THURS 31 AUG A late update for yesterday- a sort visit to South Huish Marsh at 13.40 - 1 CATTLE EGRET, 4 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 2 WHITE WAGTAIL 2 TEAL, 5 SAND MARTIN, 3 DUNLIN, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER. At South Milton Ley Alan ringed 44 birds inc-8 BLACKCAP, 2 GROPPA, 8 REED WARBLER , 15 SEDGE WARBLER, 3 WILLOW WARBLER , 3 TREE PIPIT , also on site - 4 TREE PIPIT and 5 GREY WAGTAIL During AUGUST a total of 635 birds were ringed at the site inc- 80 SWALLOW, 16 TREE PIPIT, 2 REED BUNTING, 10 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 3 GROPPA, 191 SEDGE WARBLER, 76 REED WARBLER, 5 WHITETHROAT, 1 GARDEN WARBLER, 50 BLACKCAP, 32 CHIFFY , 80 WILLOW WARBLER This gives you some indication of the importance of the site for migrating birds particularly Warblers . A good return for the hours of effort Alan puts in to manage the ringing rides and set the nets up on each visit WED 30 AUG Autumn arrived this morning - cool cloudy and wet. At South Huish marsh at 07.40 only 2 BLACK T GODWIT , 3 TEAL, 1 LITTLE EGRET, 1 CATTLE EGRET, 80 + MALLARD and 3 YELLOW WAGTAIL. In the Bay a juv MED GULL A short walk around Thurleston Hotel at 15.00 - COAL TIT , GOLDCREST and 3 SISKIN ( flew over calling ) At South Efford Marsh Eric reports no change from yesterday. TUES 29 AUG An overcast morning with a light breeze . First news from yesterday - Alan ringed at South Milton ley- 19 BLACKCAP, 4 TREE PIPIT, 7 WILLOW WARBLER , 8 CHIFFY, 1 SEDGE WARBLER , 1 REED WARBLER. Also on site - 1 SPOT FLY, 1 KINGFISHER, and 2 JAY Over my garden at 19.40 50 SWALLOW and 2 SWIFT. Joined by Graham this morning - South Huish Marsh from 09.30- 2 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 RUFF , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 13 DUNLIN , 1 KINGFISHER, 3 TEAL, 3 WHITETHROAT, 1f WHINCHAT 1 WHEATEAR . Surprise were 2 CATTLE EGRET ( looked like juv's ,1 still had some black on the tip of the bill ), then at 12.10 picked up another flying over south ( the original 2 still present ) Report of 20 RINGED PLOVER on Yarmer Beach At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 7 GREENSHANK, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 10 + COMMON SANDPIPER, 12 TEAL MON 28 AUG A very quiet day only managed a Garden watch for 45min at 08.05 - 31 species inc -10 RINGED PLOVER ( flew N ) a flock of 15 WAGTAIL on the Golf Couse were 4 PIED and 11 YELLOW . Warblers moving through were - REED WARBLER, CHIFFY , WILLOW . BLACKCAP , also a REED BUNTING SUN 27 AUG Another very sunny morning with only a light breeze - Started early to try and avoid the crowds, South Huish Marsh at 07.50 - 60 DUNLIN ( PEREGRINE caused them to depart at 09.15 ) 3 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 REDSHANK , 1 GREENSHANK ( footbridge ) 1 GREEN SANDPIPEr ( flew over calling ), 4 TEAL, 1 WHEATEAR, . In the copse 1 SPOT FLY , 4 CHIFFY . 7 YELLOW WAGTAIL . In reeds by the footbridge 1 REED WARBLER. At 17.00 a YELLOW WATAIL over T'stone Marsh Eric reports more of the same at South Efford Marsh - 3 GREENSHANK, Ringed Plover, lots of COMMON SANDPIPER, 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 1 SPOTTED FLY SAT 26 AUG A nice sunny morning with a light S breeze . South Huish Marsh watched from 08.20-10.30- 100 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER (flew off south at 08.40 ) 1 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 4 BLACK T GODWIT, 6 LITTLE EGRET, 5 TEAL, 18 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 9 CHIFFY, 4 WILLOW WARBLER, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 100 + SWALLOW, 7 SAND MARTIN , 195 HOUSE MARTIN ( flocks of 40, 60 & 70 ) At 10.10 a PEREGRINE caused all the DUNLIN to leave . In the Bay - 1juv MED GULL, 2 SANDWICH TERN, over 500 HERRING GULL on the rocks between Hope Cove and Bolt Tail . At 10.45 a GREAT NORTHERN DIVER flew west ( earliest patch autumn record ) At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 9 DUNLIN, 2 GREENSHANK, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 3 WHIMBREL , 16 + COMMON SANDPIPER, 25 SAND MARTIN YELLOW WAGTAILS AT SOUTH HUISH MARSH 26 Aug 2017 FRI 25 AUG Only report rec'd so far is from Eric at South Efford Marsh- 1 DUNLIN, 2 GREENSHANK, 2 WHIMBREL, 3 GREEN SANDPIPER , 10+ COMMON SANDPIPER . Earlier in the week early evening a BARN OWL over the Marsh THURS 24 AUG News rec'd from James K who was at South Huish Marsh at 18.00-1 RUFF, 1 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 9 BLACK T GODWIT 50 DUNLIN - all disturbed by a PEREGRINE Earlier 1 COMMON SCOTER , small flocks of MANX and a FEW BALEARIC SHEARWATERS in the Bay At South Efford Marsh in the afternoon Eric reported - 7 DUNLIN, 4 WHIMBREL, 3 GREENSHANK, 10 + COMMON SANDPIPER At South Milton Ley Alan ringed - 7 BLACKCAP, 3 CHIFFY, 8 WILLOW WARBLER, 11 REED WARBLER, 45 SEDGE WARBLER, 1 GARDEN WARBLER, 1 WHITETHROAT, 2 TREE PIPIT Photos from James K of - REDSHANK, RUFF and DUNLIN at South Huish Marsh 24 AUG 2017 WED 23 AUG An overcast morning with a brisk F4 W wind At 07.15 South Huish Marsh held 7 BLACK T GODWIT ( flew off at 09.15 ) 2 GREENSHANK flew in at 09.30 later joined by 19 DUNLIN , 2 RINGED PLOVER .1 f TEAL. At 17.00 Nick had a REDSHANK as well but no small waders Some interesting passage offshore , between o7.30 - 10.15 - 240 + GANNET, 110 MANX SHEARWATER ( at least 70 on the sea ). , 5 BALEARIC SHEARWATER ( flew east ), 10 KITTIWAKE , 4 COMMON SCOTER -E , highlight though was an imm POM SKUA made 2 attacks into the Gulls at 08.25 before flying west . At least 20 GBBGULL and 55 + BLACK H GULL in the Bay TUES 22 AUG Another morning of sunny periods this time with an increasing SE wind up to F 5 Only 4 RINGED PLOVER on South Huish Marsh , then at 12.15 Graham oicked up a wader flying in off the sea - a RUFF, flew straight up the valley Offshore severall rafts of MANX SHEARWATER total 150 +, 70 + GANNET, 10 BALEARIC SHEARWATER flew E at 09.45 gave good views as they were close inshore , 1 GUILLEMOT on the sea Lesley had on Leasfoot Beach - 29 RINGED PLOVER, 2 DUNLIN. Late morning Bob had a SWIFT over Huxton Cross . Ringing at South Milton Ley Alan caught - 7 BLACKCAP, 3 CHIFFY, 3 REED WARBLER, 4 SEDGE WARBLER, 3 WILLOW WARBLER . Also on site - 2 SPOTTED FLY , 1 TREE PIPIT .1 CIRL BUNTING One of the REED WARBLER was a 1st year bearing a DUTCH ring - last year on 23 Aug Roger caught a REED WARBLER bearing a Utrecht ring , also on another Dutch ringed bird was caught on 30 Aug. Late news from Nick - at 17.00 he'd had an imm LITTLE GULL FLY ONTO THE Marsh MON 21 AUG Initially a cloudy morning ,only a light breeze but with poor offshore viz . At 08.20 on Leasfoot Beach - 30 RINGED PLOVER, 5 DUNLIN, 1 WHIMBREL. Off Warren Pt - 3 BALEARIC SHEARWATER ( flew W @ 08.55 ) a few GANNET, drifting with the tide a raft of 30+ AUKS - Mostly GUILLEMOT with a few RAZORBILL, on the headland 2 WHITETHROAT, 1 WHEATAER , 4 STONECHAT On South Huish Marsh at 10.15 - 9 BLACK T GODWIT, 12 DUNLIN, 16 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING , 2 RAVEN, 1 PEREGRINE , 5 CHIFFY , 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL flew through SUN 20 AUG Very untypical summer day !- Cloudy with rain setting in from 09.45 . First an update on the BLACK SWANS on the Avon Estuary tidal road . I rec'd an email from Matt Silk who was seawatching off the Lizard Point on Thursday when he had 4 Black Swan flying east . Were these the 4 that were recorded along the south coast last autumn , did show up at Slapton , thought to have been from Holland . this morning very quiet - on South Huish Marshat 08.50- 3 BLACK T GODWIT , 4 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 SAND MARTIN , 1 TEAL, , 6 CHIFFY , 1 WILLOW WARBLER . OFFSHORE 25 GANNET AND 4 BALEARIC SHEARWATER SAT ON THE SEA Evening update - With heavy rain and high tide decided to return to South Huish Marsh - joined by Alan & Terry , waders counts were - 200+ DUNLIN, 70+RINGED PLOVER , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER AND 8 BLACK T GODWIT . NEAR Horswell House a very wet looking SPOTTED FLY Record shots of BLACK SWAN ( lots of glare ) and LITTLE EGRET Avon Estuary 18 Aug 2017 [BLACK SWAN - 18 AUG 2017]FRI 18 AUG A sunny morning with an increasing F5/6 W wind . At 08.20 only 3 DUNLIN and a BLACK T GODWIT on South Huish Marsh , in the copse 6 CHIFFY and 3 WILLOW WARBLER . Offshore around 20 GANNET . On Leasfoot Beach 1 SANDERLING , 1WHIMBREL, 1COMMON SANDPIPER . Went over to the tidal,road on the Avon Estuary - 6 COMMON SANDPIPER and asleep amongst the MUTE SWAN 4 BLACK SWAN (191) a patch tick , record shot to follow . THURS 17 AUG Initially a cloudy early morning with suuny spells later , a F5 SW wind On South Huish Marsh low count of waders - between 09.00-12.15 only 14 DUNLIN, 4 RINGED PLOVER, , 1 WHEATEAR, 2 SWIFT, 2 WHITE WAGTAIL, 5 CHIFFY , 2 WILLOW WARBLER. On the rocks 4 TURNSTONE, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 1st s MED GULL , 12 OYSTERCATCHER, Offshore - 60 GANNET, 2 COMMON TERN, 2 KITTIWAKE, 1 GUILLEMOT, 16 MANX SHEARWATER. Alan Pomroy sent me details of an interesting retrap of a REED WARBLER - originally ringed as a bird of the year at South Milton Ley on 7 AUG 2010, retrapped at the same site on 17 July 2017 . Now 7 years old it has completed 7 return trips to winter quarters probably south of the Sahara . A remarkable bird WED 16 AUG An overcast morning , sunny periods later and an increasing S F4 wind . A marauding PEREGRINE is spooking the waders - at 08.10 only 12 DUNLIN ,later increased to 120 along with 20 RINGED PLOVER, 1 BLACK T GODWIT ,at 09.30 a GREENSHANK flew onto the marsh only staying a few minutes , at the same time a WOOD SANDPIPER showed briefly , at 10.05 a GREEN SANDPIPER flew in . , both of these flew off by 10.25 again due to the PEREGRINE . Offshore a few MANX SHEARWATER, 1 BALEARIC flew east at 09.00 , 50 + GANNET, 1 FULMAR. In the copse 7 CHIFFY Alan ringing at South Milton Ley caught 42 birds inc- 4 BLACKCAP, 3 BULLFINCH, 4 CHIFFY, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 9 WILLOW WARBLER and 4 TREE PIPIT . Also on site 3 GREY WAGTAIL and a SPARROWHAWK At South efford Marsh Eric reports - 2 GREENSHANK, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER, 4 COMMON SANDPIPER and 30 CURLEW TUES 15 AUG A sunny morning with clear skies and a light W breeze At 08.05 off Warren Pt / Yarmer Beach - 10 RINGED PLOVER, 1 WHIMBREL, 1 TURNSTONE ( being attacked by a PEREGRINE ) 20 KITTIWAKE - west, 25+ MANX SHEARWATER, 10 GANNET . On South Huish Marsh - 225 DUNLIN ( record count for the site ) 6 RINGED PLOVER, 7 BLACK T GODWIT, 4 SNIPE, 4 LITTLE EGRET, 2 WHEATEAR, . In the copse 4 CHIFFY and a report of a SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. Note the reduction over the last few days in RINGED PLOVER. There is a report of 5 CATTLE EGRET flying over Exminster Marshes at 06.25 this morning - almsot certainly the birds we had yesterday- could these be new arrivals from France ? MON 14 AUG A cloudy morning with some light rain , very light breeze At 08.50 the waders on South Huish Marsh were- 200+ DUNLIN, 32 RINGED PLOVER, 7 BLACK T GODWIT , at 10.40 managed to find the WOOD SANDPIPER which gave very good views on the front pool, earlier Paul B had a GREEN SANDPIPER . At 09.45 there were 5 CATTLE EGRET on the back pool - no sign of any breeding plumage but with orange bills , got spooked by a cow and flew off into a nearby field with cattle in .First sighting for over a week Offshore 225 + MANX SHEARWATER flew east ,also 9 COMMON SCOTER , only 10 GANNET James K is doing some seawatching from Bolt Tail yesterday he had a STORM PETREL fly across the at about the same time i was awtching 3 from Warren Pt . This morning he had another along with 350+ Manx and 6 BALEARIC SHEARWATER Yesterday Alan P was ringing at South Milton Ley -72 birds inc - 3 TREE PIPIT, 1 GROPPA, 3 CHIFFY, 9 REED WARBLER, 13 SEDGE WARBLER, 23 WILLOW WARBLER, 4 WHITETHROAT and a KINGFISHER One of the CHIFFY was a retrap first ringed on 13 Aug 2016 not seen again ( in a net ) until the same date in 2017 - Spooky ! SUN 13 AUG Early morning start at -7.00 to count waders at South Huish Marsh, yesterday evening Paul B had a total of 211 DUNLIN -Arecord for the site.Today -180 DUNLIN., 25 RINGED PLOVER 5 BLACK T GODWIT another 2 flew in later and a GREEN SANDPIPER. Just been informed of a WOOD SANDPIPER which James found late morning ON Yarmer Beachat 08.00- 26 DUNLIN, 25 RINGED PLOVER, 2 SANDERLING, 2 TURNSTONE , 1 WHEATEAR. On Leasefoot Beach -4 RINGED PLOVER , 1 SANDERLING, 1 DUNLIN , 1 WHIMBREL Offshore from Warren Pt a flock of 250 + MANX SHEARWATER, 3 STORM PETREL watched ''dancing" over the sea behind a day trawlerFY215, at 08.30a single CORY'S SHEARWATERFLEWWEST At South Efford Marsh Eric reports-8 DUNLIN, 9 RINGED PLOVER, 3 GREENSHANK , 1 REDSHANK , 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 30 CURLEW , 1 WHIMBREL A. HOBBY over North Marsh SAT 12 AUG Another good day for waders around the patch, mostly cloudy morning with a F4/5 W wind Whilst I was counting the waders on Yarmer Beach , Terry and James were at South Huish Marsh. Yarmer Beach - 60 RINGED PLOVER, 77 DUNLIN, 11 SANDERLING , 4 TURNSTONE, 1 REDSHANK, 1 WHIMBREL, 1 COMMON SANDPIPER , 40 OYSTERCATCHER. On South Huish Marsh - 181 DUNLIN, 41 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING , 5 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 CURLEW, 10 CANADA GOOSE ( first for a couple of months here ). 1 PEREGRINE, 1 SPARROWHAWK At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 8 DUNLIN, 9 RINGED PLOVER, 3 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 32 CURLEW , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 1 LITTLE GREBE ( on river ) and a nice GROPPA. 12 species of Wader and some impressive totals of , 110 RINGED PLOVER, 259 DUNLIN FRI 11 AUG A cloudy morning with rain setting in from 10.30, a brisk F 4/5 W wind Numbers of waders on South Huish Marsh continue to increase - today highest totals for some years - at 08.00 - 11.30 180 DUNLIN, 41 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING, 1 BLACK T GODWIT . At 08.20 3 GREENSHANK flew in , they were joined by a 4th at 09.25 , they all flew off west at 09.50 ( this could be a site record ) at 09.15 a small flock of 8 MEADOW PIPIT flew in together with a WOODLARK (190 ) good views of it feeding on the scrub area . At South Efford Marsh Dave P had 3 GREEN SANDPIPER, on North Marsh, before they were disturbed by paddle boarders working their way up river THURS 10 AUG Nothing from today , info rec'd from other watchers - on Warren Pt 2 WHEATEAR, at South Milton Ley - 127 DUNLIN, 14 RINGED PLOVER, 5 BLACK T GODWIT . Alan P ringing at South Milton Ley caught -4 BLACKCAP, 6 CHIFFY, 10 REED WARBLER, 18 SEDGE WARBLER, 23 WILLOW WARBLER WED 9 AUG A cloudy morning , no rain but a cool NW F 4/5 wind 2 visits to South Huish Marsh - at 08.45 on the beach 2 CURLEW SANDPIPER- soon moved off by dog walkers .On the marsh - 68 DUNLIN, 25 RINGED PLOVER, 8 BLACK T GODWIT , 3 SAND MARTIN, 1 SPARROWHAWK, 4 LITTLE EGRET . Evening visit at 17.15 - 72 DUNLIN, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 BLACK T GODWIT and a WHITETHROAT , everything spooked by a HOBBY at 17.25 At South Efford Marsh Eric reports 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 3 GREENSHANK, 1 GREEN SANPIPER, 1 WHIMBREL TUES 8 AUG A surprisingly sunny morning with no rain , aF3/4 W wind Started with an hours Garden Watch at 07.00-32 species inc - 3 COMMON SCOTER flew west , also picked up 20 GANNET and 3 MANX SHEARWATER , 60 + SWALLOW, BULLFINCH, CIRL BUNTING ,GREEN WOODY, 2 BLACKCAP, 4 CHIFFY, LINNET flock reached 160+, a RED L PARTRIDGE walked through the garden Offshore 40+ GANNET, 2 MANX SHEARWATER. On South Huish Marsh a WOOD SANDPIPER ( 189 ) flew over calling left going towards the Avon Est at 10.30, , also - 12 DUNLIN, 6 RINGED PLOVER, 3 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 juv GREY WAGTAIL , 1 WHITETHROAT and 2 REED WARBLER Evening update -At 17.30 waders on South Huish marsh were- 12 RINGED PLOVER , 73 DUNLIN , 4 BLACK T GODWIT at 17.50 a PEREGRINE flew through putting everything up , some DUNLIN and RINGED PLOVERreturned later MON 7 AUG A cloudy morning with a light shower, F3/4 W wind Offshore watched 08.00-09.15 280 GANNET, 3 KITTIWAKE, 20 MANX SHEARWATER , 1 SOOTY SHEARWATER ( west @08.15 ), on the beach 5 SANDERLING, 2 RINGED PLOVER On South Huish Marsh - 21 DUNLIN, 4 BLACK T GODWIT, 3juv YELLOW L GULL.20 SWALLOW In an hour from 14.35 a noticeable passage of Hirundines and Swift - 60 HOUSE MARTIN , 2 SAND MARTIN , 180 SWALLOW and 115 SWIFT On South Efford Marsh - Dave P had 3 GREEN SANDPIPER on North Marsh , Roger B had 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 COMMON SANDPIPER, SUN 6 AUG A sunny day with a F3/4 W wind At South Huish marsh early - 15 DUNLIN, 9 BLACK T GODWIT until a PEREGRINE flew through at 09.10 , everything flew off , only 1 BLACK T GODWITand 2 DUNLIN returned . 1 CATTLE EGRET and a F SHOVELER on site . In the copse 1 GREAT SP WOODY, 4 CHIFFY , 2 WILLOW WARBLER Ringing at South Milton Ley Alan P has - 2 CHIFFY, 3 WILLOW WARBLER, 12 SEDGE WARBLER, 6 REED WARBLER , and a KINGFISHER Around my garden - 3 BLACKCAP, 2 WILLOW WARBLER, 3 CHIFFY, 1 GARDEN WARBLER , 8 SWIFT ( over ) SAT 5 AUG A sunny morning with some high cloud. An hours Garden watch from 07.30 produced 34 species - 3 BLACKCAP, 2 CHIFFY, 2 WILLOW WARBLER, 22 WHITETHROAT, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 1f REED BUNTING , 2 CIRL BUNTING ., 2 GREAT SP WOODY, 3 SWIFT, also 2 young Stoat playing . Decided to do a Wader watch at the car park at South Huish Marsh - watched from 10.00-12.30 and 13.45 - 15.45 . Numbers gradually built up to - 50 DUNLIN, 11 RINGED PLOVER, 5 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 COMMON SANDPIPER, also 2 WHEATEAR ( first returning birds ) 1f SHOVELER, 1 SAND MARTIN, 1juv YELLOW L GULL At South Efford Marsh - Dave P had 4 GREEN SANDPIPER ( on North Marsh ) whilst on South Efford Marsh Eric had - 2 GREENSHANK, 2 COMMON SANDPIPER, 27 CURLEW FRI 4 AUG Late post as Eric and I went over to Bowling Green marsh at Topsham to see the ad WHITE WINGED BLACK TERN (starting to moult ). very good views of this Devon rarity, also 2 WOOD SANDPIPER and a GREEN SANDPIPER Earlier in the morningon South Huish Marsh 13 DUNLIN , 24 later in the afternoon, 6 BLACK TAILED GODWIT, 1 REDSHANK , 1 GREENSHANK25 RINGED PLOVER , 1ad CATTLE EGRET, 1juv YELLW L GULL THURS 3 AUG An overcast morning with a F7 SW wind with rough seas . An early start seawatch at 07.20 only produced - 80 GANNET, 21 MANX SHEARWATER , 1 BALEARIC SHEARWATER, 2 SANDWICH TERN, 2 KITTIWAKE , 3 FULMAR. Report of 3 WHIMBREL on the beach , also 3 RINGED PLOVER . South Huish Marsh now full of water , no mud which meant no waders , late afternonn Dave Pakes had 4 DUNLIN ,. The ad CATTLE EGRET still there . At South Efford Marsh Eric reports 4 RINGED PLOVER, 3 CURLEW , 25 SWIFT and a juv / F eclipse SHOVELER WED 2 AUG A stormy and very wet day Went over to Beesands with Eric and joined by Terry, found some shelter from the driving rain , F 7/8 S/SSW wind , the expected seabird passage did not materialise , poor offshore viz - logged - 95 GANNET, 50 MANX SHEARWATER, 7 KITTIWAKE , 3 FULMAR, 2 COMMON TERN . Arrived at South Huish Marsh at 12.15 , waders were- 30 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER and a nice ad CURLEW SANDPIPER ( earliest autumn patch record . ) Following a call from Dave Pakes went back over at 15.45 to find a COMMON SANDPIPER , Dave also had a SNIPE . At 16.35 another flock of waders flew in - 23 RINGED PLOVER and 3 sp TURNSTONE. Also a YELLOW WAGTAIL TUES 1 AUG Another sunny morning with a brisk F4/5 SW wind . An early start at 06.15 from my garden certainly paid off - watched for 1 hour with 37 species recorded inc a number of maritime birds picked up through the scope - 50 MANX SHEARWATER flew west ( a garden tick ) 80 + GANNET , at 06.40 a lp ARCTIC SKUA attacking a KITTIWAKE, also an ad CATTLE EGRET , 2 BLACKCAP, 1 WILLOW WARBLER , 4 CHIFFY , flock of 70 + LINNET, 2 CIRL BUNTING , 2 BULLFINCH, GREEN WOODY, 25 SWIFT , 1 SPARROWHAWK . On South Huish Marsh Dave Pakes at 07.00 had the LITTLE STINT before it flew off , later in the morning the wader count was - 19 DUNLIN, 7 RINGED PLOVER, 2 SANDERLING , 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 juv / eclipse SHOVELER. 1ad CATTLE EGRET In the copse / gardens- 1 WHITETHROAT, 5 CHIFFY, 2 WILLOW WARBLER. In the Bay - a MED GULL, 1m COMMON SCOTER Alan P had the busiest morning ringing so far with 110 birds ringed inc - 1 BLACKCAP, 1 CHAFFINCH, 18 REED WARBLER , 83 SEDGE WARBLER, 2 WILLOW WARBLER , also on site a SPARROWHAWK , GREEN WOODY. Interesting weather system arriver overnight S winds up to F 8 and heavy rain by morning , hopefully a good seawatch beckonsTHURS 31 AUG A late update for yesterday- a sort visit to South Huish Marsh at 13.40 - 1 CATTLE EGRET, 4 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 2 WHITE WAGTAIL 2 TEAL, 5 SAND MARTIN, 3 DUNLIN, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER. At South Milton Ley Alan ringed 44 birds inc-8 BLACKCAP, 2 GROPPA, 8 REED WARBLER , 15 SEDGE WARBLER, 3 WILLOW WARBLER , 3 TREE PIPIT , also on site - 4 TREE PIPIT and 5 GREY WAGTAIL During AUGUST a total of 635 birds were ringed at the site inc- 80 SWALLOW, 16 TREE PIPIT, 2 REED BUNTING, 10 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 3 GROPPA, 191 SEDGE WARBLER, 76 REED WARBLER, 5 WHITETHROAT, 1 GARDEN WARBLER, 50 BLACKCAP, 32 CHIFFY , 80 WILLOW WARBLER This gives you some indication of the importance of the site for migrating birds particularly Warblers . A good return for the hours of effort Alan puts in to manage the ringing rides and set the nets up on each visit WED 30 AUG Autumn arrived this morning - cool cloudy and wet. At South Huish marsh at 07.40 only 2 BLACK T GODWIT , 3 TEAL, 1 LITTLE EGRET, 1 CATTLE EGRET, 80 + MALLARD and 3 YELLOW WAGTAIL. In the Bay a juv MED GULL A short walk around Thurleston Hotel at 15.00 - COAL TIT , GOLDCREST and 3 SISKIN ( flew over calling ) At South Efford Marsh Eric reports no change from yesterday. TUES 29 AUG An overcast morning with a light breeze . First news from yesterday - Alan ringed at South Milton ley- 19 BLACKCAP, 4 TREE PIPIT, 7 WILLOW WARBLER , 8 CHIFFY, 1 SEDGE WARBLER , 1 REED WARBLER. Also on site - 1 SPOT FLY, 1 KINGFISHER, and 2 JAY Over my garden at 19.40 50 SWALLOW and 2 SWIFT. Joined by Graham this morning - South Huish Marsh from 09.30- 2 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 RUFF , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 13 DUNLIN , 1 KINGFISHER, 3 TEAL, 3 WHITETHROAT, 1f WHINCHAT 1 WHEATEAR . Surprise were 2 CATTLE EGRET ( looked like juv's ,1 still had some black on the tip of the bill ), then at 12.10 picked up another flying over south ( the original 2 still present ) Report of 20 RINGED PLOVER on Yarmer Beach At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 7 GREENSHANK, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 10 + COMMON SANDPIPER, 12 TEAL MON 28 AUG A very quiet day only managed a Garden watch for 45min at 08.05 - 31 species inc -10 RINGED PLOVER ( flew N ) a flock of 15 WAGTAIL on the Golf Couse were 4 PIED and 11 YELLOW . Warblers moving through were - REED WARBLER, CHIFFY , WILLOW . BLACKCAP , also a REED BUNTING SUN 27 AUG Another very sunny morning with only a light breeze - Started early to try and avoid the crowds, South Huish Marsh at 07.50 - 60 DUNLIN ( PEREGRINE caused them to depart at 09.15 ) 3 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 REDSHANK , 1 GREENSHANK ( footbridge ) 1 GREEN SANDPIPEr ( flew over calling ), 4 TEAL, 1 WHEATEAR, . In the copse 1 SPOT FLY , 4 CHIFFY . 7 YELLOW WAGTAIL . In reeds by the footbridge 1 REED WARBLER. At 17.00 a YELLOW WATAIL over T'stone Marsh Eric reports more of the same at South Efford Marsh - 3 GREENSHANK, Ringed Plover, lots of COMMON SANDPIPER, 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 1 SPOTTED FLY SAT 26 AUG A nice sunny morning with a light S breeze . South Huish Marsh watched from 08.20-10.30- 100 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER (flew off south at 08.40 ) 1 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 4 BLACK T GODWIT, 6 LITTLE EGRET, 5 TEAL, 18 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 9 CHIFFY, 4 WILLOW WARBLER, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 100 + SWALLOW, 7 SAND MARTIN , 195 HOUSE MARTIN ( flocks of 40, 60 & 70 ) At 10.10 a PEREGRINE caused all the DUNLIN to leave . In the Bay - 1juv MED GULL, 2 SANDWICH TERN, over 500 HERRING GULL on the rocks between Hope Cove and Bolt Tail . At 10.45 a GREAT NORTHERN DIVER flew west ( earliest patch autumn record ) At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 9 DUNLIN, 2 GREENSHANK, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 3 WHIMBREL , 16 + COMMON SANDPIPER, 25 SAND MARTIN YELLOW WAGTAILS AT SOUTH HUISH MARSH 26 Aug 2017 FRI 25 AUG Only report rec'd so far is from Eric at South Efford Marsh- 1 DUNLIN, 2 GREENSHANK, 2 WHIMBREL, 3 GREEN SANDPIPER , 10+ COMMON SANDPIPER . Earlier in the week early evening a BARN OWL over the Marsh THURS 24 AUG News rec'd from James K who was at South Huish Marsh at 18.00-1 RUFF, 1 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 9 BLACK T GODWIT 50 DUNLIN - all disturbed by a PEREGRINE Earlier 1 COMMON SCOTER , small flocks of MANX and a FEW BALEARIC SHEARWATERS in the Bay At South Efford Marsh in the afternoon Eric reported - 7 DUNLIN, 4 WHIMBREL, 3 GREENSHANK, 10 + COMMON SANDPIPER At South Milton Ley Alan ringed - 7 BLACKCAP, 3 CHIFFY, 8 WILLOW WARBLER, 11 REED WARBLER, 45 SEDGE WARBLER, 1 GARDEN WARBLER, 1 WHITETHROAT, 2 TREE PIPIT Photos from James K of - REDSHANK, RUFF and DUNLIN at South Huish Marsh 24 AUG 2017 WED 23 AUG An overcast morning with a brisk F4 W wind At 07.15 South Huish Marsh held 7 BLACK T GODWIT ( flew off at 09.15 ) 2 GREENSHANK flew in at 09.30 later joined by 19 DUNLIN , 2 RINGED PLOVER .1 f TEAL. At 17.00 Nick had a REDSHANK as well but no small waders Some interesting passage offshore , between o7.30 - 10.15 - 240 + GANNET, 110 MANX SHEARWATER ( at least 70 on the sea ). , 5 BALEARIC SHEARWATER ( flew east ), 10 KITTIWAKE , 4 COMMON SCOTER -E , highlight though was an imm POM SKUA made 2 attacks into the Gulls at 08.25 before flying west . At least 20 GBBGULL and 55 + BLACK H GULL in the Bay TUES 22 AUG Another morning of sunny periods this time with an increasing SE wind up to F 5 Only 4 RINGED PLOVER on South Huish Marsh , then at 12.15 Graham oicked up a wader flying in off the sea - a RUFF, flew straight up the valley Offshore severall rafts of MANX SHEARWATER total 150 +, 70 + GANNET, 10 BALEARIC SHEARWATER flew E at 09.45 gave good views as they were close inshore , 1 GUILLEMOT on the sea Lesley had on Leasfoot Beach - 29 RINGED PLOVER, 2 DUNLIN. Late morning Bob had a SWIFT over Huxton Cross . Ringing at South Milton Ley Alan caught - 7 BLACKCAP, 3 CHIFFY, 3 REED WARBLER, 4 SEDGE WARBLER, 3 WILLOW WARBLER . Also on site - 2 SPOTTED FLY , 1 TREE PIPIT .1 CIRL BUNTING One of the REED WARBLER was a 1st year bearing a DUTCH ring - last year on 23 Aug Roger caught a REED WARBLER bearing a Utrecht ring , also on another Dutch ringed bird was caught on 30 Aug. Late news from Nick - at 17.00 he'd had an imm LITTLE GULL FLY ONTO THE Marsh MON 21 AUG Initially a cloudy morning ,only a light breeze but with poor offshore viz . At 08.20 on Leasfoot Beach - 30 RINGED PLOVER, 5 DUNLIN, 1 WHIMBREL. Off Warren Pt - 3 BALEARIC SHEARWATER ( flew W @ 08.55 ) a few GANNET, drifting with the tide a raft of 30+ AUKS - Mostly GUILLEMOT with a few RAZORBILL, on the headland 2 WHITETHROAT, 1 WHEATAER , 4 STONECHAT On South Huish Marsh at 10.15 - 9 BLACK T GODWIT, 12 DUNLIN, 16 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING , 2 RAVEN, 1 PEREGRINE , 5 CHIFFY , 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL flew through SUN 20 AUG Very untypical summer day !- Cloudy with rain setting in from 09.45 . First an update on the BLACK SWANS on the Avon Estuary tidal road . I rec'd an email from Matt Silk who was seawatching off the Lizard Point on Thursday when he had 4 Black Swan flying east . Were these the 4 that were recorded along the south coast last autumn , did show up at Slapton , thought to have been from Holland . this morning very quiet - on South Huish Marshat 08.50- 3 BLACK T GODWIT , 4 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 SAND MARTIN , 1 TEAL, , 6 CHIFFY , 1 WILLOW WARBLER . OFFSHORE 25 GANNET AND 4 BALEARIC SHEARWATER SAT ON THE SEA Evening update - With heavy rain and high tide decided to return to South Huish Marsh - joined by Alan & Terry , waders counts were - 200+ DUNLIN, 70+RINGED PLOVER , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER AND 8 BLACK T GODWIT . NEAR Horswell House a very wet looking SPOTTED FLY Record shots of BLACK SWAN ( lots of glare ) and LITTLE EGRET Avon Estuary 18 Aug 2017 [BLACK SWAN - 18 AUG 2017]FRI 18 AUG A sunny morning with an increasing F5/6 W wind . At 08.20 only 3 DUNLIN and a BLACK T GODWIT on South Huish Marsh , in the copse 6 CHIFFY and 3 WILLOW WARBLER . Offshore around 20 GANNET . On Leasfoot Beach 1 SANDERLING , 1WHIMBREL, 1COMMON SANDPIPER . Went over to the tidal,road on the Avon Estuary - 6 COMMON SANDPIPER and asleep amongst the MUTE SWAN 4 BLACK SWAN (191) a patch tick , record shot to follow . THURS 17 AUG Initially a cloudy early morning with suuny spells later , a F5 SW wind On South Huish Marsh low count of waders - between 09.00-12.15 only 14 DUNLIN, 4 RINGED PLOVER, , 1 WHEATEAR, 2 SWIFT, 2 WHITE WAGTAIL, 5 CHIFFY , 2 WILLOW WARBLER. On the rocks 4 TURNSTONE, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 1st s MED GULL , 12 OYSTERCATCHER, Offshore - 60 GANNET, 2 COMMON TERN, 2 KITTIWAKE, 1 GUILLEMOT, 16 MANX SHEARWATER. Alan Pomroy sent me details of an interesting retrap of a REED WARBLER - originally ringed as a bird of the year at South Milton Ley on 7 AUG 2010, retrapped at the same site on 17 July 2017 . Now 7 years old it has completed 7 return trips to winter quarters probably south of the Sahara . A remarkable bird WED 16 AUG An overcast morning , sunny periods later and an increasing S F4 wind . A marauding PEREGRINE is spooking the waders - at 08.10 only 12 DUNLIN ,later increased to 120 along with 20 RINGED PLOVER, 1 BLACK T GODWIT ,at 09.30 a GREENSHANK flew onto the marsh only staying a few minutes , at the same time a WOOD SANDPIPER showed briefly , at 10.05 a GREEN SANDPIPER flew in . , both of these flew off by 10.25 again due to the PEREGRINE . Offshore a few MANX SHEARWATER, 1 BALEARIC flew east at 09.00 , 50 + GANNET, 1 FULMAR. In the copse 7 CHIFFY Alan ringing at South Milton Ley caught 42 birds inc- 4 BLACKCAP, 3 BULLFINCH, 4 CHIFFY, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 9 WILLOW WARBLER and 4 TREE PIPIT . Also on site 3 GREY WAGTAIL and a SPARROWHAWK At South efford Marsh Eric reports - 2 GREENSHANK, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER, 4 COMMON SANDPIPER and 30 CURLEW TUES 15 AUG A sunny morning with clear skies and a light W breeze At 08.05 off Warren Pt / Yarmer Beach - 10 RINGED PLOVER, 1 WHIMBREL, 1 TURNSTONE ( being attacked by a PEREGRINE ) 20 KITTIWAKE - west, 25+ MANX SHEARWATER, 10 GANNET . On South Huish Marsh - 225 DUNLIN ( record count for the site ) 6 RINGED PLOVER, 7 BLACK T GODWIT, 4 SNIPE, 4 LITTLE EGRET, 2 WHEATEAR, . In the copse 4 CHIFFY and a report of a SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. Note the reduction over the last few days in RINGED PLOVER. There is a report of 5 CATTLE EGRET flying over Exminster Marshes at 06.25 this morning - almsot certainly the birds we had yesterday- could these be new arrivals from France ? MON 14 AUG A cloudy morning with some light rain , very light breeze At 08.50 the waders on South Huish Marsh were- 200+ DUNLIN, 32 RINGED PLOVER, 7 BLACK T GODWIT , at 10.40 managed to find the WOOD SANDPIPER which gave very good views on the front pool, earlier Paul B had a GREEN SANDPIPER . At 09.45 there were 5 CATTLE EGRET on the back pool - no sign of any breeding plumage but with orange bills , got spooked by a cow and flew off into a nearby field with cattle in .First sighting for over a week Offshore 225 + MANX SHEARWATER flew east ,also 9 COMMON SCOTER , only 10 GANNET James K is doing some seawatching from Bolt Tail yesterday he had a STORM PETREL fly across the at about the same time i was awtching 3 from Warren Pt . This morning he had another along with 350+ Manx and 6 BALEARIC SHEARWATER Yesterday Alan P was ringing at South Milton Ley -72 birds inc - 3 TREE PIPIT, 1 GROPPA, 3 CHIFFY, 9 REED WARBLER, 13 SEDGE WARBLER, 23 WILLOW WARBLER, 4 WHITETHROAT and a KINGFISHER One of the CHIFFY was a retrap first ringed on 13 Aug 2016 not seen again ( in a net ) until the same date in 2017 - Spooky ! SUN 13 AUG Early morning start at -7.00 to count waders at South Huish Marsh, yesterday evening Paul B had a total of 211 DUNLIN -Arecord for the site.Today -180 DUNLIN., 25 RINGED PLOVER 5 BLACK T GODWIT another 2 flew in later and a GREEN SANDPIPER. Just been informed of a WOOD SANDPIPER which James found late morning ON Yarmer Beachat 08.00- 26 DUNLIN, 25 RINGED PLOVER, 2 SANDERLING, 2 TURNSTONE , 1 WHEATEAR. On Leasefoot Beach -4 RINGED PLOVER , 1 SANDERLING, 1 DUNLIN , 1 WHIMBREL Offshore from Warren Pt a flock of 250 + MANX SHEARWATER, 3 STORM PETREL watched ''dancing" over the sea behind a day trawlerFY215, at 08.30a single CORY'S SHEARWATERFLEWWEST At South Efford Marsh Eric reports-8 DUNLIN, 9 RINGED PLOVER, 3 GREENSHANK , 1 REDSHANK , 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 30 CURLEW , 1 WHIMBREL A. HOBBY over North Marsh SAT 12 AUG Another good day for waders around the patch, mostly cloudy morning with a F4/5 W wind Whilst I was counting the waders on Yarmer Beach , Terry and James were at South Huish Marsh. Yarmer Beach - 60 RINGED PLOVER, 77 DUNLIN, 11 SANDERLING , 4 TURNSTONE, 1 REDSHANK, 1 WHIMBREL, 1 COMMON SANDPIPER , 40 OYSTERCATCHER. On South Huish Marsh - 181 DUNLIN, 41 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING , 5 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 CURLEW, 10 CANADA GOOSE ( first for a couple of months here ). 1 PEREGRINE, 1 SPARROWHAWK At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 8 DUNLIN, 9 RINGED PLOVER, 3 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 32 CURLEW , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 1 LITTLE GREBE ( on river ) and a nice GROPPA. 12 species of Wader and some impressive totals of , 110 RINGED PLOVER, 259 DUNLIN FRI 11 AUG A cloudy morning with rain setting in from 10.30, a brisk F 4/5 W wind Numbers of waders on South Huish Marsh continue to increase - today highest totals for some years - at 08.00 - 11.30 180 DUNLIN, 41 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING, 1 BLACK T GODWIT . At 08.20 3 GREENSHANK flew in , they were joined by a 4th at 09.25 , they all flew off west at 09.50 ( this could be a site record ) at 09.15 a small flock of 8 MEADOW PIPIT flew in together with a WOODLARK (190 ) good views of it feeding on the scrub area . At South Efford Marsh Dave P had 3 GREEN SANDPIPER, on North Marsh, before they were disturbed by paddle boarders working their way up river THURS 10 AUG Nothing from today , info rec'd from other watchers - on Warren Pt 2 WHEATEAR, at South Milton Ley - 127 DUNLIN, 14 RINGED PLOVER, 5 BLACK T GODWIT . Alan P ringing at South Milton Ley caught -4 BLACKCAP, 6 CHIFFY, 10 REED WARBLER, 18 SEDGE WARBLER, 23 WILLOW WARBLER WED 9 AUG A cloudy morning , no rain but a cool NW F 4/5 wind 2 visits to South Huish Marsh - at 08.45 on the beach 2 CURLEW SANDPIPER- soon moved off by dog walkers .On the marsh - 68 DUNLIN, 25 RINGED PLOVER, 8 BLACK T GODWIT , 3 SAND MARTIN, 1 SPARROWHAWK, 4 LITTLE EGRET . Evening visit at 17.15 - 72 DUNLIN, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 BLACK T GODWIT and a WHITETHROAT , everything spooked by a HOBBY at 17.25 At South Efford Marsh Eric reports 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 3 GREENSHANK, 1 GREEN SANPIPER, 1 WHIMBREL TUES 8 AUG A surprisingly sunny morning with no rain , aF3/4 W wind Started with an hours Garden Watch at 07.00-32 species inc - 3 COMMON SCOTER flew west , also picked up 20 GANNET and 3 MANX SHEARWATER , 60 + SWALLOW, BULLFINCH, CIRL BUNTING ,GREEN WOODY, 2 BLACKCAP, 4 CHIFFY, LINNET flock reached 160+, a RED L PARTRIDGE walked through the garden Offshore 40+ GANNET, 2 MANX SHEARWATER. On South Huish Marsh a WOOD SANDPIPER ( 189 ) flew over calling left going towards the Avon Est at 10.30, , also - 12 DUNLIN, 6 RINGED PLOVER, 3 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 juv GREY WAGTAIL , 1 WHITETHROAT and 2 REED WARBLER Evening update -At 17.30 waders on South Huish marsh were- 12 RINGED PLOVER , 73 DUNLIN , 4 BLACK T GODWIT at 17.50 a PEREGRINE flew through putting everything up , some DUNLIN and RINGED PLOVERreturned later MON 7 AUG A cloudy morning with a light shower, F3/4 W wind Offshore watched 08.00-09.15 280 GANNET, 3 KITTIWAKE, 20 MANX SHEARWATER , 1 SOOTY SHEARWATER ( west @08.15 ), on the beach 5 SANDERLING, 2 RINGED PLOVER On South Huish Marsh - 21 DUNLIN, 4 BLACK T GODWIT, 3juv YELLOW L GULL.20 SWALLOW In an hour from 14.35 a noticeable passage of Hirundines and Swift - 60 HOUSE MARTIN , 2 SAND MARTIN , 180 SWALLOW and 115 SWIFT On South Efford Marsh - Dave P had 3 GREEN SANDPIPER on North Marsh , Roger B had 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 COMMON SANDPIPER, SUN 6 AUG A sunny day with a F3/4 W wind At South Huish marsh early - 15 DUNLIN, 9 BLACK T GODWIT until a PEREGRINE flew through at 09.10 , everything flew off , only 1 BLACK T GODWITand 2 DUNLIN returned . 1 CATTLE EGRET and a F SHOVELER on site . In the copse 1 GREAT SP WOODY, 4 CHIFFY , 2 WILLOW WARBLER Ringing at South Milton Ley Alan P has - 2 CHIFFY, 3 WILLOW WARBLER, 12 SEDGE WARBLER, 6 REED WARBLER , and a KINGFISHER Around my garden - 3 BLACKCAP, 2 WILLOW WARBLER, 3 CHIFFY, 1 GARDEN WARBLER , 8 SWIFT ( over ) SAT 5 AUG A sunny morning with some high cloud. An hours Garden watch from 07.30 produced 34 species - 3 BLACKCAP, 2 CHIFFY, 2 WILLOW WARBLER, 22 WHITETHROAT, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 1f REED BUNTING , 2 CIRL BUNTING ., 2 GREAT SP WOODY, 3 SWIFT, also 2 young Stoat playing . Decided to do a Wader watch at the car park at South Huish Marsh - watched from 10.00-12.30 and 13.45 - 15.45 . Numbers gradually built up to - 50 DUNLIN, 11 RINGED PLOVER, 5 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 COMMON SANDPIPER, also 2 WHEATEAR ( first returning birds ) 1f SHOVELER, 1 SAND MARTIN, 1juv YELLOW L GULL At South Efford Marsh - Dave P had 4 GREEN SANDPIPER ( on North Marsh ) whilst on South Efford Marsh Eric had - 2 GREENSHANK, 2 COMMON SANDPIPER, 27 CURLEW FRI 4 AUG Late post as Eric and I went over to Bowling Green marsh at Topsham to see the ad WHITE WINGED BLACK TERN (starting to moult ). very good views of this Devon rarity, also 2 WOOD SANDPIPER and a GREEN SANDPIPER Earlier in the morningon South Huish Marsh 13 DUNLIN , 24 later in the afternoon, 6 BLACK TAILED GODWIT, 1 REDSHANK , 1 GREENSHANK25 RINGED PLOVER , 1ad CATTLE EGRET, 1juv YELLW L GULL THURS 3 AUG An overcast morning with a F7 SW wind with rough seas . An early start seawatch at 07.20 only produced - 80 GANNET, 21 MANX SHEARWATER , 1 BALEARIC SHEARWATER, 2 SANDWICH TERN, 2 KITTIWAKE , 3 FULMAR. Report of 3 WHIMBREL on the beach , also 3 RINGED PLOVER . South Huish Marsh now full of water , no mud which meant no waders , late afternonn Dave Pakes had 4 DUNLIN ,. The ad CATTLE EGRET still there . At South Efford Marsh Eric reports 4 RINGED PLOVER, 3 CURLEW , 25 SWIFT and a juv / F eclipse SHOVELER WED 2 AUG A stormy and very wet day Went over to Beesands with Eric and joined by Terry, found some shelter from the driving rain , F 7/8 S/SSW wind , the expected seabird passage did not materialise , poor offshore viz - logged - 95 GANNET, 50 MANX SHEARWATER, 7 KITTIWAKE , 3 FULMAR, 2 COMMON TERN . Arrived at South Huish Marsh at 12.15 , waders were- 30 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER and a nice ad CURLEW SANDPIPER ( earliest autumn patch record . ) Following a call from Dave Pakes went back over at 15.45 to find a COMMON SANDPIPER , Dave also had a SNIPE . At 16.35 another flock of waders flew in - 23 RINGED PLOVER and 3 sp TURNSTONE. Also a YELLOW WAGTAIL TUES 1 AUG Another sunny morning with a brisk F4/5 SW wind . An early start at 06.15 from my garden certainly paid off - watched for 1 hour with 37 species recorded inc a number of maritime birds picked up through the scope - 50 MANX SHEARWATER flew west ( a garden tick ) 80 + GANNET , at 06.40 a lp ARCTIC SKUA attacking a KITTIWAKE, also an ad CATTLE EGRET , 2 BLACKCAP, 1 WILLOW WARBLER , 4 CHIFFY , flock of 70 + LINNET, 2 CIRL BUNTING , 2 BULLFINCH, GREEN WOODY, 25 SWIFT , 1 SPARROWHAWK . On South Huish Marsh Dave Pakes at 07.00 had the LITTLE STINT before it flew off , later in the morning the wader count was - 19 DUNLIN, 7 RINGED PLOVER, 2 SANDERLING , 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 juv / eclipse SHOVELER. 1ad CATTLE EGRET In the copse / gardens- 1 WHITETHROAT, 5 CHIFFY, 2 WILLOW WARBLER. In the Bay - a MED GULL, 1m COMMON SCOTER Alan P had the busiest morning ringing so far with 110 birds ringed inc - 1 BLACKCAP, 1 CHAFFINCH, 18 REED WARBLER , 83 SEDGE WARBLER, 2 WILLOW WARBLER , also on site a SPARROWHAWK , GREEN WOODY. Interesting weather system arriver overnight S winds up to F 8 and heavy rain by morning , hopefully a good seawatch beckonsTHURS 31 AUG A late update for yesterday- a sort visit to South Huish Marsh at 13.40 - 1 CATTLE EGRET, 4 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 2 WHITE WAGTAIL 2 TEAL, 5 SAND MARTIN, 3 DUNLIN, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER. At South Milton Ley Alan ringed 44 birds inc-8 BLACKCAP, 2 GROPPA, 8 REED WARBLER , 15 SEDGE WARBLER, 3 WILLOW WARBLER , 3 TREE PIPIT , also on site - 4 TREE PIPIT and 5 GREY WAGTAIL During AUGUST a total of 635 birds were ringed at the site inc- 80 SWALLOW, 16 TREE PIPIT, 2 REED BUNTING, 10 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 3 GROPPA, 191 SEDGE WARBLER, 76 REED WARBLER, 5 WHITETHROAT, 1 GARDEN WARBLER, 50 BLACKCAP, 32 CHIFFY , 80 WILLOW WARBLER This gives you some indication of the importance of the site for migrating birds particularly Warblers . A good return for the hours of effort Alan puts in to manage the ringing rides and set the nets up on each visit WED 30 AUG Autumn arrived this morning - cool cloudy and wet. At South Huish marsh at 07.40 only 2 BLACK T GODWIT , 3 TEAL, 1 LITTLE EGRET, 1 CATTLE EGRET, 80 + MALLARD and 3 YELLOW WAGTAIL. In the Bay a juv MED GULL A short walk around Thurleston Hotel at 15.00 - COAL TIT , GOLDCREST and 3 SISKIN ( flew over calling ) At South Efford Marsh Eric reports no change from yesterday. TUES 29 AUG An overcast morning with a light breeze . First news from yesterday - Alan ringed at South Milton ley- 19 BLACKCAP, 4 TREE PIPIT, 7 WILLOW WARBLER , 8 CHIFFY, 1 SEDGE WARBLER , 1 REED WARBLER. Also on site - 1 SPOT FLY, 1 KINGFISHER, and 2 JAY Over my garden at 19.40 50 SWALLOW and 2 SWIFT. Joined by Graham this morning - South Huish Marsh from 09.30- 2 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 RUFF , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 13 DUNLIN , 1 KINGFISHER, 3 TEAL, 3 WHITETHROAT, 1f WHINCHAT 1 WHEATEAR . Surprise were 2 CATTLE EGRET ( looked like juv's ,1 still had some black on the tip of the bill ), then at 12.10 picked up another flying over south ( the original 2 still present ) Report of 20 RINGED PLOVER on Yarmer Beach At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 7 GREENSHANK, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 10 + COMMON SANDPIPER, 12 TEAL MON 28 AUG A very quiet day only managed a Garden watch for 45min at 08.05 - 31 species inc -10 RINGED PLOVER ( flew N ) a flock of 15 WAGTAIL on the Golf Couse were 4 PIED and 11 YELLOW . Warblers moving through were - REED WARBLER, CHIFFY , WILLOW . BLACKCAP , also a REED BUNTING SUN 27 AUG Another very sunny morning with only a light breeze - Started early to try and avoid the crowds, South Huish Marsh at 07.50 - 60 DUNLIN ( PEREGRINE caused them to depart at 09.15 ) 3 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 REDSHANK , 1 GREENSHANK ( footbridge ) 1 GREEN SANDPIPEr ( flew over calling ), 4 TEAL, 1 WHEATEAR, . In the copse 1 SPOT FLY , 4 CHIFFY . 7 YELLOW WAGTAIL . In reeds by the footbridge 1 REED WARBLER. At 17.00 a YELLOW WATAIL over T'stone Marsh Eric reports more of the same at South Efford Marsh - 3 GREENSHANK, Ringed Plover, lots of COMMON SANDPIPER, 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 1 SPOTTED FLY SAT 26 AUG A nice sunny morning with a light S breeze . South Huish Marsh watched from 08.20-10.30- 100 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER (flew off south at 08.40 ) 1 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 4 BLACK T GODWIT, 6 LITTLE EGRET, 5 TEAL, 18 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 9 CHIFFY, 4 WILLOW WARBLER, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 100 + SWALLOW, 7 SAND MARTIN , 195 HOUSE MARTIN ( flocks of 40, 60 & 70 ) At 10.10 a PEREGRINE caused all the DUNLIN to leave . In the Bay - 1juv MED GULL, 2 SANDWICH TERN, over 500 HERRING GULL on the rocks between Hope Cove and Bolt Tail . At 10.45 a GREAT NORTHERN DIVER flew west ( earliest patch autumn record ) At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 9 DUNLIN, 2 GREENSHANK, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 3 WHIMBREL , 16 + COMMON SANDPIPER, 25 SAND MARTIN YELLOW WAGTAILS AT SOUTH HUISH MARSH 26 Aug 2017 FRI 25 AUG Only report rec'd so far is from Eric at South Efford Marsh- 1 DUNLIN, 2 GREENSHANK, 2 WHIMBREL, 3 GREEN SANDPIPER , 10+ COMMON SANDPIPER . Earlier in the week early evening a BARN OWL over the Marsh THURS 24 AUG News rec'd from James K who was at South Huish Marsh at 18.00-1 RUFF, 1 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 9 BLACK T GODWIT 50 DUNLIN - all disturbed by a PEREGRINE Earlier 1 COMMON SCOTER , small flocks of MANX and a FEW BALEARIC SHEARWATERS in the Bay At South Efford Marsh in the afternoon Eric reported - 7 DUNLIN, 4 WHIMBREL, 3 GREENSHANK, 10 + COMMON SANDPIPER At South Milton Ley Alan ringed - 7 BLACKCAP, 3 CHIFFY, 8 WILLOW WARBLER, 11 REED WARBLER, 45 SEDGE WARBLER, 1 GARDEN WARBLER, 1 WHITETHROAT, 2 TREE PIPIT Photos from James K of - REDSHANK, RUFF and DUNLIN at South Huish Marsh 24 AUG 2017 WED 23 AUG An overcast morning with a brisk F4 W wind At 07.15 South Huish Marsh held 7 BLACK T GODWIT ( flew off at 09.15 ) 2 GREENSHANK flew in at 09.30 later joined by 19 DUNLIN , 2 RINGED PLOVER .1 f TEAL. At 17.00 Nick had a REDSHANK as well but no small waders Some interesting passage offshore , between o7.30 - 10.15 - 240 + GANNET, 110 MANX SHEARWATER ( at least 70 on the sea ). , 5 BALEARIC SHEARWATER ( flew east ), 10 KITTIWAKE , 4 COMMON SCOTER -E , highlight though was an imm POM SKUA made 2 attacks into the Gulls at 08.25 before flying west . At least 20 GBBGULL and 55 + BLACK H GULL in the Bay TUES 22 AUG Another morning of sunny periods this time with an increasing SE wind up to F 5 Only 4 RINGED PLOVER on South Huish Marsh , then at 12.15 Graham oicked up a wader flying in off the sea - a RUFF, flew straight up the valley Offshore severall rafts of MANX SHEARWATER total 150 +, 70 + GANNET, 10 BALEARIC SHEARWATER flew E at 09.45 gave good views as they were close inshore , 1 GUILLEMOT on the sea Lesley had on Leasfoot Beach - 29 RINGED PLOVER, 2 DUNLIN. Late morning Bob had a SWIFT over Huxton Cross . Ringing at South Milton Ley Alan caught - 7 BLACKCAP, 3 CHIFFY, 3 REED WARBLER, 4 SEDGE WARBLER, 3 WILLOW WARBLER . Also on site - 2 SPOTTED FLY , 1 TREE PIPIT .1 CIRL BUNTING One of the REED WARBLER was a 1st year bearing a DUTCH ring - last year on 23 Aug Roger caught a REED WARBLER bearing a Utrecht ring , also on another Dutch ringed bird was caught on 30 Aug. Late news from Nick - at 17.00 he'd had an imm LITTLE GULL FLY ONTO THE Marsh MON 21 AUG Initially a cloudy morning ,only a light breeze but with poor offshore viz . At 08.20 on Leasfoot Beach - 30 RINGED PLOVER, 5 DUNLIN, 1 WHIMBREL. Off Warren Pt - 3 BALEARIC SHEARWATER ( flew W @ 08.55 ) a few GANNET, drifting with the tide a raft of 30+ AUKS - Mostly GUILLEMOT with a few RAZORBILL, on the headland 2 WHITETHROAT, 1 WHEATAER , 4 STONECHAT On South Huish Marsh at 10.15 - 9 BLACK T GODWIT, 12 DUNLIN, 16 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING , 2 RAVEN, 1 PEREGRINE , 5 CHIFFY , 2 YELLOW WAGTAIL flew through SUN 20 AUG Very untypical summer day !- Cloudy with rain setting in from 09.45 . First an update on the BLACK SWANS on the Avon Estuary tidal road . I rec'd an email from Matt Silk who was seawatching off the Lizard Point on Thursday when he had 4 Black Swan flying east . Were these the 4 that were recorded along the south coast last autumn , did show up at Slapton , thought to have been from Holland . this morning very quiet - on South Huish Marshat 08.50- 3 BLACK T GODWIT , 4 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 SAND MARTIN , 1 TEAL, , 6 CHIFFY , 1 WILLOW WARBLER . OFFSHORE 25 GANNET AND 4 BALEARIC SHEARWATER SAT ON THE SEA Evening update - With heavy rain and high tide decided to return to South Huish Marsh - joined by Alan & Terry , waders counts were - 200+ DUNLIN, 70+RINGED PLOVER , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER AND 8 BLACK T GODWIT . NEAR Horswell House a very wet looking SPOTTED FLY Record shots of BLACK SWAN ( lots of glare ) and LITTLE EGRET Avon Estuary 18 Aug 2017 [BLACK SWAN - 18 AUG 2017]FRI 18 AUG A sunny morning with an increasing F5/6 W wind . At 08.20 only 3 DUNLIN and a BLACK T GODWIT on South Huish Marsh , in the copse 6 CHIFFY and 3 WILLOW WARBLER . Offshore around 20 GANNET . On Leasfoot Beach 1 SANDERLING , 1WHIMBREL, 1COMMON SANDPIPER . Went over to the tidal,road on the Avon Estuary - 6 COMMON SANDPIPER and asleep amongst the MUTE SWAN 4 BLACK SWAN (191) a patch tick , record shot to follow . THURS 17 AUG Initially a cloudy early morning with suuny spells later , a F5 SW wind On South Huish Marsh low count of waders - between 09.00-12.15 only 14 DUNLIN, 4 RINGED PLOVER, , 1 WHEATEAR, 2 SWIFT, 2 WHITE WAGTAIL, 5 CHIFFY , 2 WILLOW WARBLER. On the rocks 4 TURNSTONE, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 1st s MED GULL , 12 OYSTERCATCHER, Offshore - 60 GANNET, 2 COMMON TERN, 2 KITTIWAKE, 1 GUILLEMOT, 16 MANX SHEARWATER. Alan Pomroy sent me details of an interesting retrap of a REED WARBLER - originally ringed as a bird of the year at South Milton Ley on 7 AUG 2010, retrapped at the same site on 17 July 2017 . Now 7 years old it has completed 7 return trips to winter quarters probably south of the Sahara . A remarkable bird WED 16 AUG An overcast morning , sunny periods later and an increasing S F4 wind . A marauding PEREGRINE is spooking the waders - at 08.10 only 12 DUNLIN ,later increased to 120 along with 20 RINGED PLOVER, 1 BLACK T GODWIT ,at 09.30 a GREENSHANK flew onto the marsh only staying a few minutes , at the same time a WOOD SANDPIPER showed briefly , at 10.05 a GREEN SANDPIPER flew in . , both of these flew off by 10.25 again due to the PEREGRINE . Offshore a few MANX SHEARWATER, 1 BALEARIC flew east at 09.00 , 50 + GANNET, 1 FULMAR. In the copse 7 CHIFFY Alan ringing at South Milton Ley caught 42 birds inc- 4 BLACKCAP, 3 BULLFINCH, 4 CHIFFY, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 9 WILLOW WARBLER and 4 TREE PIPIT . Also on site 3 GREY WAGTAIL and a SPARROWHAWK At South efford Marsh Eric reports - 2 GREENSHANK, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER, 4 COMMON SANDPIPER and 30 CURLEW TUES 15 AUG A sunny morning with clear skies and a light W breeze At 08.05 off Warren Pt / Yarmer Beach - 10 RINGED PLOVER, 1 WHIMBREL, 1 TURNSTONE ( being attacked by a PEREGRINE ) 20 KITTIWAKE - west, 25+ MANX SHEARWATER, 10 GANNET . On South Huish Marsh - 225 DUNLIN ( record count for the site ) 6 RINGED PLOVER, 7 BLACK T GODWIT, 4 SNIPE, 4 LITTLE EGRET, 2 WHEATEAR, . In the copse 4 CHIFFY and a report of a SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. Note the reduction over the last few days in RINGED PLOVER. There is a report of 5 CATTLE EGRET flying over Exminster Marshes at 06.25 this morning - almsot certainly the birds we had yesterday- could these be new arrivals from France ? MON 14 AUG A cloudy morning with some light rain , very light breeze At 08.50 the waders on South Huish Marsh were- 200+ DUNLIN, 32 RINGED PLOVER, 7 BLACK T GODWIT , at 10.40 managed to find the WOOD SANDPIPER which gave very good views on the front pool, earlier Paul B had a GREEN SANDPIPER . At 09.45 there were 5 CATTLE EGRET on the back pool - no sign of any breeding plumage but with orange bills , got spooked by a cow and flew off into a nearby field with cattle in .First sighting for over a week Offshore 225 + MANX SHEARWATER flew east ,also 9 COMMON SCOTER , only 10 GANNET James K is doing some seawatching from Bolt Tail yesterday he had a STORM PETREL fly across the at about the same time i was awtching 3 from Warren Pt . This morning he had another along with 350+ Manx and 6 BALEARIC SHEARWATER Yesterday Alan P was ringing at South Milton Ley -72 birds inc - 3 TREE PIPIT, 1 GROPPA, 3 CHIFFY, 9 REED WARBLER, 13 SEDGE WARBLER, 23 WILLOW WARBLER, 4 WHITETHROAT and a KINGFISHER One of the CHIFFY was a retrap first ringed on 13 Aug 2016 not seen again ( in a net ) until the same date in 2017 - Spooky ! SUN 13 AUG Early morning start at -7.00 to count waders at South Huish Marsh, yesterday evening Paul B had a total of 211 DUNLIN -Arecord for the site.Today -180 DUNLIN., 25 RINGED PLOVER 5 BLACK T GODWIT another 2 flew in later and a GREEN SANDPIPER. Just been informed of a WOOD SANDPIPER which James found late morning ON Yarmer Beachat 08.00- 26 DUNLIN, 25 RINGED PLOVER, 2 SANDERLING, 2 TURNSTONE , 1 WHEATEAR. On Leasefoot Beach -4 RINGED PLOVER , 1 SANDERLING, 1 DUNLIN , 1 WHIMBREL Offshore from Warren Pt a flock of 250 + MANX SHEARWATER, 3 STORM PETREL watched ''dancing" over the sea behind a day trawlerFY215, at 08.30a single CORY'S SHEARWATERFLEWWEST At South Efford Marsh Eric reports-8 DUNLIN, 9 RINGED PLOVER, 3 GREENSHANK , 1 REDSHANK , 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 30 CURLEW , 1 WHIMBREL A. HOBBY over North Marsh SAT 12 AUG Another good day for waders around the patch, mostly cloudy morning with a F4/5 W wind Whilst I was counting the waders on Yarmer Beach , Terry and James were at South Huish Marsh. Yarmer Beach - 60 RINGED PLOVER, 77 DUNLIN, 11 SANDERLING , 4 TURNSTONE, 1 REDSHANK, 1 WHIMBREL, 1 COMMON SANDPIPER , 40 OYSTERCATCHER. On South Huish Marsh - 181 DUNLIN, 41 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING , 5 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 CURLEW, 10 CANADA GOOSE ( first for a couple of months here ). 1 PEREGRINE, 1 SPARROWHAWK At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 8 DUNLIN, 9 RINGED PLOVER, 3 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 32 CURLEW , 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 1 LITTLE GREBE ( on river ) and a nice GROPPA. 12 species of Wader and some impressive totals of , 110 RINGED PLOVER, 259 DUNLIN FRI 11 AUG A cloudy morning with rain setting in from 10.30, a brisk F 4/5 W wind Numbers of waders on South Huish Marsh continue to increase - today highest totals for some years - at 08.00 - 11.30 180 DUNLIN, 41 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING, 1 BLACK T GODWIT . At 08.20 3 GREENSHANK flew in , they were joined by a 4th at 09.25 , they all flew off west at 09.50 ( this could be a site record ) at 09.15 a small flock of 8 MEADOW PIPIT flew in together with a WOODLARK (190 ) good views of it feeding on the scrub area . At South Efford Marsh Dave P had 3 GREEN SANDPIPER, on North Marsh, before they were disturbed by paddle boarders working their way up river THURS 10 AUG Nothing from today , info rec'd from other watchers - on Warren Pt 2 WHEATEAR, at South Milton Ley - 127 DUNLIN, 14 RINGED PLOVER, 5 BLACK T GODWIT . Alan P ringing at South Milton Ley caught -4 BLACKCAP, 6 CHIFFY, 10 REED WARBLER, 18 SEDGE WARBLER, 23 WILLOW WARBLER WED 9 AUG A cloudy morning , no rain but a cool NW F 4/5 wind 2 visits to South Huish Marsh - at 08.45 on the beach 2 CURLEW SANDPIPER- soon moved off by dog walkers .On the marsh - 68 DUNLIN, 25 RINGED PLOVER, 8 BLACK T GODWIT , 3 SAND MARTIN, 1 SPARROWHAWK, 4 LITTLE EGRET . Evening visit at 17.15 - 72 DUNLIN, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 1 BLACK T GODWIT and a WHITETHROAT , everything spooked by a HOBBY at 17.25 At South Efford Marsh Eric reports 4 COMMON SANDPIPER, 3 GREENSHANK, 1 GREEN SANPIPER, 1 WHIMBREL TUES 8 AUG A surprisingly sunny morning with no rain , aF3/4 W wind Started with an hours Garden Watch at 07.00-32 species inc - 3 COMMON SCOTER flew west , also picked up 20 GANNET and 3 MANX SHEARWATER , 60 + SWALLOW, BULLFINCH, CIRL BUNTING ,GREEN WOODY, 2 BLACKCAP, 4 CHIFFY, LINNET flock reached 160+, a RED L PARTRIDGE walked through the garden Offshore 40+ GANNET, 2 MANX SHEARWATER. On South Huish Marsh a WOOD SANDPIPER ( 189 ) flew over calling left going towards the Avon Est at 10.30, , also - 12 DUNLIN, 6 RINGED PLOVER, 3 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 juv GREY WAGTAIL , 1 WHITETHROAT and 2 REED WARBLER Evening update -At 17.30 waders on South Huish marsh were- 12 RINGED PLOVER , 73 DUNLIN , 4 BLACK T GODWIT at 17.50 a PEREGRINE flew through putting everything up , some DUNLIN and RINGED PLOVERreturned later MON 7 AUG A cloudy morning with a light shower, F3/4 W wind Offshore watched 08.00-09.15 280 GANNET, 3 KITTIWAKE, 20 MANX SHEARWATER , 1 SOOTY SHEARWATER ( west @08.15 ), on the beach 5 SANDERLING, 2 RINGED PLOVER On South Huish Marsh - 21 DUNLIN, 4 BLACK T GODWIT, 3juv YELLOW L GULL.20 SWALLOW In an hour from 14.35 a noticeable passage of Hirundines and Swift - 60 HOUSE MARTIN , 2 SAND MARTIN , 180 SWALLOW and 115 SWIFT On South Efford Marsh - Dave P had 3 GREEN SANDPIPER on North Marsh , Roger B had 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 COMMON SANDPIPER, SUN 6 AUG A sunny day with a F3/4 W wind At South Huish marsh early - 15 DUNLIN, 9 BLACK T GODWIT until a PEREGRINE flew through at 09.10 , everything flew off , only 1 BLACK T GODWITand 2 DUNLIN returned . 1 CATTLE EGRET and a F SHOVELER on site . In the copse 1 GREAT SP WOODY, 4 CHIFFY , 2 WILLOW WARBLER Ringing at South Milton Ley Alan P has - 2 CHIFFY, 3 WILLOW WARBLER, 12 SEDGE WARBLER, 6 REED WARBLER , and a KINGFISHER Around my garden - 3 BLACKCAP, 2 WILLOW WARBLER, 3 CHIFFY, 1 GARDEN WARBLER , 8 SWIFT ( over ) SAT 5 AUG A sunny morning with some high cloud. An hours Garden watch from 07.30 produced 34 species - 3 BLACKCAP, 2 CHIFFY, 2 WILLOW WARBLER, 22 WHITETHROAT, 1 SEDGE WARBLER, 1f REED BUNTING , 2 CIRL BUNTING ., 2 GREAT SP WOODY, 3 SWIFT, also 2 young Stoat playing . Decided to do a Wader watch at the car park at South Huish Marsh - watched from 10.00-12.30 and 13.45 - 15.45 . Numbers gradually built up to - 50 DUNLIN, 11 RINGED PLOVER, 5 BLACK T GODWIT , 1 COMMON SANDPIPER, also 2 WHEATEAR ( first returning birds ) 1f SHOVELER, 1 SAND MARTIN, 1juv YELLOW L GULL At South Efford Marsh - Dave P had 4 GREEN SANDPIPER ( on North Marsh ) whilst on South Efford Marsh Eric had - 2 GREENSHANK, 2 COMMON SANDPIPER, 27 CURLEW FRI 4 AUG Late post as Eric and I went over to Bowling Green marsh at Topsham to see the ad WHITE WINGED BLACK TERN (starting to moult ). very good views of this Devon rarity, also 2 WOOD SANDPIPER and a GREEN SANDPIPER Earlier in the morningon South Huish Marsh 13 DUNLIN , 24 later in the afternoon, 6 BLACK TAILED GODWIT, 1 REDSHANK , 1 GREENSHANK25 RINGED PLOVER , 1ad CATTLE EGRET, 1juv YELLW L GULL THURS 3 AUG An overcast morning with a F7 SW wind with rough seas . An early start seawatch at 07.20 only produced - 80 GANNET, 21 MANX SHEARWATER , 1 BALEARIC SHEARWATER, 2 SANDWICH TERN, 2 KITTIWAKE , 3 FULMAR. Report of 3 WHIMBREL on the beach , also 3 RINGED PLOVER . South Huish Marsh now full of water , no mud which meant no waders , late afternonn Dave Pakes had 4 DUNLIN ,. The ad CATTLE EGRET still there . At South Efford Marsh Eric reports 4 RINGED PLOVER, 3 CURLEW , 25 SWIFT and a juv / F eclipse SHOVELER WED 2 AUG A stormy and very wet day Went over to Beesands with Eric and joined by Terry, found some shelter from the driving rain , F 7/8 S/SSW wind , the expected seabird passage did not materialise , poor offshore viz - logged - 95 GANNET, 50 MANX SHEARWATER, 7 KITTIWAKE , 3 FULMAR, 2 COMMON TERN . Arrived at South Huish Marsh at 12.15 , waders were- 30 DUNLIN, 2 RINGED PLOVER and a nice ad CURLEW SANDPIPER ( earliest autumn patch record . ) Following a call from Dave Pakes went back over at 15.45 to find a COMMON SANDPIPER , Dave also had a SNIPE . At 16.35 another flock of waders flew in - 23 RINGED PLOVER and 3 sp TURNSTONE. Also a YELLOW WAGTAIL TUES 1 AUG Another sunny morning with a brisk F4/5 SW wind . An early start at 06.15 from my garden certainly paid off - watched for 1 hour with 37 species recorded inc a number of maritime birds picked up through the scope - 50 MANX SHEARWATER flew west ( a garden tick ) 80 + GANNET , at 06.40 a lp ARCTIC SKUA attacking a KITTIWAKE, also an ad CATTLE EGRET , 2 BLACKCAP, 1 WILLOW WARBLER , 4 CHIFFY , flock of 70 + LINNET, 2 CIRL BUNTING , 2 BULLFINCH, GREEN WOODY, 25 SWIFT , 1 SPARROWHAWK . On South Huish Marsh Dave Pakes at 07.00 had the LITTLE STINT before it flew off , later in the morning the wader count was - 19 DUNLIN, 7 RINGED PLOVER, 2 SANDERLING , 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 juv / eclipse SHOVELER. 1ad CATTLE EGRET In the copse / gardens- 1 WHITETHROAT, 5 CHIFFY, 2 WILLOW WARBLER. In the Bay - a MED GULL, 1m COMMON SCOTER Alan P had the busiest morning ringing so far with 110 birds ringed inc - 1 BLACKCAP, 1 CHAFFINCH, 18 REED WARBLER , 83 SEDGE WARBLER, 2 WILLOW WARBLER , also on site a SPARROWHAWK , GREEN WOODY. Interesting weather system arriver overnight S winds up to F 8 and heavy rain by morning , hopefully a good seawatch beckons
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