLACKCAP - Present in at least 4 sites around the patch, 3 ringed on 3rd and 4 on 13th at South Milton Ley.
GARDEN WARBLER - 1 singing near South Milton Ley on 1st and 1 ringed there on 13th.
WHITETHROAT - Present in at least 3 sites.
SEDGE WARBLER - Present at 3 sites - 8 Ringed on 3rd and 6 on 13th at South Milton Ley.
REED WARBLER - Singing At 3 sites, 8 ringed on 3rd and 11 on 13th At South Milton Ley.
SPOTTED FLYCATCHER - 2 at Aveton Gifford on 13th and 1 in West Buckland Valley on 15th.
WHINCHAT - Males at Hope Cove on 3rd and South Huish Marsh 0n 4th.
WHEATEAR - Very poor spring passage - 1 on 1st and 2 on 6th at South Huish Marsh.
GREENLAND WHEATEAR - 2 at South Huish Marsh on 2nd
YELLOW WAGTAIL - Singles at South Huish Marsh on 6th, 10th and 11th.
YELLOWHAMMER - At least 4 in the lanes on 5th.
REED BUNTING - Males singing at 3 sites, 1 ringed at South Milton Ley on 3rd.
Many observers at other sites in Devon have commented on how poor this years Spring passage has been
Mike Passsman
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