Adult Glaucous Gull (note slight oil patch ) All photos Alan Doidge
2 Adult Glaucous Gull on the rocks

Managed to get down to the Rock Flats at 13.00 and join Alan D & Eric W who were mouth watering looking at 3 ( yes 3 ) GLAUCOUS GULL - 2 Ad and a 2nd W photos to be added later . This is most definately a site record . If you include the biscuit coloured 1st W I had last Mon that makes a total of 4 different birds  since last Sunday .

This is not quite exceeded by a new record for the year on South Huish Marsh - a COOT ( 104 ). I suppose they all have to turn up some time


Sunny periods with a strong WSW wind .

On t'stone Marsh - 3 MUTE SWAN, 4 LITTLE EGRET, 1 LITTLE GREBE, 40 TEAL.

A 2hr watch by the Flats - GLAUCOUS GULL only briefly at 09.30 last seen flying in the Hope Cove direction . Only 30 KITTIWAKE, 2 RAZORBILL. 1 TURNSTONE.


3 GUILLEMOT and a KITTIWAKE dead on the beach.

On South Huish Marsh- Amongst a flock of 100 BLACK HEADED GULL, a single adult ( with full black hood ) MED GULL and 2 COMMON GULL. 7 SNIPE , 15 WIGEON a few TEAL and the TUFTED DUCK. With 6 MUTE SWAN on the Marsh there were some very aggresive territorial exchanges


Family visiting this w/end so only likely to be short reports


A few photos taken this morning overlooking the rocks by the flats

Med Gull - not quite into summer plumage
Razorbill - close inshore
Close up view of the head, bill and eye
Glaucous Gull

Another sunny morning with a brisk SW wind . GULLS again provided the main interest with the GLAUCOUS showing very well. Hangs around waiting for the tide to ebb when all the clams are on the rocks ., 1ad MED GULL flew east, 100 + BLACK HEADED GULL and 25 KITTIWAKE also feeding on the clams. The KITTIWAKE have been paticularly interesting as I have never seen them sitting on the rocks only yards away. Just shows what a supply of food can do. On the rocks 4 TURNSTONE ( visitors yesterday reported 15 ), 4 GUILLEMOT and 2 RAZORBILL

On T'stone Marsh  6 LITTLE EGRET, 4 SHELDUCK, 40 TEAL.

On South H Marsh- Large mixed flock of GULLS which included 1 ad & 1  1st W MED GULL, 10 WIGEON , 8 SHELDUCK and the TUFTED DUCK


Report from Eric of 5 WATER PIPIT on the norh marsh at Aveton Gifford


All the activity around the rocks by the flats and on South Huish Marsh.

The adult GLAUCOUS GULL present all morning either feeding on the clams or sitting on one of the rocks - again views down to 25 feet.  Only 1 TURNSTONE on the rocks .

On the Marsh a large flock of GULLS which included 2 ad & 3 1st W MED GULL, a total of 8 species of Gull to look at in the sunshine.


A least 6 GUILLEMOT and a RAZORBILL close inshore


Another Spring like day.  A quick visit to the Bay before having to meet the roofers who were repairing the roof damaged at the w/end.

 The adult GLAUCOUS GULL is back on the patch, first seen from the car park flying along the high tide line and then later off the rocks - but what views ,down to 25 feet when it was picking food up off the tide line .40 KITTIWAKE and 100 BLACK HEADED GULL also amongst the feeding flock. Offshore 6 GUILLEMOT . First sign of small waders on the rocks- 4 RINGED PLOVER, 1 SANDERLING, 1 TURNSTONE plus


 Duck on South Huish Marsh  same as yesterday, the GULL flock included 200+ BLACK HEADED, 40 GREAT BLACK BACKED , 30 LESSER BLACK BACKED and 2 ad COMMON.

Spent 2 hours on the balcony and surprised to find I logged 36 species including - CIRL BUNTING, STONECHAT, 7 SNIPE, WATER RAIL, GREY WAGTAIL, and a new garden tick - a SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF.

The GLAUCOUS GULL still on the rocks from the car park at 15.30 .

KITTIWAKE- Todays photos by me ( not up to Alans standard )


Spring did not last long - heavy rain o/night and up to F8 S wind mid morning . Spent the first part of the morning liaising with the Golf Club over the blocked outlet and flooded Marsh . Water level dropping this afternoon .

On the Marsh this am - 30 TEAL, 2 SHELDUCK, 2 WATER RAIL and the LITTLE GREBE .

Only got down to the car park at 10,50, almost the first gull which flew east  30 feet in front of my car was a 1st w GLAUCOUS (  with yesterdays adult that makes 4 for the patch this year - fantastic ) later found the same gull resting with the large gull flock of over 100 birds on South Huish Marsh.

Duck on S H Marsh - 60 + MALLARD , 30 TEAL, 10 WIGEON, the TUFTED DUCK. and 17 KITTIWAKE

Nothing offshore other than Gulls


Adult Glaucous Gull
Adult Glaucous Gull
Kittiwake Feeding on South Miton Beach all photos Alan Doidge

I know it is not possible but today was spring like - blue sky no wind and a flat calm

( almost ) sea.

Around T'stone Marsh this am - 4 SHELDUCK, 40 TEAL, 5 LITTLE EGRET, 7 SNIPE ,

1 OYSTERCATCHER. Through my garden and on the feeders - 6 REED BUNTING, 1m CIRL BUNTING, 10 BLACKBIRD and 2 SONG THRUSH.

Walked around the Bay - more damage to Leasfoot Beach and the area around Rock Flats. At this rate the footpath will need another diversionary route. Offshore 

2 GUILLEMOT, 2 PINTAIL  ( 103 ) later joined by 70 WIGEON ,

The bird of the day found by AJL and Nik Ward on South Huish Marsh and later gave superb views on the rocks - a cracking adult GLAUCOUS GULL ( second patch record for this year )

Few duck on the Marsh - 30 TEAL, 7 WIGEON, the TUFTED DUCK and 6 SNIPE.

Looks as though Spring will move off overnight as a S gale with even more rain due early Mon morning . Just to add to the latest woe - T'stone Marsh outlet blocked again, already the car park and now the main road under water


After a night of non stop gales managed to get down to South Huish Marsh late morning . In the Bay at least 50 KITTIWAKE, single GUILLEMOT and RAZORBILL on the sea . Amongst the Gulls a 2w  MED GULL .

On the Marsh the TUFTED DUCK and an ad MED GULL.


I did not think it was possible to have another storm worse than the last one . The rain this morning was what I am sure Noah had when he was filling the Ark, then from 14.00 the wind got up and by 16.00 was gusting force 11. Hopefuuly after tonight we might have a few days  back to normal.

This morning on T'stone Marsh were 2 SHELDUCK, 30 TEAL, 8 MOORHEN .

Went down to South Huish Marsh this afternoon (16.00 ), poor viz and mountainous seas, by far the commonest Gull was KITTIWAKE - 125+ ( inc 6 1st winter birds) also

2 RAZORBILL. On the Marsh 34 OYSTERCATCHER, 2 SHELDUCK and 3 KITTIWAKE on the island.


A cold morning with a strong W wind, at least the rain held off until11.30.

A 2hr sea watch off the flats - 60+ KITTIWAKE, 1 FULMAR, 2 GANNET ( first for some days )  1 GREAT N DIVER flew east at 10.05 , 5 GUILLEMOT, 4 RAZORBILL, 20 AUKS

On South Huish Marsh- 30 WIGEON , 25 TEAL, 1 f TUFTED DUCK

LITTLE GREBE on T'stone Marsh. around the marsh 6 SONG THRUSH  and a GREAT S WOODPECKER.


This mornings storm  was the worst I can remember since we have been in Devon, Force 10/11 S/SSW gales with driving rain until 13.00.

Ventured out this afternoon over to South Huish Marsh which produced 2 Marsh ticks - GUILLEMOT and RAZORBILL on thn water ,. , also 10 KITTIWAKE , 37 OYSTERCATCHER, 2 SNIPE and 8 TEAL.

In the Bay a large number of Gulls - 125 + KITTIWAKE, 2 RAZORBILL and an ad COMMON GULL.

On T'stone Marsh 50 TEAL, 3 MUTE SWAN, 4 REED BUNTING on the feeders.

Weather for Thurs looks better so it could be interesting to see what has been blown in.

GUILLEMOT- Sheltering in the car park
Waves battering Thurlestone Rock


After another stormy night the rain ceased around 9.30 with just a few showers later.

On T'stone Marsh - 30 TEAL, 2 WIGEON ( first for some weeks ) and a SONG THRUSH in my garden .

South Huish Marsh completely blown out, only 20 WIGEON , 20 MALLARD and a F TUFTED DUCK

Offshore40 + KITTIWAKE, 100+ BLACK HEADED GULL, 1 FULMAR,7 AUKS flew east. A Guillemot close inshore did not look too healthy. A Curlew over was my first of the year .

A quick visit to West Buckland produced a heart thumping moment - feeding under some cattle an EGRET, unfortunately whilst the bill wasn' black  ( brown mud ! ) the feet were yellow so just a LITTLE.

A Tree Creeper ( 102 )  was only my second record in 10 years.

Looks as though the rest of the week is going to be more of the stormy coditions


Corn Bunting - Alan Doidge Marshfield Glos
Red Flanked Bluetail- Alan Doidge- Marshfield Glos

A twitching day off the patch with Alan D , Graham D, and Eric W , and what a superb day it turned out to be , certainly one of the highlights of the year to date .

Arrived at Marshfield in East Glos at 10.30 a short slippery walk along a valley to have views down to 30 feet of the RED FLANKED BLUETAIL- a life tick for me and Graham .A really mouthwatering experience.

Approx 1 mile away around a farm the largest flock of CORN BUNTING any of us had seen - 150 + again views in the bushes  down to 50 feet,. Also here 50+ FIELDFARE. 10 YELLOWHAMMER and a mixed flock of 1000+ CHAFFINCH and LINNET- just magic

As we still had a few hours of daylight decided to give Chew Valley res a miss and tried to find Aust Warth- after 20 mins could not locate the bird , then help arrived with a local birder to provide local knowledge - a few mins later and there at the top of a bush - a TWITE. my last sighting of this specie was 4 years ago at Titchwell . This must be the furthest south west wintering bird If you click on the link to Avon Birds there is a great photo of the bird taken by Alan Chard

Now thats what you can call a day out - almost foregot a MERLIN seen just near LODDISWELL

Back to the local patch on Tuesday


The gales just continue unabated, even the car was rocking in the carpark this morning .

Plenty of Gulls in the Bay about 50 KITTIWAKE  feeding, Not a GANNET in sight.

News received os a South Milton resident finding an exhausted PUFFIN ( 101 ) on the rocks , taken to a vets in Kingsbridge hopefully to recover.

At least 5 KITTIWAKE  and an ad COMMON GULL on  South Huish Marsh , also the female TUFTED DUCK, only 6 TEAL


A day of relentless severe gale 9/10 SW winds with some very heavy showers.

Putting a scope up almost impossible, an hour spent by the flats  confirmed some mountainous seas at high tide resulting in plenty of Gulls , at least 250 KITTIWAKE flew through.and a PEREGRINE.  No LITTLE Gull though .

On South Huish Marsh a surprise to find a male TUFTED DUCK had joined up with the female. Very few other Duck .

Whilst watching the rugby this afternoon periodical looks over T'stone Marsh really did come up trumps, looking through the BLACK HEADED GULLs -40+ were an ad LITTLE GULL  (99 ) and a KITTIWAKE ( a garden tick ). I then picked up a WATER PIPIT ( 100 ). TEAL at least 40 sheltering and feeding around the reeds

I have only one other record of LITTLE GULL on the Marsh, this one was only 25 yards from my lounge window and at first sat on the grass.


Still having to spend a lot of time dealing with the water level on T'stone Marsh . Thankfully the outlet pipe has been unblocked and the floods should recede , however the conditions for Sat are as bad as Wed.

On T'stone Marsh - 65 TEAL, 1 SNIPE, and a mixed flock of GOLDFINCH and LINNET.

On South Huish Marsh the female TUFTED DUCK has returned, 5 SHOVELER,


On the rocks and the Marsh 40 OYSTERCATCHER.

30 WIGEON flew into the Bay and landed on the sea .

Bob B had 4 REDWING at South Milton Ley


A very wet day !

 Only birds left on South Huish Marsh - 2 MUTE SWAN, 20 MALLARD, MOORHEN.

On the rocks 25 TURNSTONE . Amongst the BLACK HEADED GULL were 3 with full 'BLACK' heads. 2 KITTIWAKE and 2 GUILLEMOT in the Bay

 On T'stone Marsh - 35 TEAL

Water still rising on T'stone marsh  due to blocked outlet. Will become a major problem by Monday if not unblocked



Flooded Ley from Footbridge photo Graham Collyer
Washed away road - Rock Flats
Leasefoot Beach Road

You will not see any of the damage around the patch on TV but it is going to take a long time before everything is back to normal - that is before any further damage that may occur this weekend

The road by Leasefoot Beach has been washed away, The stream outlet that was only

re-opened last weekend has fully blocked again. A delivery of rocks are due Thursday to try and shore up the cliff face .

There is no road access to South Huish Marsh. The Nat Trust has closed the road by the toilet block whilst the road by Rock Flats has been washed away

There was nothing to report today !


Apart from a short shower mstly blue sky this morning , sea still rough  from yesterdays gales . A 1:5 hour sea watch from the car park was well worthwhile  and produced - 30 GANNET, 70 KITTIWAKE, 235 AUKS , 5 FULMAR all east. A group of 4 GREAT N DIVER and a single RED T DIVER flew west . A large flock of WIGEON eastimated at over 300 flew west very high up.

The only AUK on the sea was a RAZORBILL

 On South Huish Marsh - 115 WIGEON, 35 TEAL, 5 SHOVELER, 2 SHELDUCK, . Amongst the BLACK H GULLS were an ad MED GULL and a KITTIWAKE ( first time I have seen one on the Marsh )


The expected heavy rain did not arrive before 13.00, a F8/9 SSE wind resulted in some very rough seas . Managed to do a 2hr seawatch from the shelter of the flats from 09.30. The hoped for Skua failed to materialise , however 51 GANNET, 5 FULMAR, 3 KITTIWAKE and 2 AUK moved through.33 OYSTERCATCHER also sheltering .

On South Huish Marsh - 105 WIGEON, 40+ TEAL.


News from Alan D and Eric W for Kingsbridge Est from Lincombe yesterday aft -

5 GREAT N DIVER ( possible site record ), 1 BLACK NECKED GREBE  ,8 BAR TAILED GODWIT, 1 ad MED GULL


After the gales yesterday wind started to abate this morning and some sunny periods were a surprise. The morning high tide has eroded more of the dune area near to the concrete slipway , there are noe cracks appearing in the verge at the side of the road - not good news.

Late information received of a GREAT CRESTED GREBE ( 98 ) in the Bay on Friday afternoon .

There really is nothing to report on the marshes or offshore.



No point in trying to use a scope this morning with W/SW F 8/9 winds . Everything is blown out again - no small birds on the feeders .

T'stone Marsh at various times of the day - 45 TEAL, 2 SHELDUCK, 4 LITTLE EGRET, 5 REDWINg and at 17.00 9 MAGPIE roosting .


On the beaches Nick t reports 12 TURNSTONE, 2 SANDERLING, 3 RINGED PLOVER.

Offshore only singles of GANNET and FULMAR.

Another very low species count to start the new month with.

Weather next week will not improve - 70+ mph winds towards the end of the week !

PHOTOS 24 JAN 2014

Yellow Legged Gull 24 Jan 2014 All Photos courtesy of Alan Doidge
Iceland Gull 24 Jan 2014

Glaucous Gull 24 Jann 2014

Snow Bunting - Bolberry 10 Nov 2013

Arctic Tern at T'stone Bay on 4 Oct 2013

A great shot from Alan D taken nearby to the patch

SAT 14 DEC 2013

Little Gull photgraphed today in the Bay -AFD

SUN 18 AUG 2013

 2 great images of the SABINE'S GULL taken by Alan Doidge

WED 7 AUG 2013

4 Photo's of the MARSH WARBLER, the ID was confirmed using the G Walinder matrix for 1st year birds in the ringers Bible - Svenson which gave a final figure of 7 - only 2 out of 969 birds did not fall within this matrix . Another clincher was the lack of tongue spots ( lost much later in Reed )

Next photo is of a juv REED from this morning for comparison .

3 photo's of the MARSH WARBLER taken by Dave Scott

3 record shots of the Spoonbills on T'stone Marsh on 26 Mar 2013


Photo of the GLOSSY IBIS which spent over 5 weeks on THurlestone Marsh -last seen at 17.15 0n 15 Feb

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