MON 31` AUG A fitting end to a poor month of weather , first morning with no rain for days. Another good wader day - On the beach / rocks - 32 SANDERLING, 11 DUNLIN, 18 RINGED PLOVER, 3 WHIMBREL, 8 BLACK T GODWIT( flew west ), 4 TURNSTONE, 1 KNOT , also - 2 SANDWICH TERN, 1 MANX SHEARWATER, 3 COMMON SCOTER flew west On South Huish Marsh -9 BLACK T GODWIT ( 17 in total ), 19 DUNLIN ( 30 in total ), 1 RUFF , 1 SNIPE, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 4 WHEATEAR, 1juv YELLOW L GULL, 6 LITTLE EGRET, 6 MIPIT, 1 WILLOW WBLR, 4 CHIFFCHAFF, 1 WHITETHROAT , 4 STONECHAT, 1 GREY WAGTAIL (over ) Constant stream of Hirundines -300+ SWALLOW, 165 HOUSE MARTIN, 5 SAND MARTIN. SUN 30 AUG Another typical Bank Holiday w/end weather - heavy rain and poor viz this morning. Update on yesterdays ringing from Alan Pomroy - 3 REED WBLR, 6 SEDGE WBLR, 9 CHIFFCHAFF, 3 WILLOW WBLR, 2 BLACKCAP and 1 GARDEN WBLR. The SWALLOW roost at T'stone marsh at 20.15 was around 2,500. This morning offshore 25 GANNET and a very close BALEARIC SHEARWATER. On South Huish Marsh 26 BLACK T GODWIT,( highest total for a few years ) 5 DUNLIN ( 4 over ), 2 RINGED PLOVER, 2 SNIPE and 2 WHEATEAR At South Efford Marsh Eric ( in the dry hide )reports - 3 GREENSHANK, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 3 COMMON SANDPIPER , 5 DUNLIN, Also in excess of 300 mixed flock of SWALLOW, HOUSE MARTIN and SAND MARTIN SAT 29 AUG Started the day with an hours Garden Watch from 08.00- a total of 35 species with some nice highlights - At 08.15 a flock of 15 BLACK TAILED GODWIT flew in ( Bob B confirmed he had 16 on South Huish Marsh at 07.30 ). 8 landed and the other 7 flew west. 12 BLACKCAP ( 7 juv's ), 1 TEAL, 2 STONECHAT , 10 LONG T TIT, 2 CHIFFCHAFF, 2 WILLOW WBLR, 1 SEDGE WBLR. Constant movement of SWALLOW -over 500, HOUSE MARTIN 75 Walking along the footpath at the side of T'stone Hotel - 4 GOLDCREST, 1 COAL TIT and a surprise - a female PIED FLYCATCHER ( 2nd patch record this year ), 3 YELLOW WAGTAIL flew over. Report from Arthur - at South Huish Marsh - 17 BLACK TAILED GODWIT, 1 RUFF ( briefly then flew up the valley ) 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 SNIPE, 3 TEAL.1 YELLOW WAGTAIL At South Milton Ley Bob and Alan ringing this morning - full details later - 1 GROPPA, 1 SPOTTED FLY, 1 YELLOW WAGTAIL. A Spanish ringed WILLOW WBLR controlled . FRI 28 AUG . Rare day away from the patch trying to find the Bonell's along with around 10 others . No definite sighting although I had a very brief view of what could have been the bird, regretably nobody else saw it Also at Soar - Up to 10 YELLOW WAGTAIL, 1 WHEATEAR, 2 WHITETHROAT., GREEN & GREAT Sp WOODY Late afternoon went on a friends boat down the Kingsbridge Estuary, very high tide , however in South Pool creek found 17 GREENSHANK and 2 REDSHANK on the same log . Only 5 SANDWICH TERN and 3 MED GULL seen LESSER B B GULL - ring 2 AV 4. Information rec'd from Paul Vernon of Guernsey Gulls. It was ringed . aged 4 years + on 21 May 2013 at a landfill site on Guernsey. This is the first sighting of the bird since - on T'stone Rocks Mon 24 Aug 2015 THURS 27 AUG After an early shower turned into a fine morning with the sun breaking through. More watchers than birds today - joined by Arthur, Vic and Nick On South Huish Marsh 8 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 SNIPE, 4 CHIFFCHAFF, 1 KINGFISHER.6 TEAL. Offshore 2 BALEARIC SHEARWATER, 150 + GANNET, 3 FULMAR, 2 WHIMBREL and single COMMON and SANDWICH TERN, 1ad KITTIWAKE WED 26 AUG After another night of stormy and wet weather the rain cleared by 09.00 and by 11.30 a few sunny spells arrived . Still a brisk SW F5 wind. Apart from 15 GANNET and a juv KITTIWAKE offshore all sightings on the Rocks / Marsh . consisted of - 5 SANDWICH TERN, 1 juv MED GULL, 19 OYSTERCATCHER, 4 WHIMBREL, 2 SANDERLING, 3 RINGED PLOVER, 2 DUNLIN, 4 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, , 8 TEAL. Near the copse 50+ GOLDFINCH, 5 STONECHAT and 1 juv WHINCHAT Bird of the morning flew off the rocks and up the valley - a GOLDEN PLOVER Eric reports from South Efford Marsh - 6 RUFF ( patch record ), 5 WHIMBREL, 2 BLACK T GODWIT, 6 COMMON S'piper, 4 GREEN S'piper, 1 WOOD S'piper, 2 RINGED PLOVER, 9 DUNLIN, 1 GREENSHANK , 1 COMMIC TERN over TUES 25 AUG Another morning of consistent heavy rain with poor viz , Wind started SSE F4 and this afternoon had become SSW F 5/6 The Wader passage again dominating with evidence of birds flying through and up the valley or arriving at different times. 3 visits to South Huish Marsh - in the morning myself , Vic Tucker until 14.00 and then a final visit by me at 15.30 . Eric also had a good Wader day at South Efford Marsh, between the 2 sites a total of 186 waders with 17 species recorded. On South Huish Marsh - 7 BLACK TAILED GODWIT, 6 GREENSHANK ( all flew thru ) 6 DUNLIN, 1 juv CURLEW SANDPIPER, 5 RUFF ( 1 flew thru , 4 feeding together this afternoon), 1 SNIPE, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 8 TEAL , 1 KINGFISHER, and the first WHITE WAGTAIL of the autumn . Vic had a flock of c40 SANDERLING fly over and there were 14 OYSTERCATCHER on the rocks . At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 28 DUNLIN, 14 RINGED PLOVER 2 BLACK T GODWIT, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 10+ COMMON SANDPIPER, 2 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 2 KNOT, 1juv RUFF, 1 WHIMBREL and 25 CURLEW Over his garden Nick T had a SWLFT, also on Yarmer Beach - 8 SANDERLING, 2 DUNLIN and a TURNSTONE. Another night of heavy rain with SSW winds gusting to F9 , could be another good morning to be out and about MON 24 AUG After another night of heavy rain it just continued through until 13.00 with thankfully a few lighter showers .Wind increased to N F4. Joined by Graham Daw today - went straight over to South Huish Marsh and enjoyed some more wader watching- 11 species recorded today with a year tick CURLEW SANDPIPER ( 173 ) flying in at 11.40- still showing some summer plumage . Waders which flew through - 2 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 33 SNIPE (max flock 11). On the marsh - 6 BLACK T GODWIT, 6 DUNLIN, 2 REDSHANK ( briefly ,then flew up the valley), 3 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 RUFF ( flew in 10.45) 10 TEAL Also 3 WHEATEAR, 1 WHINCHAT, 3 juv STONECHAT, 1 REED BUNTING, 1 WHITETHROAT. On the beach /rocks - 17 OYSTERCATCHER, 1ad MED GULL ( metal rings on both legs ) 1 LESSER B B GULL ( ring 2 AV4 ) Offshore 100 GANNET, 4 MANX and 1 BALEARIC SHEARWATER. Went back down at 16.30 only addition were 3 WHIMBREL on the rocks SUN 23 AUG A cloudy morning after heavy overnight rain, a brisk W wind Offshore only GANNETs and a FULMAR On South Huish Marsh - 6 BLACK T GODWIT, 8 DUNLIN, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 WHIMBREL and a RINGED PLOVER over, apart from MALLARD only 5 TEAL. 3 juv STONECHAT. At South Efford Marsh Eric reports 3 WOOD SANDPIPER, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER, 9 DUNLIN, 2 GREENSHANK, 1 REDSHANK, 8 COMMON SANDPIPER, 1 WHIMBREL and 8 juv SHELDUCK . A staggering count of 33 WOOD SANDPIPER at SEATON ( E Devon ) this afternoon SAT 22 AUG A fine warm sunny morning with just a light breeze. Started with an hour on Garden watch from 07.50- 35 species recorded which is the highest for a few weeks- highlights - 60 + SWALLOW, 35 HOUSE MARTIN, 2 GREAT Sp WOODY, 4 BLACKCAP, 3 WILLOW WBLR, 1 CHIFFCHAFF, 1WATER RAIL, 2 LITTLE EGRET, 2 PEREGRINE. Bob reports a SWIFT over South Milton Ley and the GADWALL still on the local pond . Arthur this morning at South Hish Marsh -3 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 4 DUNLIN, 2 TEAL and a WHEATEAR . A Visiter reports a KINGFISHER by the footbridge and a WHEATEAR on Lowesfoot beach Late afternoon report from Bob at South Huish marsh -now 6 BLACK T GODWIT, 5 DUNLIN, 5 TEAL and a SWIFT over . Looks like a few days of adverse weather with unseasonal heavy rain, thunderstorms and strong winds - now what will that produce ? FRI 21 AUG A cloudy morning with a brisk SSW wind F4, spent the morning seawatching off Warren Pt- not very successfully .- 210 GANNET, 6 FULMAR, 1 juv MED GULL, 1 juv COMMON GULL, 2 juv KITTIWAKE, 11 MANX and 1 BALEARIC SHEARWATER, 20 COMMON SCOTER - west. On the beach - 1 WHEATEAR and 29 OYSTERCATCHER . Reports from South Huish Marsh- 3 BLACK T GODWIT, 3 DUNLIN, 1 SNIPE , 1 WOOD SANDPIPER THURS 20 AUG Another wet morning with by 10.00 thick mist reducing viz to around 200 yards, visit curtailed at 11.00 On South Huish marsh at 09.15 - 7 DUNLIN, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 2 RUFF 1 SNIPE .At 09.30 heard a SPOTTED REDSHANK ( 172 ) calling landed briefly on the back pool before flying off up the valley 5 mins later.Last recorded in 2013, very few records in the last 10 years .The male WIGEON present on the back pool with 87 MALLARD Offshore Arthur had 4 COMMON SCOTER east , 1 CURLEW west . , 1 SANDWICH TERN west . 100 GANNET in the Bay , 4 MANX SHEARWATER flew west On a pool in South Milton Village Bob had a GADWALL WED 19 AUG Today has got to be one of the worst Aug weather days in memory , it has not stopped raining at all. Was at South Huish Marsh for 08.30 and left at 11.00 , got absolutely soaked- the scope cover has still not dried out . On the Marsh- 9 DUNLIN, 1 SNIPE , the male WIGEON feeding on the front pool with the MALLARD. Offshore the viz very poor coupled with almost constant cleaning of the optics made seawatching difficult - managed to pick up - 40 + GANNET, 42 MANX SHEARWATER, 8 BALEARIC SHEARWATER ( with poor viz they were much closer in the Bay than normal ) 1juv KITTIWAKE, 1juv LITTLE GUUL ( flew east almost together - interesting comparison in size ) 1 ad MED GULL On the rocks 1 TURNSTONE. It must get better tomorrow TUES 18 AUG Another sunny and warm day - a WNW wind increasing to F3/4 during the morning . Started with a Garden Watch for around 50 min from 07.30 -28 species recorded with 5 species of Warbler - 9 BLACKCAP ( another 4 this afternoon ), 4 CHIFFCHAFF, 1 WILLOW WBLR, 1 GARDEN WBLR, 1 WHITETHROAT. First calling WATER RAIL of the autumn ( for me ) Offshore from 09.00 - 180+ GANNET, 24 MANX SHEARWATER, 2 BALEARIC SHEARWATER, 1BONXIE ( AJL picked up landing on the sea 1 CURLEW flew west, 4 RINGED PLOVER, and a COMMON SCOTER flew east On South Huish Marsh - 1 GREENSHANK , 1 RUFF, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 2 TEAL At South Milton Ley Bob reports - a family party of SPOTTED FLY ad + 4 juv's , 7 WILLOW WBLR, 4 JAY and a GREY WAGTAIL. Mon 17 AUG A fine sunny and warm day with little breeze . Walking around the patch with Graham Daw produced - 15 RINGED PLOVER, 37 OYSTERCATCHER , 9 DUNLIN, 1 SANDERLING. 1 COMMON SANDPIPER. On South Huish marsh - 4 DUNLIN, 1 RUFF, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 BLACK T GODWIT .2 WHINCHAT By the footbridge - 4 REED W, 1 WHITETHROAT and 3 STONECHAT. Ringing team active this morning and caught - 10 REED W, 1 SEDGE W, 9 WILLOW W, 10 CHIFFCHAFF, 2 BLACKCAP, 1 GARDEN W., 4 TREE PIPIT and a REDSTART. Also on site a GREEN WOODY, 6 BULLFINCH, 4 JAY, 2 SPOTTED FLY, 2 GREY WAGTAIL After I left Graham between 13.15-14.15 he had over 700 MANX and 1 BALEARIC SHEARWATER fly east ( none seen before this ) and a YELLOW WAGTAIL over SUN 16 AUG Reports from South H Marsh - 1 GREENSHANK, 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 RUFF, 1 DUNLIN, 1 BLACK T GODWIT.1 SWIFT On the beach a WHIMBREL and in the Bay 2 SANDWICH TERN. On T'stone Marsh a GREEN SANDPIPER. Totals from the ringing team at South Milton Ley - 78 SWALLOW ( 1 control ) , 1 SAND MARTIN, 20 WILLOW W, 12 REED W ,6 SEDGE W, 5 CHIFFCHAFF, 3 BLACKCAP, 4 WHITETHROAT, , 3 GROPPA , 1 GARDEN W. 1 m KINGFISHER, 1 TREE PIPIT,( at least 6 on site ) 2 SPOTTED FLY on site also 1 GREY WAGTAIL SAT 15 AUG On T'stone Marsh early morning - 1 CURLEW, 4 GREEN SANDPIPER, 2 WATER RAIL On South Huish Marsh - 1 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 GREENSHANK, 1 RUFF, 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 SNIPE, 15 DUNLIN. In the copse 3 SPOTTED FLY. Ringing team at South Milton Ley caught - 57 SWALLOW ( 1 control ) 2 SAND MARTIN, 24 SEDGE W, 17 REED W, 13 WILLOW W, 3 CHIFFCHAFF, 1 GROPPA, 1 TREE PIPIT, 1 BULLFINCH, 1 KINGFISHER on site . FRI 14 AUG Another morning of heavy rain and poor viz offshore. Wind NW F3/4, whilst some interesting birds not comparable with yesterday . Started watching the Bay/ Marsh at 08.15 , on arrival 3 SANDWICH TERN feeding then found another 29 on the rocks , later another 6 flew west - atotal of 38 ( largest since the Spring ) Offshore 130 Manx Shearwater, 4 BALEARIC SHEARWATER , 190 GANNET, 4 FULMAR , 3 KITTIWAKE, at 09.10 1 BONXIE and at 11.30 another 2 all flying west. On the beach / marsh - 2 BLACK TAILED GODWIT, 1 RUFF, 14 DUNLIN, 35 SANDERLING, 5 RINGED PLOVER, 1 GREENSHANK, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER. Late afternoon Bob reported a juv LITTLE GULL on the beach with 2 juv MED GULL. On the Marsh - 1 WOOD SANDPIPER and 18 DUNLIN THURS 13 AUG One of those days that will go down in the annals of history, from now on AUG 13 will be known as WADER fest day, South Huish Marsh area watched from 08.15 - 11.15 and also this afternoon . by Bob Nick & Alan. I had to leave at 11.15. Total number of waders logged was 508 with a further 600+ at Eric's South Efford Marsh. A toal of 15 species of Waders on the patch - a day record The o/night thunderstorms and heavy rain with an E wind ,increasing from 2 to 4 , produced the birds most of them flying straight in off the sea and up the valley . On South Huish Marsh - 1 GREENSHANK, 3 WOOD SANDPIPER, 4 SNIPE, 2 BLACK TAILED GODWIT, 1 RUFF , small numbers of DUNLIN and RINGED PLOVER .Totals of flocks flying over - 130 DUNLIN, 215 RINGED PLOVER, 110 SANDERLING, 7 GREEN SANDPIPER, 8 TURNSTONE, 2 KNOT.Late news from Paul B in the evening a LITTLE STINT (171) landed briefly on the marsh On the beach /rocks -1 KNOT , 1 REDSHANK, 3 WHIMBREL, 21 OYSTERCATCHER 10 SAND MARTIN, 2 WHEATEAR and 2 SANDWICH TERN made the rest of the days news. South Efford Marsh - Once Eric became aware of the passage he went over to his marsh where at 12.15 he had a mixed flock of over 400 WHIMBREL, BLACK T GODWIT flying up the valley . On the marsh he recorded- 30 SNIPE, 40 + DUNLIN, 25 RINGED PLOVER, 6 GREEN SANDPIPER, 3 WOOD SANDPIPER, 1 GREENSHANK Finally on T'stone Marsh 2 GREEN SANDPIPER- for 3rd day Heavy rain forecast overnight but wind backin NW, what will Friday bring ? Will update around 18.00 WED 12 AUG A sunny day with a brisk F4/5 E wind. Only a feeding flock of 60 GANNET offshore . On South Huish Marsh- 1 RUFF, 7 DUNLIN, 1 RINGED PLOVER, 2 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 WHEATEAR and found by Bob 2 WHINCHAT ( possibly one of the earliest autumn dates ) On T'stone Marsh - 5 SEDGE WARBLER, 6 WILLOW WARBLER , 1 GREY WAGTAIL and a GREEN WOODY In South Milton village Nick reports - 1 SPOTTED FLY, 6 BULLFINCH and WILLOW WARBLERS Over at Soth Efford marsh Eric had -1 GREENSHANK, 13 DUNLIN, 2 GREEN and 1 COMMON SANDPIPER, also 1 WHINCHAT and 2 WHEATEAR TUES 11 AUG A clear night , light winds and some cloud this morning resulted in some interesting birds . First late news from Arthur for Sunday 9 Aug - On South Huish Marsh 3 GREEN SANDPIPER , 1 RUFF and a CUCKOO ( a species we rarely record in the autumn ) This morning at South Huish Marsh - 1 RUFF, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 DUNLIN, 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 4 SEDGE WARBLER, 1 REED WARBLER, 1 WHEATEAR , 1 MIPIT, 50 + SWALLOW 30+ HOUSE MARTIN. By the footbridge- 6 SEDGE WARBLER, 2 REED WARBLER Thurlestone Marsh - Bob - 1 GREAT Sp WOODY, 1 GREEN WOODY, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1 SNIPE, 2 TEAL, 1 WATER RAIL, 1 KINGFISHER 3 REED BUNTING, 2 SWIFT . Ringing team at both South Milton Ley and T'stone Marsh had the best morning this year - over155 birds caught - main totals were - 68 WILLOW WARBLER, 13 CHIFFCHAFF, 6 BLACKCAP, 11 WHITETHROAT, 2 GARDEN WARBLER, 39 SEDGE WARBLER, 10 REED WARBLER, 2 TREE PIPT and 1 SPOTTED FLY ( 2 on site ) Another relatively calm morning tomorrow with gales and heavy rain Thurs ! MON 10 AUG A morning to forget- heavy rain and low cloud with poor viz. At least this afternoon cleared up with some sunshine First an update for Sun 9 AUG - Through my garden a group of 7 BLACKCAP ( ad m&f 5juv ) 1 WILLOW WARBLER, 2 GREEN SANDPIPER ( over ) 2 SWIFT ( over ), PEREGRINE 25 ad LBB GULL + 11 juv in the field Bob had the RUFF, 1 GREEN SANDPIPER, 5 SEDGE WARBLER. At Avtn Gifford Eric reported a juv YELLOW WAGTAIL. Visited South Huish Marsh late afternoon - 3 RINGED PLOVER, 2 TEAL ( first returning birds ) 1 SWIFT Offshore 50+ GANNET, 10 MANX SHEARWATER and 1 BALEARIC SHEARWATER. Earlier today the site had its 200,00th hit SAT 8 AUG From my garden this morning - 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 1juv BLACKCAP, 1 CHIFFCHAFF , 1 WILLOW WARBLER, 4/5 SEDGE WARBLER. Alan Pomroy and the team had an interesting rining session at South Milton Ley - 1 GRDESTART, 1 GARDEN WARBLER, 9 WILLOW WARBLER, 5 CHIFFCHAFF, 1 WHITETHROAT, 8 BLACKCAP, 17 REED WARBLER My activities limited this w/end with all my family visiting FRIDAY 7 AUG First signs of some Wader arrivals - On South Huish Marsh / Beach - 1 REDSHANK ( only 2nd patch record this year ) 1 RUFF, 1 SNIPE , 3 DUNLIN, 1 SANDERLING, 2 RINGED PLOVER, earlier a GREEN SANDPIPER on T'stone Marsh In the Bay 5 juv MED GULL and 120 + GANNET Ringing at both T'stone Marsh and South Milton Ley produced the first big Warbler arrivals - 43 SEDGE, 4 REED Wblr, ! KINGFISHER and 2 NUTHATCH Over at South Efford Marsh Eric had - 2 GREEN SANDPIPER, 3 COMMON SANDPIPER, 9 RINGED PLOVER, 5 DUNLIN, 2 REDSHANK, 1 WHIMBREL and CURLEW THURS 6 AUG A fine sunny day with an increasing WNW 4/5 wind . Offshore a large feeding flock of 600+ GANNET, 9 MANX SHEARWATER, 5 FULMAR, 2 juv MED GULL On South Huish Marsh - 4 RINGED PLOVER, 1 RUFF, 1 BLACK T GODWIT, 1 WHIMBREL ( over )1 HOBBY A flock of over 100 HOUSE SPARROW around the footbridge with over 80% juv's Late news - 18.00 20 SWIFT over T'stone and a GREEN SANDPIPER over the Marsh WED 5 AUG A cloudy morning with a brisk S F4 /5 wind , poor viz offshore. A Garden watch from 07.30 produced only19 species in 40 mins - nothing out of the ordinary . An hours seawatch from the car park produced - 180 GANNET ( large feeding party off Bolt Tail) , 5 FULMAR, 1juv MED GULL, 1 SANDWICH TERN ,13 MANX SHEARWATER, 2 BALEARIC SHEARWATER and at 09.00 2 BONXIE . ( first of the Autumn ) 23 OYSTERCATCHER on the rocks . On South Huish marsh - 1 RUFF, 2 RINGED PLOVER ( 1juv ), 1 BLACK TAILED GODWIT , 4 LITTLE EGRET. Alan photo'd a juv YELLOW L GULL on T'stone Marsh. Only change in Eric's wadres at South Efford Marsh - 2 BLACK T GODWIT TUES 4 AUG Late news from last night - T'stone Marsh - 19.00 1 GREEN SANPIPER over calling. At 21.00 first big SWALLOW roost - 1200+, also a HOBBY in attendance A cloudy morning , light shower, F6/7 SW veering W wind , rough seas , good viz Decided today was going to be a seawatch from Warren Pt, some good passage which between 08.05 and 12.05 produced - 1075 GANNET , 1125 MANX SHEARWATER, 2 BALEARIC SHEARWATER, 6 FULMAR, 5 KITTIWAKE and at 09.15 a LITTLE GULL ( 170 )- flew east close in. Most of the GANNET were flying east whilst 90% of the SHEAWATER were flying west .Totals for the species are the highest of the year to date. 31 OYSTERCATCHER on the beach, around 45 BLACK HEADED GULL in the Bay MON 3 AUG A cloudy morning with a light shower and a F4 SSW wind. Seawatching produced - 650 MANX SHEAWATER and 1 BALEARIC SHEARWATER all east, 125 GANNET, 2juv KITTIWAKE, 3 FULMAR 2 juv MED GULL, 1 juv COMMON GULL Around South Huish Marsh - 1 RUFF, 2 DUNLIN, 1 BLACK TAILED GODWIT, 1 SWIFT, 1 SPARROWHAWK, mixed flock of 35 LINNET and GOLDFINCH Bob ringed 4 BLACKCAP and a CHIFFCHAFF in South Milton Village SUN 2 AUG Day started cloudy later turning out to be one of the best summer days for weeks . Very little on the bird front - On South Huish Marsh- Ruff still, 2 SWIFT , 1 SAND MARTIN small movement of SWALLOW. In the field opposite T'stone Marsh the LESSER B B GULL increased to 35 and in the village a SONG THRUSH Just rec'd news from Alan Pomroy of his ringing session at South Milton Ley this morning - at 11.25 he had a BEE- EATER ( 169 ) fly NW with a flock of Hirundines. A first for the patch - well done Alan . He azlso ringed - 1 SEDGE W, 3 REED W , 5 BLACKCAP, 1 WILLOW W, 2 YELLOWHAMMER This afternoon Bob had a GREEN SANDPIPER on S H Marsh and 2 SANDWICH TERN in the Bay SAT 1 AUG A fine start to the month no wind but cloudy- a garden watch from 07.40 produced 31 species, the highlights being - 1 WHIMBREL, 11 CORMORANT ( 1 flock of 10 flew west ), 2 BLACKCAP, 2 CHIFFCHAFF and a WILLOW WARBLER, 18 LESSER B B GULL.1 REED BUNTING. Offshore Arthur had a total of 242 GANNET feeding in the Bay in 1 sweep, days total well over 300. Around 100 MANX SHEARWATER flying through , 1 FULMAR. 3 SANDERLING on the beach On South Huish Marsh - 1 RUFF, 1 SAND MARTIN, 2 WHITETHROAT, 1 BLACKCAP, 2 CHIFFCHAFF, 1 SPARROWHAWK At South Milton Ley Bob and Dave ringed - 7 CHIFFCHAFF, 5 REED WARBLER, 5 SEDGE WARBLER, 2 WILLOW WARBLER, 2 WHITETHROAT and 2 BLACKCAP Total species recorded today 62 Photos below of the BEE-EATERS at Aymer Cove 30 MAY taken by Alan Doidge BIRD RACE DAY SAT 25 APR REPORT After what seems several weeks of fine sunny days the weather started to break down on Friday, however forecasts for Saturday were for sunny periods up to 13.00 and a few light showers thereafter - which turned out to be completely incorrect. Starting at 06.15 from my house with a 45 minute Garden Watch in cloudy conditions by 08.30 the sea fog rolled in with visibility at times down to less than 250 yards - great seawatching weather. Heavy showers from 13.00 to 16.00 meant everyone getting wet, a brief clear spell until 17.30 when the mist and rain returned. A total of 11 observers took part with most staying until late afternoon. Paul Bouldon did the early morning 06.15 visit to South Huish Marsh with the rest of the observers starting around 07.30. By 8.30 the total had reached 65 and by 12.00 - 74. Whilst we achieved by late evening a respectable total of 89 it was a case of what might have been with normal seawatching conditions. Last September the total was 81 so at least we achieved a higher count. Some of the highlights A male WIGEON was a good late spring record. A mail PINTAIL flying up the valley at 19.45 was the first for some weeks and the last specie at no. 89. Our resident RUDDY SHELDUCK made the list. A single GREAT NORTHERN DIVER in the Bay late afternoon. Small flocks of MANX SHEARWATER flying east from 16.15 - 17.30 totalled 42. RAPTORS included, BUZZARD, SPARROWHAWK, MERLIN, KESTREL and PEREGRINE. WADERS comprised - OYSTERCATCHER, RINGED PLOVER, DUNLIN, SNIPE (1 late record), BAR TAILED GODWIT, WHIMBREL, COMMON SANDPIPER. 2 dark phase ARCTIC SKUA late afternoon. The surprise of the day was a site day record of 25 GREAT SKUA including a single flock on the sea of 15. All of them picked up close inshore due to the fog. Only TERN recorded was SANDWICH and then only 9 in total. Walking through the Buckland Valley a CUCKOO was a great patch record, also GREEN and GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKERS, JAY, MISTLE THRUSH, STARLING, COAL TIT and GOLDCREST. Only the second record this year of SWIFT and in the lanes a male YELLOWHAMMER. WARBLERS recorded were - CETTIS, GRASSHOPPER, CHIFFCHAFF, WILLOW, WHITETHROAT, BLACKCAP, SEDGE and REED. A single YELLOW WAGTAIL, 2 WHEATEAR, 1 BULLFINCH plus some REED BUNTING. At least anothe 5 species would have been on everyones certainty list and guess what first bird on South Huish Marsh Sunday morning was a LAPWING. Many thanks to everyone who took part, despite the weather a very enjoyable days birding - at least no one left to go to see the HUDSONIAN GODWIT in Somerset. At the time of posting this report I have not received any information on how many species the other sites taking part achieved, BELVIDE RES, GRIMLEY GRAVEL PITS, MIDDLETON LAKES RSPB, SANDWELL VALLEY RSPB, UPTON WARREN - all inland reserves in the Midlands.ROCK PIPIT - Littoralis South Huish Marsh 28 March2015 KUMLIENS GULL near South Milton Alan Doidge White Fronted Goose ( rear view ) South Huish Marsh 23 Feb 2015 2 W . F GOOSE 23 FEB 2015 W F GOOSE 23 FEB all photos by Alan Doidge2014Another SIB. CHIFFCHAFF at South Milton Ley-AFDRecord shot of the GLOSSY IBIS taken at 16.00 Sat 27 Dec- Alan Doidge Some cracking photos from Alan Doidge of the SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF and colour ringed ROCK PIPITRUDDY SHELDUCK - T'stone Marsh 17 Nov 2014 WHOOPER SWAN family- T'stone Marsh on 19 OCT 2014 Crane at South Huish Marsh 20 Oct 2014- Alan Doidge Turtle Dove taken at East Soar ponds by Alan Doidge, the photo of the year 3 RUFF at South Huish Marsh 17/9/14 taken by Dave PakesTUES 16 SEPT Some Recent photos from Alan DoidgeLITTLE STINTS - South Huish Marsh LITTLE STINTS -South Huish Marsh WHINCHAT-South Huish Marsh Juv Purple Heron - S H Marsh 08.30 10 Sept 2014- Alan Doidge Whinchat S H Marsh 6 Sept 2014 Little Stint juv - S H Marsh- 6 Sept 2014 Wood Sandpiper- S H Marsh 6 Sept 2014Photos from Alan Doidge at South Huish Marsh News Since 2003 my local patch list totals 242 latest- SQUACCO HERON_13 MAY 2015 Visitor Counter Reset 10th September 2013 (previously 55000+) Links Devon Bird News Avon Birds Axe Birding Birding Exmouth Christchurch Harbour Teesmouth Bird Club Portland Bird Observatory Cornwall Birding Belvide Birding Jersey Bird News Thurlestone Weather The Birds of South Gloucestershire MBS Trophies ( part sponsor with time )[Print] Print | Sitemap © Michael Passman This website was created using 1&1 MyWebsite Personal. 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