APRIL 2018
Another cool month which resulted in very or passage of passerines, particularly WARBLERS and WHEATEAR. Some good SE winds on several days produced some very good sea watching.
A total of 28 new birds for the year took the total to 169 (c/f 2017 - 174, 2016 - 147) - these included a patch first for me SCUAP, SPOTTED CRAKE (first Spring record). LESSER WHITETHROAT, RED KITE, CURLEW SANDPIPER ( rare here in Spring).
Total species recorded in the month were 139 (c/f 2017 - 143, 2016 - 130)
Main highlights
BLACK SWAN - One arrived on South Huish Marsh on 10th and remained until the end of the month.
SHELDUCK - Max of 24 on South Efford Marsh on 19th.
GADWALL - A female flew into the Bay on 17th.
TEAL - Max of 25 on South Huish Marsh on 1st with a max of 35 at South Efford Marsh of 35 on 8th.
PINTAIL -7 flew E with a further 2 on the sea on 2nd.
GARGANEY - A flock of 6 flew into the Bay landing on the sea on 6th.
SHOVELER - An impressive 65 flew through the Bay in 2 hours late afternoon of 18th.
TUFTED DUCK - A male on the Marsh on 8th.
SCAUP - 2 m 1f on the sea on 18th. This is only the 2nd and 3rd patch record, first for over 20 years.
EIDER - A 1W male on the sea on 14th.
COMMON SCOTER - Some impressive totals flying east - 227 on 2nd, 248 on 17th and a max of 415 on 6th
VELVET SCOTER - 2 records both singles flying E with COMMON SCOTERS on 6th and 17th.
RED THROATED DIVER - Recorded on 8 days mostly singles with a max of 3 on 26th.
BLACK THROATED DIVER -A single on the sea on 16th.
GREAT NORTHERN DIVER - Singles recorded on 5 days.
GREAT CRESTED GREBE - One in the Bay on 1st and 2nd.
MANX SHEARWATER - Max totals were 990 east on 15th and a very impressive 1456 east in 1 hour on 26th.
BALEARIC SHEARWATER -One identified flying east on 17th.
FULMAR - Max 11 on 15th.
GANNET - Max of 360 on 6th,
CATTLE EGRET - One still in with cattle at South Huish Marsh from 8th.
SPOONBILL - The overwhelming bird recorded regularly at both Marshes. On 11th another bird flew down the Avon Valley late afternoon.
SPOTTED CRAKE -One heard calling at South Milton Ley from 5th to 8th.
RED KITE - A total of 4 recorded around the patch on 22nd also1 on Avon Valley on 30th.
MARSH HARRIER - A female in Hope Cover on 25th.
HOBBY - An early migrant 1 in off the sea on 15th.
WADERS - A total of 15 species recorded.
OYSTERCATCHERS -Max of 18 on 20th.
RINGED PLOVER - A single on13th only record.
GOLDEN PLOVER - 2 flew in off the sea on 18th.
GREY PLOVER - 1 Flew in amongst a flock of WHIMBREL on 17th.
CURLEW SANDPIPER - Scarce here in Spring so 1 in partial summer plumage on South Huish Marsh on 30th.
GREENSHANK - Max at South Efford Marsh 6 on 19th.
REDSHANK -Max at South Efford Marsh 5 on 11th.
TURNSTONE - Only one record a single on 2nd.
DUNLIN -Max of 17 on South Huish Marsh on 30th.
SNIPE - 2 on South Efford Marsh on 8th.
BLACK T. GODWIT - Max 4 at south Huish Marsh on 30th.
WHIMBREL - First was 1 at South Huish Marsh on 10th highest counts - 168 on 17th and 260 on 18th.
CURLEW - Last record at South Efford Marsh 1 on 12th.
COMMON SANDPIPER- 1 on South Huish Marsh on 29th and 30th.
Skua passage one of the best in recent years with a total of 70 birds logged.
POMARINE SKUA -Singles flew East on 17th and 24th.
ARCTIC SKUA - A total of 32 recorded, max were 13 on 15th and 9 on 17th.
GREAT SKUA - A total of 36 recorded - an impressive 15 on17th and 8 on 24th.
KITTIWAKE - Max of 35 on 15th.
LITTLE GULLS - Singles on 15th and 17th.
YELLOW L. GULL - An adult on South Huish Marsh on 30th.
ICELAND GULL - A 2W on south Huish Marsh on 1st, 3rd and 7th.
GLAUCOUS GULL - A 1W on South Huish Marsh on 3rd and 5th.
LITTLE TERN - Singles in the Bay on 17th and 26th.
SANDWICH TERN - An impressive 275 flew East on2nd, also 72 on 12th.
COMMON TERN - Recorded on 4 days best counts 9 on 2nd and 14 on 20th.
ARCTIC TERN - Only recorded on 2 days with4 on 12th and 2 on 27th.
PUFFIN - 1 flew east on14th.
SWIFTS - first were 3 over South Huish Marsh on 26th.
SWALLOW - Max of 135 flew North on 7th.
HOUSE MARTIN - first was 1 on 4th, max 15 on 28th.
SAND MARTIN - Only recorded on 3 days, max of 5 on 7th.
GETTIS WARBLER - First of the year was 1 on Thurlestone Marsh on 1st.
CHIFFY - 14 ringed at South Milton Ley on 8th.
WILLOW WARBLER -Scarce Spring migrant this year - first 2 on 3rd at South Milton Ley.
BLACKCAP - 8 ringed at South Milton Ley on 8th. An interesting ringing recovery - ringed South Milton Lee on16.09.17 . Controlled near Cadiz, Spain 22.11.17.
GARDEN WARBLER - Singles at South Milton Ley on 19th and one in the bushes by South HuishMarsh on 29th.
LESSER WHITETHROAT - A scarce Spring migrant here so 1 at South Efford Marsh on 28th was unexpected.
WHITETHROAT -First 1 at South Milton Ley on 18th.
SEDGE WARBLER - first 1 at South Huish Marsh on 8th.
REED WARBLER - First at South Milton Ley on 19th.
WHEATEAR - A very scarce migrant this Spring with 5 on 29th and 1 on 30th.
WHINCHAT - A female at South Huish Marsh on 29th.
YELLOWHAMMER - Single recorded in the lanes on several dates.
CIRL BUNTING - A pair regularly visiting a Thurlestone garden throughout the month.
REED BUNTING -Up to 3 visiting a Thurlestone Garden.
LINNET -A flock of 60+ at South Milton Ley was largest of the year.
Already May has produced an early highlight a PECTORAL SANDPIPER found on South Huish Marsh on 1st - this is only the 5th Spring record for Devon - the last at the same site was in April 2014.
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