FRI 31 MAR Started out an overcast morning but by 09.30 became sunny , a brisk F4/5 S wind later veering SW. An interesting sea watch for 1hr 15mins from 09.00 looking from the car park - 95 GANNET all east, 4 ad MED GULL east also a 2s on the sea , 6 COMMON SCOTER -east, 2 FULMAR, 2 GUILLEMOT -E , 2 SHELDUCK - W . A RED T DIVER flew in from weat and landed on the sea - 09.10 . At 09.16 best birds of the day - 3 COMMON TERN (142 ) flew east close in. Very little on South Huish Marsh - single male SHOVELER , WIGEON , 2 SHELDUCK, 11 TEAL, 2 WHITE WAGTAIL. a SWALLOW over A short visit to South Miton Ley produced - 1 WATER RAIL, 10 CHIFFY and 2 WILLOW WARBLER. THURS 30 MAR Managed to be out for a late start at 10.00 , only arrived back home at 03.30 . An overcast cloudy morning after some haevy overnight rain . A brisk F4 S wind In the Bay amongst a flock of Gulls were 5 MED GULLs ( 2ad 2 2w and 1 1w ), on the rocks 3 GREY PLOVER, 16 TURNSTONE . Late aft Pete Aley had 5 COMMON SCOTER sat on the sea . On South Huish Marsh - 1m WIGEON , 1m SHOVELER, 2 SHELDUCK., 20 TEAL, 3 WATER PIPIT , 3 WHITE WAGTAIL, this afternoon Pete had a 1w ICELAND GULL ( last seen 15.30 )SWALLOW and SAND MARTIN . Over at South Efford Marsh / North Marsh Eric reported - 1 1w ICELAND GULL, 1 COOT , 1 WATER PIPIT, 4 FIELDFARE, 40 TEAL, 17 SHELDUCK, 1 SWALLOW and a NUTHATCH CYPRUS Visit 22 - 29 MAR A superb weeks birding with Graham Daw ( and our wives Anne & Daphne ) we managed a record species list of 125 which for me included 6 life ticks . Will post a full report over the weekend . My ticks were - MASKED SHRIKE , RUPPELLS WARBLER, ROCK THRUSH, REDSTART ( Eastern Sub Specie ), PIED KINGFISHER and BAILLONS CRAKE WED 22 MAR - WED 29 MAR Whilst we were away enjoying the fabulous Spring migration in Cyprus information rec'd of sightings for the week - Thurs 23 Mar - Dave P flushed a GREEN SANDPIPER at South Milton Ley - only the second patch record this this year Fri 24 Mar - bob had a singing male CETTIS WARBLER at South Milton Ley Sun 26 Mar - A visitor from the Midlands had a BAR TAILED GODWIT ( 138 ) on South Huish Marsh Mon 27 MAR - A good day all round the patch - 1 LITTLE RINGED PLOVER ( 139 )on South Huish Marsh , not to be outdone Eric had 3 on South Efford Marsh, Also on S H marsh / Bay- 4 WHEATEAR, 2 ICELAND GULL , 7 SANDWICH TERN, 80 SAND MARTIN and a few SWALLOW.)n the rocks 2 GREY PLOVER (140 ) In Nicks garden singing BLACKCAP and WILLOW WARBLER ( 141 ) Tues 28 Mar - Tony G had 2m GARGANEY and a WATER PIPIT on South Huish Marsh TUES 21 MAR A fine sunny morning , good viz , cold with a F5/6 WNW wind On South Huish Marsh another drop in Duck numbers - only 3 WIGEON, 30 TEAL, 3 SHELDUCK, 6 COOT. Offshore - 95 GANNET ( inc a feeding party of 50+ ) 4 KITTIWAKE east, on the sea at 10.15 a RED T DIVER and at 10.50 a GREAT N DIVER . On the rocks 11 TURNSTONE . Mon afternoon Alan D had 2 SCANDINAVIAN ROCK PIPIT on the beach - nice photo below . Next update 30 Mar off to find some nice spring migrants in Cyprus with Graham . Nice shot of a Scandinavian Rock Pipit on South Milton beach 20 March 2017 MON 20 MAR A dire morning , poor viz , drizzle and some heavy showers plus a F7+ SW wind . Strong winds produced one of the largest movement of GANNET with 235 logged in just over an hour - most flying east, at one stage there were 55 sat on the rough sea . Also 2 FULMAR , 2 AUKS east and at 10.55 a SANDWICH TERN ( 137 ) flew east On the rocks only 2 TURNSTONE, a PEREGRINE flew over On South Huish Marsh - 35 TEAL, 14 WIGEON, 3 SHELDUCK, 1 SNIPE SUN 19 MAR Only spring migrant this morning was a singing CHIFFY. A cloudy morning with light drizzle, a brisk F 5/6 W wind Offshore 30 GANNET ( mostly west ) , 2 FULMAR , at 12.25 4db BRENT GOOSE flew west into Bigbury Bay. On the rocks 6 TURNSTONE . On South Huish Marsh an increase to 7 COOT, 14 WIGEON, 16 TEAL, 4 SHELDUCK, 1 SNIPE,. Bob had 2 CATTLE EGRET in the usual field at `10.00 Record shot of the GARGANEY on South Huish Marsh on 16 March by Alan Doidge FRI 17 MAR A sunny morning soon turned cloudy feeling cold in a F 4/5 WNW wind A short seawatch mid morning produced - 14 GANNET, 4 FULMAR, 2ad MED GULL, 36 BLACK H GULL , 2 COMMON SCOTER -east On South Huish Marsh - a lot of the duck moved on overnight , today - 30 WIGEON, 15 TEAL, 2 SHELDUCK, 2 SHOVELER , amongst a large number of Gulls was an ad MED GULL THURS 16 MAR An overcast cloudy morning with a light W breeze , some drizzle , poor viz offshore .Will be rembered as Spring migrants arrival day. Started off with a 45 min garden watch at 07.15 - 23 species logged inc - 1 CHIFFY, 2 GREAT SP WOODY, 3 SNIPE , 2 SHELDUCK . With poor viz only GULLS on the sea included 30 BLACK HEADED, later a GREAT CRESTED GREBE , on the rocks 8 TURNSTONE All the activity centered on South Huish Marsh - at 09.15 found 2m 1f GARGANEY ( 133 ) - still present late afternoon , 38 WIGEON, 30 TEAL, 1m GADWALL, 4 SHELDUCK, 11 SNIPE , 1ad MED GULL, 1f WHEATEAR,. SAND MARTIN ( 134 ) started passing through from 09.30- at least 35 , Terry G picked up a HOUSE MARTIN ( 135 ) and after i took Bob home he and Dave P had a SWALLOW ( 136 ). Could not find any CATTLE EGRETS in the field at 12.30 . First time I can recall having the 3 common Hirundines arriving on the same date. Yesterday Alan P was ringing at South Milton Ley- 7 CHIFFY, GOLDCREST, 2 BULLFINCH , also on site a F MARSH HARRIER ( probably the same one seen at Aveton Gifford on Mon ) 1 WATER RAIL, 7 SNIPE WED 15 MAR Another cloudy morning, only a very light W breeze .Calm sea At 08.00 sat on the sea were flocks of GULLS - 80 BLACK HEADED included 3 ad MED GULL, also400+ HERRING GULL. Only 5 GANNET logged . At 8.10 3 REDPOLL ( 132 ) flew over Bobs carpark calling . On South Huish Marsh 33 WIGEON, 30 TEAL, 7 SHELDUCK, 2 SHOVELER, 4 LITTLE EGRET, 4 SNIPE, 1 CHIFFY, 1m REED BUNTING, 150+ HERRING GULL and 5 LESSER B B GULL. This afternoon 1 CHIFFY and 3 RED L PARTRIDGE seen from my garden . TUES 14 MAR A cloudy morning with a F4 WNW wind . At 08.00 2 RED L PARTRIDGE in the field opposite my house . Offshore - 6 GANNET , 3 ad MED GULL sat on the sea until 09.25 when they flew off up the valley. On South Huish Marsh the WIGEON reduced to 33, still 35 TEAL, 2 SHOVELER , 3 SHELDUCK, 1 WATER PIPIT, 2m 2f WHEATEAR. No Hirundines yet MON 13 MAR A fine sunny morning with a light NW breeze , good viz Offshore - 2 ad MED GULL - east, 15 BLACK H GULL -east, 5 GANNET . On South huish Marsh - 62 WIGEON, 30 TEAL, 2 SHOVELER, 2 SHELDUCK, 26 SNIPE, 1 WATER PIPIT On the rocks - 2 RINGED PLOVER, 9 TURNSTONE On the beach -1 m WHEATEAR ( Dave P later had 2 ) , he also had the BLACK REDSTART, 1 WHITE WAGTAIL In the usual field near Horswell House at 12.30 there were 3 CATTLE EGRET At 13.45 Eric had a F MARSH HARRIER flying over North Marsh, also on South Efford Marsh - WIGEON, TEAL, CURLEW , REDSHANK, GREENSHANK, 2 WHITE WAGTAIL. In local gardens 2 BLACKCAP SUN 12 MAR An overcast morning with an incresing toF4/5 NW wind . Joined by Graham, Bob and Chris this morning . Whilst driving into Thurlestone village Graham had a GREY PARTRIDGE in the road , also YELLOWHAMMER in the hedges .Offshore - 3 BLACK THROATED DIVER ( 2 flew E and 1 landed on the sea ) by 09.05 ., 14 GANNET, 1 SHELDUCK -W , At 13.00 Bob and Graham had a flock of c80 BLACK H GULL and 1 MED GULL fly in and straight up the valley .By the footbridge - a SIB CHIFFY, 1 CHIFFY anda SONG THRUSH . On South Huish Marsh an EGYPTION GOOSE was a new arrival, possible to have this, the 2 WHITE FRONTED and some CANADA GEESE in the scope at the same time . 60 WIGEON, 41 TEAL, 2 SHOVELER, 2 SHELDUCK, 20 + SNIPE, 1 CURLEW flew over. A m WHEATEAR on the front of the Marsh as well as the beach,. Up to 5 WHITE WAGTAIL and 15+ PIEDS . In the Horswell House field Bob had at least 4 CATTLE EGRET SAT 11 MAR No influx of migrants this morning , species on South Huish Marsh same as Friday On T'stone Marsh this morning 6 TEAL, 2 WIGEON Late morning there were 3 CATTLE and 1 LITTLE EGRETS in the usual field . A GREY WAGTAIL and singing CHIFFY at South Milton Ley. At 16.00 6 TEAL on the sea , 1 RINGED PLOVER and 2 TURNSTONE on the rocks FRI 10 MAR A bright morning with some sunny periods until 11.00 when thick sea mist rolled in . A light SE breeze An hours garden watch from 07.30 produced 24 species which included - 2 WIGEON, 2 TEAL, 4 REED BUNTING 1 CIRL BUNTING The GREAT CRESTED GREBE still in the Bay, only 6 GANNET On South Huish Marsh same species as Thurs although the TEAL down to 30 . At 10.45 a male NORTHERN WHEATEAR ( 131 ) by the Nat Trust car park on the grass - the first Spring migrant No sign of the DESERT WHEATEAR on Leasfoot Beach again , looks like it has moved on . THURS 9 MAR A cloudy morning with low cloud / mist ,poor viz offshore . Only a light W breeze. Despite 3 visits this morning Nick and I could not locate the DESERT WHEATEAR. It was last reported on Rare Bird Alert on Tues 7 Mar . Earlier this morning over my garden a GREEN WOODY and on the Marsh 2 TEAL, 2 WIGEON, 6 MALLARD . At 14.15 a F BLACK REDSTART on my roof . Offshore in the Bay a GREAT CRESTED GREBE ( 130 ) first of the year,. Only 1 GANNET . On the rocks a RINGED PLOVER On South Huish Marsh - 2m GADWALL were new arrivals, 72 WIGEON, 47 TEAL, 2 SHOVELER, 2 SHELDUCK, 2 WHITE FRONTED GOOSE, 5 COOT, 1 SNIPE, 1 WATER PIPIT. At 11.30 a flock of Gulls landed , 100+ HERRING, 10 GREAT B B , 15 LESSER B B , 1 ad COMMON , 40 BLACK HEADED WED 8 MAR Another dire day weather wise - low cloud , drizzle , F 7 W wind , very poor viz offshore .No sign of any spring migrants here On South huish Marsh the highlight was a record count of 5 COOT !, 75 WIGEON, 35 TEAL, 2 SHOVELER , 3 SHELDUCK, 3 SNIPE . The 2 WHITE FRONTED GOOSE still feeding around the marsh Offshore could only pick up 2 GANNET and a FULMAR On the rocks 18 TURNSTONE and 2 RINGED PLOVER. In the field near Horswell House still 5 CATTLE EGRET and a LITTLE EGRET MON 6 MAR A morning not conducive to birdwatching , heavy rain until 11.00 and then showers . A w f3 wind . Spent most of the time watching from the car On South Huish Marsh no change in the range of species from yesterday. the 2 WHITE FRONTED GOOSE still showing well. On the rocks 22 TURNSTONE ( highest count this year )and the 1w m BLACK REDSTART Offshore only 4 GANNET flew through . In the fields near Horswell House back to 5 CATTLE EGRET and 2 LITTLE EGRET DESERT WHEATEAR still showing on Leasfoot Beach SUN 5 MAR After another night with heavy rain , a morning of sunny periods and later heavy hail showers. A W gale F 8 gusting 9. Over the w/end the DESERT WHEATEAR showing well on Leasfoot Beach also nearby a BLACK REDSTART On Sat Dave Pakes had the BARNACLE GOOSE on the North Marsh ., also along the R Avon a DIPPER ( 128 ) In the Horswell House field this morning could only locate 4 CATTLE EGRET with 2 LITTLE EGRET. A NUTHATCH calling loudly from nearby trees . On South Huish Marsh - 85 WIGEON, 20 TEAL, 6 SHELDUCK, 1m SHOVELER, 1 LITTLE GREBE, 2 COOT, 1 WATER PIPIT . The 2 WHITE FRONTED GOOSE feeding with a small group of CANADAS . In one of the fields the GULL flock included 100 + LESSER B B GULL. A Short seawatch produced the highlight of the morning - at 11.00 2 BALEARIC SHEARWATER ( 129 ) flew west . Also- 7 GANNET, 5 FULMAR, 1 KITTIWAKE . A PEREGRINE flew through . On the rocks 11 TURNSTONE and 24 OYSTERCATCHER FRI 3 MAR After a night of heavy rain and strong winds the weather improved by 09.00 but still a f5/6 S wind Found the DESERT WHEATEAR on Leasfoot Beach this time at the far end . Information from Paul Bouldon cofirms at 116 days this is the longest stayer in UK - beats 115 days in 2012/13 in Scotland and 114 days 1994/5 in Cornwall . Offshore - 32 GANNET, 1ad MED GULL, 1 KITTIWAKE , 1 FULMAR all flew east, also 11 RAZORBILL On the rocks 9 TURNSTONE On South Huish Marsh the WIGEON had reduced to 70 whilst SHELDUCK increased to 8 .the WATER PIPIT still , also the 2 WHITE FRONTED GOOSE . In the field near Horswell House still 5 CATTLE EGRET and 1 LITTLE EGRET,also 3 REDWING and 1 FIELDFARE THURS 2 MAR A sunny morning with a F5/6 WSW wind , stormy conditions overnight , rough sea . Offshore -little activity - 21 GANNET, 4 KITTIWAKE, 4 ad MED GULL flew east , 1ad COMMON GULL, a few GUILLEMOT and RAZORBILL. On the rocks 4 TURNSTONE On South Huish Marsh - 107 WIGEON, 2 SHOVELER, 4 SHELDUCK, 20 TEAL, 20 L B B GULL, 1 BLACK T GODWIT. The 2 WHITE FRONTED GOOSE feeding in the field next to the marsh . In the field near Horswell House I could only locate 4 CATTLE EGRET. In the lanes a f SPARROWHAWK A drive along the tidal road at Aveton Gifford at 11.30 produced - 3 REDSHANK, 2 GREENSHANK, 2 BLACK T GODWIT, 2 COMMON SANDPIPER and CURLEW , 1 LITTLE GREBE At the top end of north marsh Dave P had the BARNACLE GOOSE with the CANADA flock WED 1 MAR A dismal weather day for the start of March - heavy rain , low cloud and poor viz . A 30 min garden watch only produced 20 species the highlight being 4 SONG THRUSH . First stop this morning was Leasfoot Beach , despite the awful weather the DESERT WHEATEAR still showing ., only 7 more days and it will have been here for 4 months ! Short visit to South Milton Ley produced 30+ CHIFFY, 2 GREAT Sp WOODY, BULLFINCH, REDWING . On South Huish Marsh the 2 WHITE FRONTED GOOSE feeding with the CANADAS , 115 WIGEON, 40 TEAL, 3 SHELDUCK, 2 SHOVELER, 1 LITTLE GREBE , 2 COOT, 7 SNIPE On the rocks 8 TURNSTONE . Offshore only 3 GANNET. In the field near Horswell House at 09.30 5 CATTLE EGRET , at 11.30 could only find 1 . At Huxton Cross a mixed flock of 300 finches contained - LINNET, CHAFFINCH, GREENFINCH, YELLOWHAMMER and atleast 1 BRAMBLING In Buckland Valley a TREE CREEPER, COAL TIT, GOLDCREST , RAVEN and MISTLE THRUSH A total of 66 species recorded
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