THURLESTONE BAY BIRDS AUGUST 2017 Another disappointing month for the anticipated summer weather, above average rainfall, gales and strong winds on several days, with only one warm spell from 25th to 29th. A total of 128 species recorded (c/f 2016 – 120, 2015 – 117) 3 new birds for the year – BLACK SWAN, WOOD SANDPIPER and WOODLARK taking the total to 191 (c/f 2016 -173, 2015 – 173). CATTLE EGRETS still being reported – Impressive number of small waders and offshore good numbers (for the patch) of BALEARIC SHEARWATER and STORM PETREL. Main Highlights BLACK SWANS – A patch first, 4 on the River Avon at Aveton Gifford on 18th and 19th. Interestingly 4 reported flying off Lizard (Cornwall) on 17th. DUCKS AND DIVER TEAL – first returning bird on 16th, max of 15 recorded on 29th. SHOVELER – Singles at both main marshes from 1st – 4th. TUFTED DUCK – A male on South Huish Marsh on 29th (first August record for the patch) COMMON SCOTER – few records with a max of 9 on 14th. GREAT NORTHERN DIVER – 1 still in summer plumage flew west on 26th ( another first record for August) SHEARWATERS, PETREL, GANNET AND GREBE CORYS SHEARWATER – Singles recorded on 1st and 13th. SOOTY SHEARWATER – One flew west on 7th. BALEARIC SHEARWATER – Recorded on 7 days with a max of 10 ( one flock of 9) on 22nd. MANX SHEARWATER – Max of 350 on 14th STORM PETREL – Recorded on 4 days with a max of 4 on 13th including 3 following a trawler close inshore. GANNET – Recorded daily with 280 on 7th and 240 on 23rd being the max. LITTLE GREBE – first one back on the River Avon on 12th. EGRETS CATTLE EGRET – the records just continue – recorded on 7 days with 4 on South Efford Marsh on 4th, 5 on South Huish Marsh on 14th, 3 on 29th all other dates were singles. LITTLE EGRET – Up to 6 on South Huish Marsh and a max of 13 on South Efford Marsh on 28th. RAPTORS AND OWL HOBBY - single on 9th and 13th. BARN OWL – recorded at 2 sites. KESTREL, SPARROWHAWK, PEREGRINE, BUZZARD – no change in status. TAWNY OWL – heard at 4 sites. WADERS – 18 species recorded with some impressive counts. OYSTERCATCHER – Numbers built up with a max of 40 on 12th. LITTLE RINGED PLOVER – A juv on South Huish Marsh on 9th. RINGED PLOVER – Counts of above 50 were 56 on 11th, 70 on 20th and a max of 110 on 12th. SANDERLING – Max 11 on 12th. LITTLE STINT – one on South Huish Marsh on 1st. CURLEW SANDPIPER – one on South Huish Marsh on 2nd and 2 on the beach on 9th. DUNLIN – Recorded daily with some impressive totals for the patch of 180 on 11th, 170 on 13th, 225 on 15th and a max of 267 on 12th. RUFF – Singles on 3 days – 22nd, 24th and 29th all on South Huish Marsh. SNIPE – 1 on 2nd and 4 on 15th on South Huish Marsh. BLACK TAILED GODWIT – Max on South Huish Marsh of 9 on 6th. WHIMBREL – 2 on the rocks throughout. 3 on South Efford Marsh on 3rd. CURLEW – the South Efford Marsh flock built up to 32 on12th and 28th. COMMON SANDPIPER – Max on the River Avon 16 on 26th. GREEN SANDPIPER – Max on South Huish Marsh 4 on 26th and on South Efford Marsh 4 on 5th and 16th. WOOD SANDPIPER – Singles on South Huish marsh from 8th to 20th probably involved 3 different birds. GREENSHANK – Best passage numbers for years – On South Huish Marsh a max of 4 on 11th whilst at South Efford Marsh 5 on 28th, and 7 on 29th. REDSHANK – Singles at both marshes on several dates. TURNSTONE – Max 4 on 12th. SKUAS, GULLS and TERNS POMERINE SKUA – A single flew west on 23rd. ARCTIC SKUA - A light phase east on 1st, with 2 dark phase west on 4th. KITTIWAKE – Max of 20 on 15th. LITTLE GULL – A Juv on South Huish Marsh late afternoon of 22nd. MEDITERRANEAN GULL – Very poor passage this year (also applies to BLACK HEADED GULL) with singles on 8 days. YELLOW LEGGED GULL – On South Huish Marsh single juveniles on 3rd and 5th with 4 on 6th. SANDWICH TERN – Only records were 2 on 3rd and 2 on 26th. HIRUNDINES and SWIFT SWALLOW – Largest roost at South Milton Ley was 1000+ on 28th. HOUSE MARTIN – 195 flew through in one hour late afternoon of 26th. SAND MARTIN – Max 32 also on 26th. SWIFT – Max 105 on 7th with the last being 2 on 28th. CHATS, FLYCATCHER AND WAGTAILS STONECHAT – Up to 8 around the patch. Several pairs have bred. WHINCHAT – A female on 29th. WHEATEAR – Only small numbers, mostly singles with 2 on 5th and 28th. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – Reported from 4 sites with a max of 3 at Aveton Gifford on 3rd. GREY WAGTAIL – family party of 5 at South Milton Ley on 31st. PIED WAGTAIL – Up to 30 on South Huish Marsh, plenty of juveniles amongst them WHITE WAGTAIL – Max of 5 on 29th. YELLOW WAGTAIL – Highest counts were 18 on 26th, 11 on 28th when there were 40 roosting at South Milton Ley. MISCELLANEOUS KINGFISHER – 2 at South Efford Marsh on 28th, 1 on South Huish Marsh on 29th. Recorded on 3 dates at South Milton Ley where 2 were caught and ringed. SISKIN – 3 over Thurlestone on 30th, up to 6 on feeders in a local garden from 26th. LINNET – Max post breeding flock 160 on 8th. CIRL THURLESTONE BAY BIRDS AUGUST 2017 Another disappointing month for the anticipated summer weather, above average rainfall, gales and strong winds on several days, with only one warm spell from 25th to 29th. A total of 128 species recorded (c/f 2016 – 120, 2015 – 117) 3 new birds for the year – BLACK SWAN, WOOD SANDPIPER and WOODLARK taking the total to 191 (c/f 2016 -173, 2015 – 173). CATTLE EGRETS still being reported – Impressive number of small waders and offshore good numbers (for the patch) of BALEARIC SHEARWATER and STORM PETREL. Main Highlights BLACK SWANS – A patch first, 4 on the River Avon at Aveton Gifford on 18th and 19th. Interestingly 4 reported flying off Lizard (Cornwall) on 17th. DUCKS AND DIVER TEAL – first returning bird on 16th, max of 15 recorded on 29th. SHOVELER – Singles at both main marshes from 1st – 4th. TUFTED DUCK – A male on South Huish Marsh on 29th (first August record for the patch) COMMON SCOTER – few records with a max of 9 on 14th. GREAT NORTHERN DIVER – 1 still in summer plumage flew west on 26th ( another first record for August) SHEARWATERS, PETREL, GANNET AND GREBE CORYS SHEARWATER – Singles recorded on 1st and 13th. SOOTY SHEARWATER – One flew west on 7th. BALEARIC SHEARWATER – Recorded on 7 days with a max of 10 ( one flock of 9) on 22nd. MANX SHEARWATER – Max of 350 on 14th STORM PETREL – Recorded on 4 days with a max of 4 on 13th including 3 following a trawler close inshore. GANNET – Recorded daily with 280 on 7th and 240 on 23rd being the max. LITTLE GREBE – first one back on the River Avon on 12th. EGRETS CATTLE EGRET – the records just continue – recorded on 7 days with 4 on South Efford Marsh on 4th, 5 on South Huish Marsh on 14th, 3 on 29th all other dates were singles. LITTLE EGRET – Up to 6 on South Huish Marsh and a max of 13 on South Efford Marsh on 28th. RAPTORS AND OWL HOBBY - single on 9th and 13th. BARN OWL – recorded at 2 sites. KESTREL, SPARROWHAWK, PEREGRINE, BUZZARD – no change in status. TAWNY OWL – heard at 4 sites. WADERS – 18 species recorded with some impressive counts. OYSTERCATCHER – Numbers built up with a max of 40 on 12th. LITTLE RINGED PLOVER – A juv on South Huish Marsh on 9th. RINGED PLOVER – Counts of above 50 were 56 on 11th, 70 on 20th and a max of 110 on 12th. SANDERLING – Max 11 on 12th. LITTLE STINT – one on South Huish Marsh on 1st. CURLEW SANDPIPER – one on South Huish Marsh on 2nd and 2 on the beach on 9th. DUNLIN – Recorded daily with some impressive totals for the patch of 180 on 11th, 170 on 13th, 225 on 15th and a max of 267 on 12th. RUFF – Singles on 3 days – 22nd, 24th and 29th all on South Huish Marsh. SNIPE – 1 on 2nd and 4 on 15th on South Huish Marsh. BLACK TAILED GODWIT – Max on South Huish Marsh of 9 on 6th. WHIMBREL – 2 on the rocks throughout. 3 on South Efford Marsh on 3rd. CURLEW – the South Efford Marsh flock built up to 32 on12th and 28th. COMMON SANDPIPER – Max on the River Avon 16 on 26th. GREEN SANDPIPER – Max on South Huish Marsh 4 on 26th and on South Efford Marsh 4 on 5th and 16th. WOOD SANDPIPER – Singles on South Huish marsh from 8th to 20th probably involved 3 different birds. GREENSHANK – Best passage numbers for years – On South Huish Marsh a max of 4 on 11th whilst at South Efford Marsh 5 on 28th, and 7 on 29th. REDSHANK – Singles at both marshes on several dates. TURNSTONE – Max 4 on 12th. SKUAS, GULLS and TERNS POMERINE SKUA – A single flew west on 23rd. ARCTIC SKUA - A light phase east on 1st, with 2 dark phase west on 4th. KITTIWAKE – Max of 20 on 15th. LITTLE GULL – A Juv on South Huish Marsh late afternoon of 22nd. MEDITERRANEAN GULL – Very poor passage this year (also applies to BLACK HEADED GULL) with singles on 8 days. YELLOW LEGGED GULL – On South Huish Marsh single juveniles on 3rd and 5th with 4 on 6th. SANDWICH TERN – Only records were 2 on 3rd and 2 on 26th. HIRUNDINES and SWIFT SWALLOW – Largest roost at South Milton Ley was 1000+ on 28th. HOUSE MARTIN – 195 flew through in one hour late afternoon of 26th. SAND MARTIN – Max 32 also on 26th. SWIFT – Max 105 on 7th with the last being 2 on 28th. CHATS, FLYCATCHER AND WAGTAILS STONECHAT – Up to 8 around the patch. Several pairs have bred. WHINCHAT – A female on 29th. WHEATEAR – Only small numbers, mostly singles with 2 on 5th and 28th. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – Reported from 4 sites with a max of 3 at Aveton Gifford on 3rd. GREY WAGTAIL – family party of 5 at South Milton Ley on 31st. PIED WAGTAIL – Up to 30 on South Huish Marsh, plenty of juveniles amongst them WHITE WAGTAIL – Max of 5 on 29th. YELLOW WAGTAIL – Highest counts were 18 on 26th, 11 on 28th when there were 40 roosting at South Milton Ley. MISCELLANEOUS KINGFISHER – 2 at South Efford Marsh on 28th, 1 on South Huish Marsh on 29th. Recorded on 3 dates at South Milton Ley where 2 were caught and ringed. SISKIN – 3 over Thurlestone on 30th, up to 6 on feeders in a local garden from 26th. LINNET – Max post breeding flock 160 on 8th. CIRL THURLESTONE BAY BIRDS AUGUST 2017 Another disappointing month for the anticipated summer weather, above average rainfall, gales and strong winds on several days, with only one warm spell from 25th to 29th. A total of 128 species recorded (c/f 2016 – 120, 2015 – 117) 3 new birds for the year – BLACK SWAN, WOOD SANDPIPER and WOODLARK taking the total to 191 (c/f 2016 -173, 2015 – 173). CATTLE EGRETS still being reported – Impressive number of small waders and offshore good numbers (for the patch) of BALEARIC SHEARWATER and STORM PETREL. Main Highlights BLACK SWANS – A patch first, 4 on the River Avon at Aveton Gifford on 18th and 19th. Interestingly 4 reported flying off Lizard (Cornwall) on 17th. DUCKS AND DIVER TEAL – first returning bird on 16th, max of 15 recorded on 29th. SHOVELER – Singles at both main marshes from 1st – 4th. TUFTED DUCK – A male on South Huish Marsh on 29th (first August record for the patch) COMMON SCOTER – few records with a max of 9 on 14th. GREAT NORTHERN DIVER – 1 still in summer plumage flew west on 26th ( another first record for August) SHEARWATERS, PETREL, GANNET AND GREBE CORYS SHEARWATER – Singles recorded on 1st and 13th. SOOTY SHEARWATER – One flew west on 7th. BALEARIC SHEARWATER – Recorded on 7 days with a max of 10 ( one flock of 9) on 22nd. MANX SHEARWATER – Max of 350 on 14th STORM PETREL – Recorded on 4 days with a max of 4 on 13th including 3 following a trawler close inshore. GANNET – Recorded daily with 280 on 7th and 240 on 23rd being the max. LITTLE GREBE – first one back on the River Avon on 12th. EGRETS CATTLE EGRET – the records just continue – recorded on 7 days with 4 on South Efford Marsh on 4th, 5 on South Huish Marsh on 14th, 3 on 29th all other dates were singles. LITTLE EGRET – Up to 6 on South Huish Marsh and a max of 13 on South Efford Marsh on 28th. RAPTORS AND OWL HOBBY - single on 9th and 13th. BARN OWL – recorded at 2 sites. KESTREL, SPARROWHAWK, PEREGRINE, BUZZARD – no change in status. TAWNY OWL – heard at 4 sites. WADERS – 18 species recorded with some impressive counts. OYSTERCATCHER – Numbers built up with a max of 40 on 12th. LITTLE RINGED PLOVER – A juv on South Huish Marsh on 9th. RINGED PLOVER – Counts of above 50 were 56 on 11th, 70 on 20th and a max of 110 on 12th. SANDERLING – Max 11 on 12th. LITTLE STINT – one on South Huish Marsh on 1st. CURLEW SANDPIPER – one on South Huish Marsh on 2nd and 2 on the beach on 9th. DUNLIN – Recorded daily with some impressive totals for the patch of 180 on 11th, 170 on 13th, 225 on 15th and a max of 267 on 12th. RUFF – Singles on 3 days – 22nd, 24th and 29th all on South Huish Marsh. SNIPE – 1 on 2nd and 4 on 15th on South Huish Marsh. BLACK TAILED GODWIT – Max on South Huish Marsh of 9 on 6th. WHIMBREL – 2 on the rocks throughout. 3 on South Efford Marsh on 3rd. CURLEW – the South Efford Marsh flock built up to 32 on12th and 28th. COMMON SANDPIPER – Max on the River Avon 16 on 26th. GREEN SANDPIPER – Max on South Huish Marsh 4 on 26th and on South Efford Marsh 4 on 5th and 16th. WOOD SANDPIPER – Singles on South Huish marsh from 8th to 20th probably involved 3 different birds. GREENSHANK – Best passage numbers for years – On South Huish Marsh a max of 4 on 11th whilst at South Efford Marsh 5 on 28th, and 7 on 29th. REDSHANK – Singles at both marshes on several dates. TURNSTONE – Max 4 on 12th. SKUAS, GULLS and TERNS POMERINE SKUA – A single flew west on 23rd. ARCTIC SKUA - A light phase east on 1st, with 2 dark phase west on 4th. KITTIWAKE – Max of 20 on 15th. LITTLE GULL – A Juv on South Huish Marsh late afternoon of 22nd. MEDITERRANEAN GULL – Very poor passage this year (also applies to BLACK HEADED GULL) with singles on 8 days. YELLOW LEGGED GULL – On South Huish Marsh single juveniles on 3rd and 5th with 4 on 6th. SANDWICH TERN – Only records were 2 on 3rd and 2 on 26th. HIRUNDINES and SWIFT SWALLOW – Largest roost at South Milton Ley was 1000+ on 28th. HOUSE MARTIN – 195 flew through in one hour late afternoon of 26th. SAND MARTIN – Max 32 also on 26th. SWIFT – Max 105 on 7th with the last being 2 on 28th. CHATS, FLYCATCHER AND WAGTAILS STONECHAT – Up to 8 around the patch. Several pairs have bred. WHINCHAT – A female on 29th. WHEATEAR – Only small numbers, mostly singles with 2 on 5th and 28th. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER – Reported from 4 sites with a max of 3 at Aveton Gifford on 3rd. GREY WAGTAIL – family party of 5 at South Milton Ley on 31st. PIED WAGTAIL – Up to 30 on South Huish Marsh, plenty of juveniles amongst them WHITE WAGTAIL – Max of 5 on 29th. YELLOW WAGTAIL – Highest counts were 18 on 26th, 11 on 28th when there were 40 roosting at South Milton Ley. MISCELLANEOUS KINGFISHER – 2 at South Efford Marsh on 28th, 1 on South Huish Marsh on 29th. Recorded on 3 dates at South Milton Ley where 2 were caught and ringed. SISKIN – 3 over Thurlestone on 30th, up to 6 on feeders in a local garden from 26th. LINNET – Max post breeding flock 160 on 8th. CIRL
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