FRI 30 NOV 2012

A nice end to the month with no wind and a flat calm sea . Surprisingly all the activity was over the sea - 10 RAZORBILL, 60 WIGEON-w ( 4 flocks ), with 2 TEAL, 1 RED BREASTED MERGANSER-e, 1 BRENT GOOSE -w , 1 GREAT N DIVER , 2 SHELDUCK -w ( first since the Juv's left in July )1 SNIPE ( in off the sea )

On South Huish marsh - 80 WIGEON, 50 TEAL, 3 PINTAIL, 1 GADWALL,


On T'stone Marsh - 25 TEAL, 8 SHOVELER, 1 Wigeon, 50+ SNIPE, 1 m CIRL BUNTING.

BOB B at South M LEY, 4 CHIFFCHAFF ringed, 1 SISKIN over , STARLING roost 50,000+ witha PEREGRINE in Attendance

THURS 29 NOV 2012


Record shot of the BITTERN (197 ) found on South Huish marsh this morning . A last of the summer wine group comprising AJL Terry Lakeman , his Bro -in -law and myself were cogitating at the gate overlooking the copse when it suddenly flew out of the reeds and landed 50 yds away. Nick t also saw it at the same spot at 13.15.

Also on that marsh this am - 4 PINTAIL, 50 WIGEON, 80 TEAL, 2 GADWALL, 1 SHOVELER, 15 SNIPE, 1 LAPWING, BRENT GOOSE.


Earlier on T'stone Marsh - 25 TEAL, 8 SHOVELER, 4 LAPWING , 65 SNIPE ( at least the ones were saw )1 WATER PIPIT.

At lunchtime a f BLACK REDSTART in my drive


Bob B  continued his ringing of CHIFFCHAFF - another 12 today - at least 30 on site

included a Belgian retrap and a Tristis type. South Milton Ley is now one of the premier sites for Chiffchaff at this time of the year

WED 28 NOV 2012

Another sunny if cold day , little wind  ,flat calm sea .

A lot of the duck seem to have moved from T'stone marsh to South Huish , at 07.45 this morning - 10 SNIPE , 8 LAPWING, 15 TEAL, 5 SHOVELER, 14 WIGEON .


On South Huish Marsh - 80 WIGEON, 5 SHOVELER, 2 GADWALL, 6 PINTAIL, 80 WIGEON , 100 TEAL, the BRENT GOOSE,  1 Lapwing and a MERLIN flew Thru.


Offshore - 1 GREAT N DIVER, another BRENT GOOSE ( On the sea ) 13 WIGEON , late afternoon another 14 WIGEON came in high and went straight up the valley.

Patch total for WIGEON today-121 .

Bob B ringing at S M LEY had 30+ CHIFFCHAFF ( he ringed 9 which takes his total to 50 For Nov ), visiting his feeding station were 3 BRAMBLING

TUES 27 NOV 2012

At long last a day with no rain , sunny spells even though a brisk N wind .

At 07.30 T'stone Marsh had 5 LITTLE EGRET ( flew off up the valley at 07.45 )


On South Huish Marsh  a site first -a GREAT CRESTED GREBE  diving on the marsh - flew off up the valley at 11.30. According  to Bob B  this is the first grebe ( other than Little ) he has seen on the marsh.

The PINTAIL increased to 8 ( 3M 5 F )- a site record for me .  55 TEAL, 25 MALLARD , 1 m GADWALL, 45 WIGEON  ( a flock of 40 flew in off the sea at 10.30 )  15 SNIPE and the BRENT GOOSE.


Offshore a feeding group of 110 GANNET, 4 KITTIWAKE, 6 COMMON SCOTER, 11 AUK sp flew east. A GREAT NORTHERN DIVER flew east whilst a RED THROATED DIVER flew in and landed on the sea

MON 26 NOV 2012

More rain overnight increased the water levels on both marshes.

On T'stone marsh from 07.30 - 7 SHOVELER, 25 TEAL, 9 WIGEON , 10 LAPWING, 8 SNIPE, 1 WATER PIPIT, 3 WATER RAIL.


Offshore 2 COMMON SCOTER, 1 F EIDER, 1 CURLEW flew over, 18 WIGEON flew in off the sea and went up the valley

Ringing at South Milton Ley Bob B had 25 + CHIFFCHAFF inc 1 SIBERIAN and 1 TRISTIS type- he ct & r'ngd 12.

SUN 25 NOV 2012

After another day and night of rain and gales both Marshes this morning were in full flood, they are now the highest levels of water that I known . Resulted in a big increase in duck numbers .

Early am T'stone marsh held - 70 TEAL, 7 SHOVELER, 9 WIGEON, 11 LAPWING, 8 SNIPE and the BRENT GOOSE .

ON South Milton Marsh were - 75 TEAL, 40 WIGEON, 2 SHOVELER, 3 PINTAIL ( 2m 1 f )15 SNIPE.



On FRI 23 NOV BOB B had a STARLING roost of 20,000 at S M Ley

SAT 24 NOV 2012

What  dreadful gloomy and wet day. Both Marshes have more water on them than I have seen before- wont be long before we start offering boat trips around them.

Ventured out this morning - T'stone Marsh held 3 SHOVELER, 5 WIGEON, 25 TEAL, 10 LAPWING , 7 SNIPE

On my feeders 1m& 5 f REED BUNTING.

South Huish Marsh - 85 MALLARD 9 big increase ), 10 WIGEON, 6 SHOVELER, 45 TEAL, and the BRENT GOOSE ., 5 SNIPE

An hours watch over the Bay only produced 8 GANNET .

Wind starting to increase and it is raining heavily - hopefully conditions will improve on Sunday .

During my absence in Norfolk very little reported

SUN 18 NOV- FRI 23 NOV 2012

Arrived back just after17.00 so do not know the extent of the recent rains on the level of the Marshes.

Although wi-f- was available my i-pad would not update the site.

Managed to log 108 species - have just posted  atrip report.

Main highlights were the Geese , Duck , Waders, Snow Bunting, Grebes, , Raptors and finally 2 WAXWING

FRI 16 NOV 2012

Another overcast day very little wind  and a flat calm sea .

On T'stone marsh - 8 SHOVELER, 3 WIGEON , 15 TEAL, 1 WATER RAIL 1 WATER PIPIT . STARLING roost only 75 birds. Looking for birds coming in to roost at 16.00-16.30 at least 500 HERRING GULL making for the Bay having flown down the valley- haven't seen this number in last 2 weeks .

On South Huish Marsh - 14 LAPWING, 2 DUNLIN, 25 SNIPE, 45 TEAL, 11 WIGEON, 1 BRENT GOOSE, 1 WATER RAIL. A REDWING in the copse whilst on the rocks a BLACK REDSTART.

Bob B ringed 5 CHIFFCHAFF and a juv f CETTIS WARBLER with 2 FIELDFARE over.


This is the last post for a week as we are off to NORFOLK to look at the Geese. If the hotel has wi-fi I will post some info .

THURS 15 NOV 2012

No viz mig over T'stone probably due to the 100% cloud cover . Bob B did comment on some REDWING flying over Kingsbridge at 08.00.

Only changes for T'stone Marsh - SHOVELER now 8 ( 3m 5f ) and LAPWING down to 1 .

On South Huish Marsh - 10 LAPWING, 5 SNIPE, 13 WIGEON , 35 TEAL, 1 BRENT GOOSE.1 CHIFFCHAFF and a f BLACKCAP in the bushes . Offshore the G N DIVER , whilst  2 f RED BREASTED MERGANSER flew east. 12 RINGED PLOVER on the rocks and 9 DUNLIN flew in off the sea 

At S M Ley Bob B ringed 3 CHIFFCHAFF, 2 REED BUNTING ,  in amongst a flock of 80 CHAFFINCH were a m CIRL BUNTING, a YELLOWHAMMER, 2 BRAMBLING flew over .

Activity at my feeders building up 6 REED BUNTING, 12 GREENFINCH 1 GREAT Sp WOODPECKER with a GOLDCREST in a bush.

Noticable increase in SONG THRUSH I had 6 and Bob B 3 this morning .

STARLING roost at 16.20 up to 750 !

WED 14 NOV 2012

A very nice day to be in the Bay - plenty of sunshine a F3/4 E wind and great visability.

At 07.45 T'stone Marsh held 3 LAPWING, 26 TEAL, 7 SHOVELER,4 WIGEON, 2 GADWALL also 4 REED BUNTING on the feeders.

At 09.15 on  South Huish Marsh - 13 LAPWING, 10 WIGEON , 50 TEAL, 1 BRENT GOOSE, 35 SNIPE , 1 + JACK SNIPE.

On the rocks  10 RINGED PLOVER, 3 TURNSTONE.

Offshore -very good close views of a GREAT NORTHERN DIVER on the sea and 2db BRENT GOOSE flew thru.

Bob B yet again came up with the star bird of the day whilst ringing at South Milton Ley - 10 CHIFFCHAFF ( of which 6 ringed ) and a SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFF  (196 ) in full song. Probably 2/3 years since we had the last Tristis

TUES 13 NOV 2012

Day out of area with 3 friends - before setting off T'stone Marsh  held - 25 TEAL,


At Aveton Gifford car park 2 GREEN SANDPIPER flew over .

Arrival at Dawlish Warren did not result in any sightings of the Bonaprte's Gull, returned later in the afternoon still no sign - offshore both single Black and Red Throated Diver, 4 Common Scoter.

At Exminster Marshes good views of the Whooper Swan.

On to Darts Farm to find the Finch flock, vg views of at least 8 Brambling inc some nice males.

Last stop a look over the Estuary at Starcross where 2 Slavonian Grebe and a Red B Merganser.

Some SE winds forcast for Wed -will be back on the patch first thing

MON 12 NOV 2012

Need to start a blog on the English weather - after yesterday a complete change - dark dismal and wet- apart from looking over the marsh didn't go down to the coast until 14.00.

On T'stone marsh - 25 TEAL, 3 LAPWING, 3 WIGEON, 2 GADWALL, 4 SHOVELER .

REED BUNTING starting to come back to my feeders 3 Yesterday and 2 today.

 On S H Marsh 25 TEAL, 11 LAPWING, 8 WIGEON,.

Offshore with poor viz only saw 37 GANNET and 54 KITTIWAKE.

No Starling roost and despite a good search not 1 SNIPE on S H Marsh compared with 75 + yesterday

SUN 11 NOV 2012

A sunny and relatively warm day - just great to be out in nice dry conditions.

On T 'stone Marsh at 08.002 LAPWING, 5 WIGEON, 20 TEAL, 7 SHOVELER and the first WATER PIPIT of the winter.

Moving over to South Huish marsh 25 TEAL, 7 LAPWING, 8 WIGEON a db BRENT GOOSE and a surprising 75 SNIPE ( they were the ones we counted feeding so how many on the site ? ) These must have been recent arrivals as less than 10 in recent weeks .1 1st w MED GULL

Offshore a F EIDER ( first of the winter ) and 3 COMMON SCOTER .


Bob B at SOUTH MILTON LEY   had a WOODCOCK, 30 FIELDFARE , 10 REDWING with a BLACK REDSTART in the village

FRI 9 NOV 2012

Only records for Thursday- Bob B had 2 CROSSBILL over South Milton Ley. There was a BLACK REDSTART on my roof .

This morning on the Marsh - 7 SHOVELER, 1 f GADWALL, 18 TEAL.

On South Huish Marsh - 7 LAPWING, 25 TEAL, 3 WIGEON, 1 1stw MED GULL.

With a good F5 SW wind there was a good movement of KITTIWAKE - in 2hrs 120 mostly east , 70 GANNET, 7 AUK sp , 5 COMMON SCOTER -west . On the rocks 6 TURNSTONE


Something has happend to the STARLINGs- tonight hard pressed to get to 10,000

WED 7 NOV 2012

An overcast day with a brisk NW wind .

The WOOD PIGEON passage very quiet  only 1850 - not really sure which direction they finally moved off in . On T'stone Marsh 9 LAPWING, 7 SHOVELER, 1 db BRENT GOOSE 15 TEAL

On South Huish Marsh - 4 MED GULL ( 2ad , 2 2nd w ) , 20 TEAL, 2 WIGEON 2 CHIFFCHAFF

Bob B and Vic T working at South Milton Ley- saw , 2 SWALLOW, 1 BRAMBLING,


Tonights STARLING roost struggled to reach 50,000 and included a partial albino bird

TUES 6 NOV 2012

With clear skies the temp dropped at dawn with a slight frost. By 07.15 the WOOD PIGEON passage started. I was watching for an hour- however most of the activity took place between 07.30 and 08.00 .The total logged was 27,000-highest site count this year. Other species passing overhead were - 28 CHAFFINCH, 3 FIELDFARE, 1 MISTLE THRUSH, 2 GOLDFINCH and a JAY.

2 BLACK REDSTART on the houses, . Noticeable reduction of TEAL on the Marshes - only 20 at T'stone and 16 at South Huish. 6 SHOVELER and 9 LAPWING still on T'stone Marsh.

On S H Marsh -10 WIGEON with a further 17 over, 3 SNIPE. In the Bay a GREAT CRESTED GREBE.

Sunny calm conditions at the Copse produced 5 CHIFFCHAHFF and 4 GOLDCREST

BOB B ringed 4 REED BUNTING last night and 1 tonight - all adults with a wing of 77mm ( indicative of the Northern / Scandanavian race )

The STARLING roost also well down - around 100,000 came in between 16.15-16.40

MON 5 NOV 2012

A bright sunny day with a brisk NE wind F4/5 am . As soon as the wind has an easterly  direction the Bay produces birds .

This morning the cloud cover cleared by 8.15 and staight away the WOOD PIGEONS started moving through in a SE direction- by 08.45 over 8,000 with a further 2,000 by 9.30 2 BRAMBLING ( 195 ) over at 08.25 with 11 CHAFFINCH and a SWALLOW


South Miton Ley -news from Bob B - 8 REDWING, 3 FIELDFARE, 4 WATER RAIL ,5 SISKIN, 3 CHIFFCHAFF.

A 2.5 hr viz mig and sea watch from 09.30 by the Cafe produced -


This afternoon 3 more BLACK REDSTART around the houses

SUN 4 NOV 2012

After yet another very wet night both marshes are in flood state.

Viz mig watch over Thurlestone Marsh from 07.00- 08.30 produced  :-

At 0705 the Starling dispersal,  from 7.30-08.30 3400 WOOD PIGEON, 20 FIELDFARE 30 CHAFFINCH, 3 CHIFFCHAFF, 3 REDWING, 2 STONECHAT, 1 REED BUNTING. 3 JAY.  On the Marsh - 35 TEAL, 6 SHOVELER, 12 LAPWING, 

On South Huish flood plane- 11 WIGEON, 60 TEAL, 15 SNIPE, 1 MERLIN,


Offshore 20 GANNET, 30 KITTIWAKE with a BRENT GOOSE flying west.

Tonight the STARLING roost included some aerial display with still over 200,000 birds only 1 SPARROWHAWK in attendance. Alba Wagtail roost came to 22

Bob B had 15 REDWING and 10 FIELDFARE over South Milton Lay

 Late report of a SHORT EARED OWL (194) over the Golf course at miday

SAT 3 NOV 2012

After a stormy night the clear skies at 07.30 produced an interesting hour of viz mig over my house - 10,000  WOOD PIGEON ( all SE in 30mins , largest flock 6000) also separate flocks of 25 STOCK DOVE, 50 FIELDFARE, 25 CHAFFINCH, 3 GOLDFINCH, 1 REED BUNTING . 3 JAY, 1 SISKIN

On the Marsh - 4 LITTLE EGRET ( first time more than 1 for some weeks ), 40 TEAL, 6 WIGEON,  12 LAPWING,  SNIPE. BRENT GOOSE

Female BLACK REDSTART in the garden again

STARLING roost tonight 16.30-16.50 again est at 210,000

FRI 2 NOV 2012

Mostly sunny morning but a brisk F5/6 W wind.

Offshore very little apart from 30+ GREAT B B GULL moving west 100 GANNET and 3 AUKS

On South Huish Marsh the BRENT GOOSE was joined by the 4 GREENLAND WHITEFRONT'S at 11.15 - they come in after the CANADA's to preen drink and bathe- still there at 12.00, also 6 WIGEON, 4 SNIPE

On Thurlestone Marsh -20 TEAL, 3 SNIPE , 1 JAY and 20 LAPWING.

The STARLING roost started at 16.30 with the last birds going in at 16.50. I tried to estimate the flocks as they flew in, unfortunatly 2 telephone calls didn't help- my total came to 210,000.  2 PEREGRINE and a SPARROWHAWK in attendance

THURS 1 NOV 2012

Apologies for late posting have been trying to do some work on the transfer of records to the archive section

Thurlestone Marsh - 35 TEAL, 6 SHOVELER, 1 GADWALL, 16 LAPWING, 1 BLACK REDSTART, 1 CHIFFCHAFF. AJL had a MARSH TIT in Mallards Lane - this is a very rare bird on the patch also GREEN WOODPECKER

South Huish Marsh - 1db BRENT GOOSE, 40 TEAL, 4 WIGEON,  SNIPE, at 10.30 the 4 ad GREENLAND WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE flew in  still there when I left at 11.45.


Offshore 2 COMMON SCOTER 1 RED THROATED DIVER flew west at 12.15, 3 WIGEON on sea and 12 flew west.

On the rocks  NT reported 8 RINGED PLOVER, and 2 TURNSTONE,

Bob B had 2 more BLACK REDSTART as well as 2 NUTHATCH and YELLOWHAMMER

Day count of species at 73 was the highest for the first day of the month this year