WED 31 MAY Aquiet end to the month - another morning with low cloud , sea fog and drizzle Offshore only a few GANNET, a FULMAR , the female COMMON SCOTER still in the Bay. On South Huish Marsh could only find 1 CATTLE EGRET, a BLACK T GODWIT flew through at 09.45( first record for some weeks ) , Hirundines - 9 SWIFT , 6 SWALLOW and 20 HOUSE MARTIN. CHIFFY and SEDGE WARBLER singing TUES 30 MAY After yesterdays fog it was nice to be able to seawatch this morning, joined by Graham , overcast with a light NW wind Offshore 60 COMMON SCOTER flew east ( 3 flocks of 15,25,20 ), a single female still on the sea , 25 GANNET, 4 FULMAR, 1 KITTIWAKE , 2 WHIMBREL flew in off and staight up the valley . On South Huish Marsh a male TEAL was a new arrival, 2 CATTLE EGRET, 3 LITTLE EGRET . Between 8 to 10 pairs of HOUSE MARTIN occupying / building nests , an increase on last year In the lanes this afternoon a MISTLE THRUSH SUN 28 MAY An overcast morning with a brisk F4 E wind . A short seawatch from 08.55 produced a dp ARCTIC SKUA flying east at 09.00, 18 GANNET, 12 MANX SHEARWATER-west, a f COMMON SCOTER on the sea and a flock of 20 flew east. At 12.00 a Humming Bird Hawk Moth in Bobs car park . On South Huish Marsh 2 CATTLE EGRET, 3 LITTLE EGRET, 2 SHELDUICK with 4 young , a SPARROWHAWK flew over . Although not on the patch Bob at 12.45 had a RED KITE flying over Kingsbridge College towards Churchstow FRI 26 MAY Another sunny and warm day with a brisk F5 /6 SE wind . Hazy offshore A 90 min seawatch from the car park starting at 07.50 produced - 50 GANNET, 41 KITTIWAKE , 1 BLACK H GULL , 21 MANX SHEARWATER, 4 FULMAR, 23 GREAT B B GULL, 4 COMMON SCOTER, 2 WHIMBREL, 7 OYSTERCATCHER . Nothing of interest on South Huish Marsh this morning , however Thurs afternoon report received of a CATTLE EGRET THURS 25 MAY A warm sunny day with a F4 increasing 7 ESE wind. This morning a 2hr 30 min seawatch off Warren Point from 08.05 produced - 46 GANNET, 15 FULMAR , 5 KITTIWAKE, 12 MANX SHEARWATER, 16 GUILLEMOT, 2 PUFFIN ( east at 08.35 and 08.50 )1 WHIMBREL, 1 TURNSTONE, 16 OYSTERCATCHER. Big movement of RED KITE today particularly East Devon , thought we had missed out , then at 16.05 alarm calls of HERRING GULL put me on to one flying over my garden - a tick ,it is the 153 rd specie recorded from my garden since we moved in on 11 July 2008. WED 24 MAY An overcast morning , sun did not brak throgh until 11.30 An hours Garden Watch from 07.20 produced 32 species inc- 1 CATTLE EGRET ( flew over at 07.45 ), 2m BLACKCAP, CHIFFY, REED WARBLER , SEDGE WARBLER, REED BUNTING., 2 SKYLARK, Flat calm sea with only a light breeze - offshore 1 GANNET, 1 WHIMBREL, 25 MANX SHEARWATER ( on sea then flew east), 4 COMMON SCOTER ( on sea ) South Huish Marsh - 20 HOUSE MARTIN, 3 SWIFT , 6 SWALLOW, 1m REED BUNTING, 3 REED WARBLER Late morning Rod Bone had a RED KITE over north marsh at Aveton Gifford- second record of the year and at the same site TUES 23 MAY Late post due to computer problems . Very poor conditions this morning - low cloud , mist and drizzle - very quickly decided walking the valleys would be more productive = South Milton Ley produced - 60 + SWALLOW and 25 HOUSE MARTIN, 2 SWIFT , all feeding over the filter beds , REED and SEDGE WARBLER, CHIFFY, BLACKCAP and GREAT SP WOODY A 90 min walk through Buckland Valley found the first 2 SPOTTED FLY for me - same sites as last year , 3BLACKCAP, 5 CHIFFY, 1 WHITETHROAT, 1 BULLFINCH, 3 GREEN WOODY, 3 GREAT SP WOODY, 10 HOUSE MARTIN , 6 SWALLOW MON 22 MAY A fine and sunny morning with a F4/5 SSE wind , hazy offshore Joined by Graham this morning First news from Bob of a CATTLE EGRET on South Huish Marsh yesterday along with 6 DUNLIN Started this morning with a 40min Garden Watch which produced 28 species inc - 8 SWIFT, 4 HOUSE MARTIN, 8 SWALLOW, 1 JAY, 2 m BLACKCAP, 1 CHIFFY, 3 RED L PARTRIDGE An Hours seawatch from 09.00 from the car park - 50 GANNET, 1 SANDWICH TERN, 2 FULMAR, 40 MANX SHEAWATER, 8 KITTIWAKE, 8 COMMON SCOTER -E, 3 SWIFT Little on South Huish marsh - 2 SHELDUCK with 4 young , CHIFFY, SEDGE WARBLER, WHITETHROAT 1 juv STARLING Of interest to Steph Murphy - a nice Painted Lady and several Orange Tip FRI 19 MAY Another very nice sunny and calm morning , resulting in a lot less waders . On the beaches - 10 WHIMBREL, 3 SANDERLING, 5 DUNLIN, 6 OYSTERCATCHER . Offshore only 3 GANNET and a FULMAR Another short visit to Buckland valley produced - GREAT SP WOODY, 2 GOLDCREST ( carrying food ) 3 CHIFFY, BLACKCAP . One of the local residents confirmed he heard a CUCKOO 30 /4 & 1/5. On South Efford Marsh Eric reports 2 CURLEW and a CATTLE EGRET . Also confirmation of a CUCKOO calling last week . On South Huish marsh ( after the rain showers ) at 16.00 just 6 DUNLIN .ALan held his first ringing session for May this morning - caught 13 REED WARBLER, 7 SEDGE WARBLER, 2 BLACKCAP, 4 CHIFFY, 1 REED BUNTING , also on site - 30 HOUSE MARTIN, 6 SWIFT THURS 18 MAY At last a change in the weather to sunshine with a light WNW wind . Main interest was the waders on the beaches - 22 OYSTERCATCHER, 7 WHIMBREL, 41 SANDERLING ( highest spring count for some years ) , 13 DUNLIN, 18 TURNSTONE ( many in s/pl , highest May count ) 1 REDSHANK, 1 BAR T GODWIT . Offshore - 10 GANNET, 10 MANX SHEARWATER, 3 FULMAR, 11 COMMON SCOTER - flew east, 6 SHELDUCK flew west ( not local birds - well out.) A short visit to Buckland Valley - GOLDCREST, BULLFINCH, COAL TIT, GARDEN WARBLER, 3 CHIFFY and a RED L PARTRIDGE At Aveton Gifford Eric reports - NUTHATCH, SPOTTED FLY, GOLDCREST WED 17 MAY Yet another day of heavy rain until 16.00. Went over to South Huish marsh this morning to see if any waders had been grounded- 6 s/pl DUNLIN feeding and 2 CATTLE EGRET ( first for a few days )The male GARGANEY reported at 16.30 At 16.35 had an hours seawatch from the car park - 20 GANNET and 66 MANX SHEARWATER logged all east Over Thurlestone Marsh 20 SWIFT and 20 HOUSE MARTIN TUES 16 MAY Another miserable morning - 100% cloud , light showers , wind SSW F 3/4 , poor viz offshore . Seawatch from 07.25-10.05- almost all birds flying west made it difficult to pick them up as they came round Bolt tail , also quite a swell .Totals logged - 60 GANNET , 1 POMARINE SKUA ( flew west at 07.40 ), 4 MANX SHEARWATER , 4 COMMIC TERN - west , 5 SANDWICH TERN - east, 4 FULMAR At South Huish Marsh no sign of - Avocet, Garganey or Cattle Egret MON 15 MAY A miserable wet and windy day - rain did not clear until 12.00. turned out to be a very poor day for seawatching - 07.45 - 09.45 20 GANNET, 6 WHIMBREL 13.35-16.00 75 GANNET, 1 FULMAR, 1 SHELDUCK, 10 GUILLEMOT ( on sea ) No other reports rec'd SUN 14 MAY A sunny morning with a brisk F5 SW wind - joined by Bob Chris Graham and Terry . Waders on the beach/rocks - 10 SANDERLING, 4 WHIMBREL, 6 TURNSTONE . SEAWATCHING produced -60 GANNET, 4 FULMAR, 10 KITTIWAKE, 4 MANX SHEARWATER. SKUAS limited to - 2 ARCTIC ( east at 09.30, 2 POMARINE ( east at 12.40 ).over 60 AUKS on the sea in flocks of upto 15. 5 WHITETHROAT around the patch . On South Huish Marsh - The AVOCET and m GARGANEY still showing well . The AVOCET is now the longest staying bird for the patch .Also- 1f WHEATEAR, 1 2s MED GULL, 1 SPARROWHAWK , 2 SWIFT . The weather conditions for Monday morning look interesting , if the rain eases off around 10am and with a F7/8 SSW wind could be some SKUAS SAT 13 MAY Started with high cloud which cleared by 08.30 , good offshore viz , wind SW F3/4 Another early start , sewatching from Bobs car park from 06.55-09.15 totals logged - 155 GANNET, 32 KITTIWAKE, 4 BLACK H GULL , 2 MED GULL, 4 COMMON GULL, 5 COMMON TERN.Singles of ARCTIC SKUA dp ( 07.40 ), BONXIE (09.10 ) both east ., 3 MANX SHEARWATER-east, 8 FULMAR, . A PUFFIN ( east close inshore at 07.50 ), also 24 RAZORBILL, 8 GUILLEMOT ( on sea ) Only Waders - 6 WHIMBREL, 1 BAR T GODWIT . A CATTLE EGRET flew east Information rec'd from Mark Bailey- On South Huish marsh the AVOCET and male GARGANEY still . He had c 50 GANNET, 1 FULMAR and a BONXIE flew east at 10.05 At South Efford Marsh Eric had 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL , in the village the first SPOTTED FLYCATCHER (180 ) of the year CYPRUS REPORT MARCH 2017 Have just posted a full report on our visit to this fantastic bird island in March 2017 Reports rec'd whilst I was in Spain- from Bob ,Terry , Eric and James FRI 5 MAY - 12 TURNSTONE, 12 BAR T GODWIT , 57 GREY PLOVER ( many in full s/p )- a site day record .,30 DUNLIN, 2 SANDERLING, 2 SHOVELER and a HOBBY ( in off ), 30 SWIFT SAT 6 MAY - 1 GREENSHANK, 2 GREY PLOVER, 10 TURNSTONE, 2 WHIMBREL, 7 SANDWICH TERN1m WHINCHAT SUN 7 MAY - 1m WHINCHAT, 1 GREENSHANK, 15 COMMON SCOTER TUES 10 MAY - James had 3 AVOCET briefly on the Marsh late morning . WED 11 MAY - 1 AVOCET, 1 f YELLOW WAGTAIL . At South Efford Marsh -1 MED GULL, 1 HOBBY, RINGED PLOVER, GREENSHANK, DUNLIN. FRI 12 MAY A cloudy morning with some light showers , offshore viz quite good , wind SE F3/4 After reports yesterday of Skuas further up the coast decided I needed an early start ( for me ) and put in a few hours seawatch - In Bobs car park for 07.25 . Watched until 10.30 . 2 Adult POMARINE SKUA ( 178 ) flew east at 08.40 and 09.35 - spoons on show! - the 2nd one seen by Bob and Terry as well . Also logged - 50 GANNET, 17 COMMON SCOTER, 2 FULMAR, 1 GREAT N DIVER ( east at 09.10 )11 KITTIWAKE, 7 SANDWICH TERN, 2 COMMON TERN, 4 RAZORBILL .21 WHIMBREL No sighting of the Purple Heron today - but on South Huish Marsh a m GARGANEY was a new arrival , 1 AVOCET ( still ) 1 TREE PIPIT, 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 1f BLUE HEADED WAGTAIL ( 179 ), only 1 CATTLE EGRET, a few SWIFT , REED and SEDGE WARBLER late news from Doug Stannard - at 17.00 3 ARCTIC SKUA - all light phase flew east , also 1 SANDERLING THURS 11 MAY A cloudy day with poor offshore viz , E f3/4 wind having arrived home at 03.45 managed to be looking at South Huish marsh by 11.00- 1 AVOCET, 4 DUNLIN, 3 WHIMBREL, 3 CATTLE EGRET, 1f YELLOW WAGTAIL, 20 SAND MARTIN , 30 SWALLOW, 10 HOUSE MARTIN , 5 SWIFT . 3 WHITETHROAT, 2 SEDGE WARBLER .2f YELLOW WAGTAIL Offshore in 45min from 12.00 - 12 COMMON SCOTER , 40 GANNET, 1 GULIIEMOT ( on SEA ) At 18.30 a call from Nick - James & Julia had watched a PURPLE HERON ( 177 ) fly onto the Marsh . Managed to get some very good views between 18,45 - 19.15 at the back of the marsh ,. Continues the almost annual records for the site in the last few years . Whilst i was away enjoying the delights of Spain - Bob , Terry Nick and james reported - Friday 5 May - Strong E winds produced a record count of 57 GREY PLOVER ( many in full summer age ) 20 DUNLIN, 12 TURNSTONE ,12 BAR T GODWIT, 2 SANDERLING, WHIMBREL,, 2 SHOVELER and a HOBBY . On SATURDAY 6 MAY - 1 GREENSHANK, 2 GREY PLOVER, 2 WHIMBREL, 10 TURNSTONE, 1m WHINCHAT WED 10 MAY MIXED DAY OF WEATHER , spells of heavy rain , strong winds , spent the morning seawatching off the balcony , very different than THURLESTONE . In just over 3hrs logged 225 GANNET , could not pick up any SKUAS, however 2 flocks of FLAMINGO totalling 85 flew south. A mixed flock of 90 WHIMBREL and BAR T GODWIT also flew south . Around 20 SANDWICH TERN and 5 LITTLE TERN . Waders etc in the estuary - TURNSTONE, SANDERLING, RINGED PLOVER, WHIMBREL, 4 SPOONBILL. The Herony /Egret colony was well in excess of 150 birds. In the scrub area beyond the hotel - 9 AZURE WINGED MAGPIE, 5 HOOPOE, SERIN , SARDINIAN WARBLER, amongst over 500 Hirundines were 2 RED RUMPED SWALLOW. And a new bird for the trip WREN finishing with a total of 120 species . A very enjoyable holiday in a quiet location with some very good sites to visit TUES 9 MAY LAST FULL DAY _ no car so only local watching - plenty to see , only 1 addition to the trip list - on the beach 2 KENTISH PLOVER , so now 119 species MON 8 MAY Spent the day driving around areas of COTO DONANA that we had not previously visited - due to lack of signposts and inadequate maps did not visit as many places as intended . sorry about break in update - Anne fell and split the back of her head open , so it was off to the local hospital for checks and stitches !. Back to the trip report - Raptors were the main event - at least 20 BLACK KITE , 5 LESSER KESTREL , 1 KESTREL, 3 M BOOTED EAGLE, 1 GRIFFON VULTURE , WADERS - 6 COLLARED PRATINCOLE, 20 AVOCET , 40 GLOSSY IBIS , 30 BLACK W STILT . Others - 8 WOODCHAT SHRIKE , 1SOUTHERN GREY SHRIKE 3 GREAT REED WARBLER , 10 RED RUMPED SWALLOW , 2 SHOVELER , RAVEN , GOLDEN ORIOLE ,WHITETHROAT . AT 22.00 ONE call of a RED NECKED NIGHTJAR off the balcony . trip list now 118 SUN 7 MAY ANother fabulous day in this part of Spain , best bird of the trip was on our balcony at 21.00 , a lifer - RED NECKED NIGHTJAR , Both seen and heard calling - WOW Spent the morning with another visit to the ODIEL MARSHERS - significant difference in birds logged 450 RINGED PLOVER, 600+ DUNLIN ,50 GREY PLOVER, 20 TURNSTONE , 150 SANDERLING , 5 KNOT, 1 COMMON SANDPIPER, 2 LITTLE STINT , 20 TURNSTONE BEST Birds of the morning =- 5 CASPIAN TERN , , only 5 LITTLE TERN. 6 SANDWICH TERN , 6 SHELDUCK, 800 +FLAMINGO , 1 GREAT WHITE EGRET , 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL INC A SPANISH WAGTAIL - MALE , 1 WHITE WAGTAIL , RAPTORS - 4 OSPREY, 2M MARSH HARRIER ., 1M 1F MONTAGU'S HARRIER , 1 LESSER KESTREL., 1M BOOTED EAGLE . TRIP LIST NOW UP TO 108 Sat 6 MAY EL ROMBIDO UPDATE Situated in the South West corner of Spain does not appear to be regularly visited by many U.K. birders On Friday our first visit away from the hotel - El PORTIL LAKE - plenty of water so no waders but did pick up - G C GREBE , LITTLE GREBE , GADWALL, POCHARD , RED CREASTED POCHARD COOT , MOORHEN , surprise was watching a CRESTED TIT only feet away ., 2 GARGANEY flew over . Next visit to the ODIELMARSHES - a fabulous site , first time we have visited in Spring -still plenty of birds to see - 100+ LITTLE TERN , 10 SANDWICH TERN , 2 COMMON TERN , 800+ FLAMINGO , plenty of waders many in summer plumage - 50 SANDERLING , 300 DUNLIN, 25 BLACK WINGED STILT, 75 CURLEW SANDPIPER., 10 LITTLE STINT , 50 RINGED PLOVER , 10 REDSHANK, 4 WHIMBREL , 1 CURLEW, 50 GREY PLOVER, 1 BAR T GODWIT, 1 LITTLE RINGED PLOVER. 14 AUDOINS GULL , 4 LESSER B B GULL , A pair of OSPREY ON NEST , MARSH HARRIER , HOBBY , BUZZARD , 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 3 FAN T WARBLER , 1 LESSER WHITETHROAT, CORN BUNTING , PALLID SWIFT , WHITE WAGTAIL BACK AT THE HOTEL - OFFSHORE 3 GANNET , HOOPOE , HOBBY AND 2 M SPANISH SPARROW . SAT 6 MAY -If yesterday was good today was beyond all expectations , a visit to COTO DONANA - LA ROCINA ( still a cowboy town ) The Marsh - a breeding colony of - NIGHT HERON , CATTLE EGRET, GLOSSY IBIS ( 60+ ) , 20 SPOONBILL, 20 LITTLE EGRET , 30 GREYLAG GOOSE , 20 RED C POCHARD , 6 POCHARD , 3 WHISKERED TERN, 1 GULL BILLED TERN , BLACK TERN, 2 COLLARD PRATINCOLE ( one of my birds to see ) many hirundines inc 4 RED R SWALLOW , WARBLERS - 4 GREAT REED . , REED , NIGHTINGALE, SAVIS ( heard ) , 1 GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO, 5 COMMON WAXBILL ,MARSH HARRIER , 6 BLACK KITE next stop La Rocina - 1 SPOTTED FLY , 2 TREE SPARROW, CHAFFINCH,20 BEE EATER , 8 NIGHTINGALE, 3 WOODCHAT SHRIKE , AND FINALLY on the way back 15 PIN TAILED SANDGROUSE THE TRIP LIST NOW UP TO 100 and still 4 days to go THURS 4MAY EL ROMBIDO UPDATE Have a great view from the balcony of the estuary, spent some time today but turned cloudy with a brisk SW wind - highlights of the 43 species logged so far - OSPREY, LITTLE TERN , COMMON TERN , SANDWICH TERN , 6 FLAMINGO , 2 WHITE STORK , 3 BEE EATER , 9 AZURE WINGED MAGPIE , SERIN , TAWNY PIPIT, CRESTED LARK, ORPHEAN WARBLER, SARDINIAN WARBLER, 5 HOOPOE, CETTIS WARBLER,BLACK WINGED STILT,. WADERS on the beach -SANDERLING, OYSTERCATCHER, RINGED PLOVER, DUNLIN,. BIG SURPRISE WAS TO FIND A LARGE EGRET/ HERONRY - at least 70 CATTLE EGRET, 15 LITTLE EGRET, 3 GREAT WHITE EGRET , 10 HERON Pick a car up in the morning off to El Portal pool and then the Odell Marshes TUES 2 MAY. Although a cloudy morning still felt cool in a brisk E wind . An hours Garden watch from 07.00 produced33 species inc BLACKCAP, CHIFFY, GREEN WOODY, 6 WHIMBREL, 1 WHITETHROATSEDGE and REED WARBLER. On Leasfoot Beach at 08.30 - 17 WHIMBREL, 8 SANDERLING and 2 DUNLIN An hours seawatch with Bob, Dave and Graham produced - 50 GANNET, 130 MANX SHEARWATER ( inc 1 flock of 80+ ) 4 FULMAR, 25 AUKS, 1 GREY PLOVER, all west , 2 WHIMBREL, 3 SANDWICH TERN On South Huish Marsh - 6 CATTLE EGRET, 8TEAL, 1 f WHEATEAR, 2 WHIMBREL, 2 fledged STONECHAT and at 12.15 a first May record ( for me ) of a LAPWING . Over at South Efford not to be outdone Eric had the patch's first May record - the 2cy ICELAND GULL again . Next updaye will be 10 May - we are off to the Odiell Mrashes in S W Spain early Wed . Late news - Nick rang 18.45 there is a S/pl CURLEW SANPIPER ( 176 ) in Wagtail corner of South Huish marsh , also 2 WHEATEAR. Sped over - my first Spring record , looking vey nice in partial s/pl . Another great patch record MON 1 MAY Another typical Bank Holiday Monday weather - driving rain and strong NW wind . Ventured out when the rain went through around 14.00 Initially seawatching at the car park - 8 GANNET, 1 FULMAR, 1 WHIMBREL ( 20 earlier on the beach ) 2 MANX SHEARWATER , 1 SWIFT , Nick drove round to inform me of 4 AVOCET ( 175 ) on South Huish marsh- first record since March 2014 . Also on the Marsh 6 CATTLE EGRET, 45 LESSER B B GULL, 16 WHIMBREL , 1 BAR T GODWIT, 20 SWALLOW , SAND and HOUSE MARTIN On the rocks 12 SANDERLING. SUN 30 APRIL -A superb end to the month with 4 patch year ticks
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