MON 29 FEB A mainly cloudy day with little wind so a flat calm sea . On South Huish Marsh - 90 TEAL, 15 WIGEON, 2f SHOVELER, 2 SHELDUCK, 25 + SNIPE, The RUDDY SHELDUCK, 1 LAPWING, 1m CIRL BUNTING., 1
CHIFFCHAFF, 4 STONECHAT In the Bay 3 GREAT CRESTED GREBE ( 2 s/pl ) 1 RED T DIVER . a GREAT N DIVER flew east at 11.05. On the rocks 6 TURNSTONE Vic reported from South Milton Ley - 150 + REDWING (
some in full song ) pr of LONG T TIT ( carrying nesting material ), 10 CHIFFCHAFF and 20 SNIPE SUN 28 FEB A nice sunny morning with a cold F5/6 E wind. Joined by Graham today On South
Huish Marsh - 105 + TEAL, 16 WIGEON, 2 f SHOVELER, 2 LITTLE GREBE , 14 SNIPE, 2 DUNLIN, 1 LAPWING, 20 OYSTERCATCHER A seawatch of just over 2 hours really improved the Day . At 11.30 found 3 duck in
the Bay - male GOLDENEYE (118 ) after a few minutes they flew off east. This is only the second record of a male and the first multiple record in the last 15 years . At 11.58 picked up a SHORT EARED
OWL(119 ) flying in off the sea . Also logged - 9 FULMAR, 12 GANNET and 2 COMMON SCOTER flew west. On the rocks 5 RINGED PLOVER, 5 TURNSTONE FRI 26 FEB Started off 100% cloud then rained from
11.30, a bitterly cold F5 SE wind . On South Huish marsh - 75 TEAL, 15 WIGEON, 7 SHELDUCK, the RUDDY SHELDUCK, 4 SNIPE , 15 OYSTERCATCHER. 1ad MED GULL again a 90 min seawatch produced - 35 GANNET -
east, 4 FULMAR, 1 KITTIWAKE, 5 COMMON SCOTER -west, a GREAT C GREBE ( 117 ) on the sea . On the rocks - 5 RINGED PLOVER, 7 TURNSTONE and 6 OYSTERCATCHER THURS 25 FEB Another almost spring like
day in the sunshine, no wind and a flat calm sea . On South Huish Marsh - 100 TEAL, 16 WIGEON, 4 SHELDUCK, the RUDDY SHELDUCK, 2 LITTLE GREBE, 15 SNIPE, 15 OYSTERCATCHER. ., 2 REED BUNTING , a
FIRECREST ( in the gardens ). Amongst the flock of 175 BLACK H GULL 1 ad MED GULL ( full hood ) 1ad COMMON GULL. At 12.00 the imm F MARSH HARRIER watched quartering the reeds for 15 mins before
flying off to South Milton Ley. On the rocks - 5 RINGED PLOVER, 1 TURNSTONE, 1 DUNLIN. Offshore quiet until 11.45 when i picked up a MANX SHEARWATER ( 116 ) flying into the bay from east ,landed on
the sea probably due to lack of wind . This my fisrt Feb patch record - normally mid April when they start moving through the Bay . Also 5 COMMON SCOTER - east and 2 RED T DIVER flew west
WED 24 FEB Another mainly sunny morning with a cold E wind F4/5, great viz . Yesterday Alan Pomroy ringed at South Milton Ley- 9 CHIFFCHAFF, 1 SIBERIAN CHIFFY ( 3rd this winter ) and a GOLDCREST On
South Huish Marsh - WIGEON continue to depart , only 16 today, 75 TEAL, 5 SHELDUCK, the RUDDY SHELDUCK , new arrivals a nice male GADWALL and a female PINTAIL ( 115 ). 1 LITTLE GREBE, 4 MUTE SWAN, 5
LITTLE EGRET, 4 SNIPE, .Amongst the flock of 95 BLACK H GULL - 1ad MED GULL ( full hood ) , 1ad COMMON GULL 16 OYSTERCATCHER. On the rocks - 4 RINGED PLOVER , 3 PURPLE SANDPIPER 8 OYSTERCATCHER, 2
LITTLE EGRET Offshore - 3 GANNET, 2 GUILLEMOT., 1 GREAT N DIVER ( landed on the sea ) , 4 male COMMON SCOTER ( landed briefly on the sea before continuing east ) Nick reports COAL TIT and a
REDWING in his garden . At South Efford Marsh Eric reports - 2 FIRECREST ( in the lane ), 1m BLACK REDSTART ( bridge ) BARN OWL over the Marsh TUES 23 FEB After an o/night frost the day
was sunny and dry with little cloud and superb viz . Joined by Graham today . On T'stone marsh - 5 REED BUNTING, 2 RAVEN (over ). On South Huish marsh - 75 TEAL, 35 WIGEON ( flew onto the sea
when spooked by a farmers tractor ) 8 SHELDUCK, the RUDDY SHELDUCK, 1 LITTLE GREBE, 16 SNIPE, 4 LITTLE EGRET, 2 REED BUNTING, 1 CHIFFCHAFF, 7 STONECHAT, 2 SONG THRUSH. A 2 hour seawatch only
livened up by - 1 GANNET, 1 FULMAR , 1 GREAT N DIVER (west @11.30 ) , 1 RED T DIVER ( east @ 12.05 ). 1 CURLEW flew in off the sea . Visitors reported a KINGFISHER on the rocks and a small flock of
FIELDFARE and REDWING on the Golf Course . MON 22 FEB A morning which started with low cloud and showers and improved considerably after 10.30 with good viz . Light W wind On South Huish Marsh
WIGEON down to 30, TEAL still 75, 1f SHOVELER, 4 SHELDUCK, the RUDDY SHELDUCK, 1 2w MED GULL, 3 SNIPE, 2 REED BUNTING, 20 + MIPIT , 1 WATER PIPIT . A 90min seawatch only produced - 7 GANNET, 1
FULMAR, 1 GUILLEMOT , 1 BLACK THROATED DIVER ( flew E at 10.50 ) , 1 RED T DIVER ( flew E at 10.57 ) Robert the farmer had a BARN OWL in Horswell Cottage woods at 18.30 last night . The same
woods this morning - a flock of 20 + CHAFFINCH and a NUTHATCH SUN 21 FEB A morning of showers, low cloud , with a F5 /6 SW wind . On T'stone Marsh - 10 TEAL, 2 LITTLE EGRET, 2 HERON . On South Huish
marsh - 40 WIGEON, 70 TEAL, 5 SHELDUCK, 1f SHOVELER, 3 SNIPE, 2 LAPWING Nothing offshore ! FRI 19 FEB Managed to get out this morning before the heavy rain arrived , a brisk F4/5 W wind
. On South Huish marsh a reduction in birds from yesterday - 40 WIGEON, 50 TEAL, 2 SHELDUCK, 1f SHOVELER, 2 LITTLE GREBE, 5 SNIPE and 3 LAPWING Offshore 2 FULMAR and a MED GULL ( with full hood )
flew east . On the rocks 9 OYSTERCATCHER and 8 TURNSTONE On T'stone Marsh - 13 TEAL and a SONG THRUSH THURS 18 FEB Started out with a sunny morning , a frost , no wind with cloud cover
from 11.00 On South Huish Marsh - 70 TEAL, 46 WIGEON, 2 SHELDUCK, 1f SHOVELER, only 60 BLACK H GULL with 1 1st w MED GULL, 40 SNIPE, 6 LAPWING, 20 OYSTERCATCHER In the copse 16 GOLDFINCH, 2 GOLDCREST
, a few singing SKYLARK, 2 STONECHAT ( + 2 by the footbridge ) Offshore only a single GREAT N DIVER ( east ) and a db BRENT GOOSE (west ) Arthur walked round a muddy Golf Course which only
produced - 6 RINGED PLOVER and 6 OYSTERCATCHER on the rocks , 2 LITTLE EGRET, 6 STONECHAT , PEREGRINE and a MISTLE THRUSH Noticably no Gannet again and very few Gulls in the Bay TUES 16 FEB Another
fine ,sunny and cold morning with light winds although a sharp frost at dawn . Early morning through my garden - 3 COAL TIT together and 2 REED BUNTING , whist Arthur had singles of MISTLE and SONG
THRUSH . Large flock of over 200 BLACK H GULL on South Huish Marsh contained at least 6 MED GULLs - 1 1stw , 2 2w , 3 ad - different birds to those at the w/end as none of these adults had
black hoods ., 1ad COMMON GULL, 65 TEAL, 50 WIGEON, 5 SHELDUCK, 1f SHOVELER and the RUDDY SHELDUCK . At least 60 SNIPE feeding, 1 DUNLIN, 4 LAPWING and 22 OYSTERCATCHER. Short visit to West Buckland
valley only produced - 1 m SISKIN a COAL TIT and 3 LONG T TIT MON 15 FEB A suuny day with clear blue sky and great visability .Joined by Arthur and Graham this morning . Offshore 2 GANNET (
first for 4 days ), 1 GUILLEMOT, 1m COMMON SCOTER On South Huish Marsh - the imm F MARSH HARRIER watched for more than 30 min quartering over the reed beds , this flushed a lot of SNIPE 40+ and
at least 1 JACK SNIPE ( 114 ). Also on the Marsh - 5 LAPWING, 1 DUNLIN, 40 OYSTERCATCHER, 5 ad MED GULL , 1ad COMMON GULL, male TUFTED DUCK back, RUDDY SHELDUCK still, 7 SHELDUCK, 90+ TEAL, 52
WIGEON, 2db BRENT GOOSE ( flew in , spooked by the Harrier left east over the sea ) 4 LITTLE EGRET, 2 WATER PIPIT , 5 ROCK PIPIT - 1 has a yellow colour ring over a silver on right leg BUZZARD ,
PEREGRINE, SPARROWHAWK and KESTREL all on site . Whilst filling my garden feeders 3 LONG T TIT and a M CIRL BUNTING observed SUN 14 FEB A cloudy morning with drizzle until 10.30 and a raw E
f3/4 wind On t'stone Marsh - 10 TEAL, 8 SNIPE On South Huish Marsh - 46 TEAL, 52 WIGEON, 5 SHELDUCK, 1 LITTLE GREBE, 31 SNIPE, 4 LAPWING, 3 LITTLE EGRET. At 10.15 the imm F MARSH HARRIER quartered
around the marsh causing some mayhem . Anyone visiting the Marsh should note that the National Trust will be charging £5 (£ 3 after 4pm . ) for car parking all this week and at w/ends unti
Easter. SAT 13 FEB After another very wet night a lot more water on T'stone Marsh , a short watch this morning - 45 TEAL, 2 SHELDUCK, 16 MALLARD , a single flock of 60+ MIPIT flew up the valley at
09.15 Driving back through the lanes this afternoon a single YELLOWHAMMER ( 113 ) Looks very much like a brief cold spell early next week , hopefully some new arrivals . FRI 12 FEB A cloudy
morning starting with steady drizzle and a light E wind 2 MUTE SWAN ( probably wondering where last years nest site has gone to ), 30 TEAL, 1m STONECHAT, 2 SONG THRUSH, 2 STOCK DOVE and a f REED
BUNTING On South Huish Marsh - 62 TEAL, 45 WIGEON, RUDDY SHELDUCK, 5 SHELDUCK, 25 SNIPE, 4 LAPWING, 1 GREY WAGTAIL, 7 SKYLARK and 5 STARLING ( my first patch sighting this month ) On the rocks
7 RINGED PLOVER Nothing offshore - this is the 3rd day without recording a GANNET , At nearby South Efford Marsh Eric reports a day flying BARN OWL, 1 FIRECREST, 60 WIGEON, 20 TEAL THURS
11 FEB One of the best mornings weather for a long while - clear blue sky , little wind and starting with a frost . On T'stone Marsh - 6 TEAL, 2 SHELDUCK, 1 KINGFISHER, in the garden 1f BULLFINCH, 1m
CIRL BUNTING ( 112 ) 2 f REED BUNTING, 1 SPARROWHAWK ( over ). Met up with Arthur at South Huish Marsh - 34 WIGEON, 30 TEAL, 1m TUFTED DUCK, 4 SHELDUCK, 1f SHOVELER, 1 KINGFISHER , 25 + SNIPE, 28
OYSTERCATCHER, 4 LAPWING, 1 LITTLE GREBE . Amongst a flock of 200 BLACK H GULL 3ad MED GULL . With the CANADAS the RUDDY SHELDUCK, 2db BRENT GOOSE briefly later seen on the sea. in one of the
gardens a cracking FIRECREST and 2 CHIFFCHAFF. a total of 12 SKYLARK and 20 MIPIT in the fields On the sea at 11.30 a flock of 40+ WIGEON. Brief visit to West Buckland Valley produced - 1 GREY
WAGTAIL, 3 COAL TIT, 2 LONG T TIT and a GREEN WOODY WED 10 FEB A morning of v good light but with some very heavy showers, cool in the F5/6 NW wind. On T'stone marsh 30 TEAL. South Huish Marsh held -
65 WIGEON, 60 TEAL, 3 SHELDUCK, 1f SHOVELER, 1m TUFTED DUCK, 4 LAPWING, 3 SNIPE, 2ad MED GULLS ( one with full black hood ) 30 + LESSER B B GULL and still the RUDDY SHELDUCK This afternoon Vic
was working at South Milton Ley and reported - 1 CURLEW, 2 CETTTIS WARBLER, 2 WATER RAIL, 1 SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF ( unringed )and just a few CHIFFCHAFF TUES 9 FEB A morning with some sunny periods and
no rain until 11.30.Feeling cold in a F4 WNW wind . Joined by Arthur today . On T'stone marsh - 28 TEAL, 2 SHELDUCK. On South Huish Marsh - 50 WIGEON, , 60 TEAL, 5 SHELDUCK, 1 f SHOVELER, 2 LITTLE
GREBE, 4 LAPWING, 1 CHIFFCHAFF and in the field a nice ad PEREGRINE Around the fields near Huxton Cross - 35 CHAFFINCH, 1 SONG THRUSH, 1 MISTLE THRUSH . In West Buckland Valley - 2 REDWING , 1
calling SISKIN In a T'stone Garden now 1m 1f BLACKVAP Alan has a flock of FIELDFARE and REDWING at a farm near South Milton MON 8 FEB After a very stormy night with gales and heavy rain drove round
to South Huish marsh to find a flooded marsh and a raging sand storm. Could see the WIGEON feeding but very little else . On T'stone marsh - 25 TEAL, 20 MALLARD 2 SHELDUCK and 3 LITTLE EGRET
Wind speed certainly F10 + , in Bobs old carpark impossible to use my optics due to the car rocking SUN 7 FEB A cloudy morning with some light showers and a brisk F5 WNW wind A late start , did not
arrive at South Huish Marsh until 10.45, first bird I picked up was an imm F MARSH HARRIER , watched quartering over the marsh for 20 mins . On the marsh - 55 WIGEON, 45 TEAL, 1 GADWALL ( 111 )
2 SHELDUCK, RUDDY SHELDUCK still, 1 LITTLE GREBE., 4 LAPWING 2 SNIPE. On the rocks 8 TURNSTONE . Offshore - 1 GANNET, 4 KITTIWAKE, 2 RAZORBILL on the sea. On T'stone marsh 4 SHELDUCK. FRI 5 FEB The
weather and the birds were pretty well unchanged from yesterday Looking like a stormy w/end with heavy rain and F 8/9 winds increasing on Mon to F 11. THURS 4 FEB Back to cloudy conditions today. On
T'stone marsh at 08.45 - 24 TEAL, 20 MALLARD, 1 SHELDUCK, 2 SNIPE On South Huish Marsh - 42 WIGEON, 95 TEAL, 6 SHELDUCK, 4 LAPWING, 3 SNIPE, 3 LITTLE EGRET . In the field by the copse a good
PIPIT flock contained - 40 + MEADOW, 5 ROCK, 4 WATER. Desparate fare offshore - 2 GANNET and 3 FULMAR. A short visit to Buckland Valley - SONG THRUSH, NUTHATCH, GOLDCREST, COAL TIT, GREAT SP WOODY
TUES 2 FEB A fine sunny morning with just an occasional shower, still a F6/7 WNW wind . great viz at long last ,joined by Arthur and Graham . On South Huish Marsh - 50 WIGEON, 90 TEAL, 2
PLOVER. DEVON BIRD ATLAS 2007-2013 Congratulations to the team for producing such a superb book.. The presentation, specie reports and photographs are really outstanding . If you have
not ordered a copy do so soon, this is county recording at its best . Deserves the accolade of the Bird Book of the year . Will provide hours and hours of informative reading MON 1 FEB Several
choruses of 'White Rabbits ' this morning did not improve the weather or the birding A cloudy morning with regular bursts of light rain blown on by a F7/8 SW wind. Little change on South Huish marsh
- SHELDUCK increased to 6, a KINGFISHER flew through . Amongst a flock of 40 BLACK HEADED GULL were 2 ad MED GULL. 4 SNIPE , 4 LAPWING and 27 OYSTERCATCHER were the only waders . A brief if wet
seawatch only produced 1 GANNET . Some stunning photos of SQUACCO HERON by Alan Doidge<< New heading >>